COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
The fact that vaccinated people can get infected and spread the disease is an argument for vaccination, not against.
My comment you're quoting was in response to Whitestar's snarky rewording of one of my previous posts, saying you could get lucky and 'not pick it up at all' if vaccinated. My post he was quoting was describing my own personal weighing of risk vs reward in taking the vaccine vs letting myself deal with the virus without it.
Not snarky at all, at least it wasn't meant to be. The rewording was to illustrate the very different ways we see the risks. Here's how I see it:

-"Hell" week in hospital, possibly followed by Long-COVID

-Maybe (but highly unlikely) some side effect in the future...

Honestly, getting the vaccine was one of the easiest decisions I ever made. Good luck with yours, I hope it turns out well whichever one you land on.
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No statistics "prove" anything beyond doubt but this study strongly suggests the above to me:
I'm going to share this for others' benefits so they can see that being a "36-year old fit unvaccinated male" means nothing to Covid.

This is the guy I referenced a page or so ago that had vision issues and lives near me, so I've been following his story. He tried taking Ivermectin before he went to the hospital. He spent a month in it. He was hesitant on taking the vaccine. He worked out regularly. He's 32.
Nothing beats being with family and out of that box. On my own home oxygen now of five liters and will gradually ween down as I gain my strength back and further recover. Thank you ALL so much for your thoughts and prayers. Stay tuned for a very special video I will be releasing with my friends at [personal info] in the near future. It will unveil elements behind my 33 day adventure from [personal info] ER to Ambulance to [personal info] ER, to include my uncertainty and nervousness to avoid the vaccine to where now I will be personally pursuing it after my 90 days are up. It will be a non-polarizing message, that I believe will be incredibly impactful for many. Life changing for others, and just a look through a different lenses.

God forbid you come down with this virus or it’s variant like I did, I will be helping produce some very succinct and concise consumable content that will help educate you on pro tips and tricks I’ve learned along my miserable 33 days of nearly dying twice to recovering with flying colors and getting back to life safely. Some examples will include how to effectively communicate with your RNs, RNNS, Techs, Docs, etc. to sleeping optimally on your belly, how to progress to it when tied to a million wires restricting your motion and breathing, to things such as what to bring with you or have someone bring with you. How to maintain mental stamina and fortitude. Don’t let the virus win. Overcome the anxiety. And much more.

I pray they will help save lives one way or another. I’m confident they will. I thank God and all of you for being in my lifeboat and rooting me on this whole time and checking on me. YOU were instrumental, and I love you all! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Good morning from the hotel breakfast. 32 years old pushing a walker with an oxygen tank, I feel humbled, but thankful beyond belief. Even if it takes 15 minutes to make it from one floor to the other. I get all kinds of silly looks but smile and wave. I feel the good vibes shed off to everyone. Tell everyone good morning even strangers and don’t forget the most important part of it all, SMILE. It makes you feel better too, scientifically proven even! Go on.:: right now. Try it, SMILE as big as you can, your biggest cheesing grin, I don’t care if you’re driving and people are looking at you weird do it!! Now( how do you feel?
Hope you all enjoy your day and have a lovely week and nothing less. Time to work more on my breathing and recovery.
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I'm going to share this for others' benefits so they can see that being a "36-year old fit unvaccinated male" means nothing to Covid.

This is the guy I referenced a page or so ago that had vision issues and lives near me, so I've been following his story. He tried taking Ivermectin before he went to the hospital. He spent a month in it. He was hesitant on taking the vaccine. He worked out regularly. He's 32.
Why has someone given a "poo" emoji to this
I'm going to share this for others' benefits so they can see that being a "36-year old fit unvaccinated male" means nothing to Covid.

This is the guy I referenced a page or so ago that had vision issues and lives near me, so I've been following his story. He tried taking Ivermectin before he went to the hospital. He spent a month in it. He was hesitant on taking the vaccine. He worked out regularly. He's 32.
Yeah we're dealing with our first Covid outbreak here where I work and our "34 year old fit unvaccinated male" has just returned from being off from work 2 weeks with Covid. He goes to the gym all of the time, has muscled up biceps, etc. He said he's still has trouble breathing especially when trying to sleep and hasn't totally regained his sense of taste or smell yet. He stayed out the required 10 days and tested negative on back to back tests. I haven't asked him if he plans on getting vaccinated because I don't want to start any potential arguments.

One of the other two out with it today has had serious health issues twice in the last 7 or 8 years requiring long hospital stays and he has to use a cpap machine at night to sleep so hopefully he's going to be ok. I don't know his vaccination status. But he's refused to wear a mask during this whole thing and he's what you would call a "closeup talker". He's always right within 2 feet or so when he's talking to his customers so it was just a matter of time probably until it caught up with him.
Actually, it solves THREE issues, since it also explains the existence of vampires ;)
Holy macaroni, is that a JoJo reference? Is Covid-19 the result of an enemy stand user?! I bet it's named「Down With the Sickness」.
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As anticipated, hospitalisations due to COVID in Scotland are rising rapidly, with the number of daily admissions more than doubling in less than two weeks.

Infection numbers remain very high, averaging around 6000 per day for the last week, and with universities due to return next week, that number could rise further still...

Hospitalisations due to COVID are now running at around 120 per day, or around (slightly more) than half the previous peak, which is very concerning but sadly not at all unexpected.

The Delta variant makes hospitalisation more likely, but double/full vaccination makes hospitalisation less likely - but the sheer number of infections is starting to take its toll, and no doubt vaccine effectiveness is also waning.

Meanwhile, there seems to be little to no sign of any reintroduction of restrictions. Even my work has said that they are preparing for staff members to start getting COVID, and don't seem to have a plan B for what might happen if staff start getting sick or having to self-isolate or care for someone who might be ill.

I think this new academic term is going to be rough. Oh, and my own face-to-face teaching starts in a couple of weeks. :ill:

edit: 80 ICU admissions in the last 7 days too...
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To offer another anecdotal perspective. A couple who are friends of ours, in their late '50's, both were treated for cancer in the last 4 years. The wife's brother also died of cancer during that period. Now the husband has been diagnosed with a return of the cancer. The wife is a university professor & is due to start teaching this week with in-person classes including students who do not need to be vaccinated. Understandably, she is scared. It's easy for "fit 32 year olds" to feel invincible but what they choose to do or not do, has direct implications for everyone around them.
Unfortunately, Joe can't try to claim Ivermectin isn't so bad by saying, "Look how better I got. I got better pretty quick". Per his own words, he also took "monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, z-pak, prednisone, NAD drip & a vitamin drip", 3 days in a row.

As I've read from other medical outlets, the antibodies and prednisone likely played a major role in why he feels so much better. Joe also does the 1 thing he repeatedly does by mistaking his experience that of the average person.

Edit* Ah, Joe has the Greg Abbott plan. Already had all that medicine & treatment on stand by, took it same day. Lot of precaution for someone who thought his lifestyle has zero risk of catching Covid.
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Horse dewormer. Deworms horses. Harmful to humans.

Covid vaccine. Stops you from dying.

How on earth did we get to this point?
Allegedly it also deals with whatever "bots" is, in livestock.
I'm actually not surprised, who figured out which mushroom kills you, is delicious as a burger substitute or have you seeing god for a week?
Survival of the fittest? 😂 ;)

Seriously I wouldn't be surprised if it has never been tested on humans. We don't even test stuff for ourselves first, we test animals.
If it has, the latter part of my post is true.
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Horse dewormer. Deworms horses. Harmful to humans.
There is a valid use and a therapeutic dose of ivermectin for humans... it's just not sold in bottles and tubes with pictures of sheep and horses on. There's a bit of hand-wringing about calling it "horse dewormer" when it can be used in humans, but it seems pretty fair that if you're getting it from a tube meant for horses and not a prescription from your doctor, it's horse dewormer.

Ivermectin is in fact a broad antihelminthic (kills worms) and we use it in humans to cure river blindness - an absolutely awful disease which involves parasitic worms burrowing into your eyes.

Fun fact, it also massacres your sperm count and morphology.
"It is important to note that physicians diagnose and treat patients consistent with best medical practices… The FDA has not authorized or approved Ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Data currently available does not demonstrate that Ivermectin is safe or effective against COVID-19 infection."

Pretty self-explanatory. I imagine there are some legal setbacks as well if the hospital administered something not proven to do anything or approved for such treatment, but I'll refer to @Joey D on that.

The hospital did the right thing. It would be a huge liability for a hospital to give something with the proper approvals. It's hard to say what the particular state of the patient was, but if they were not able to give informed consent and they hadn't given power of attorney to anyone, the hospital can't do anything experimental either. It also comes down to the policies set in place by the hospital too. Pretty much every case that comes into a hospital is treated with a certain protocol (it can be on the computer system or literally in a big ass binder). Deviating from those protocols is often difficult.

Say the hospital had given the patient ivermectin and the patient died. The family would have ground to file a malpractice suit against the hospital. The hospital could also be denied reimbursement from Medicare/Medicaid and get put through the wringer with JCAHO or another accreditation organization (hospitals live and die by their accreditation). All of that could spell disaster for a hospital, especially now when revenue is down for hospitals nationwide.

Another unknown is the patient's pre-existing conditions, his allergies, or what other drugs he was taking. All sorts of drugs interact with other drugs, often in fatal ways. I checked for the hell of it and from what I can see, it looks like there are roughly 100 different drugs that have interactions with ivermectin. One of the ones that people would probably know the best is warfarin (trade name Coumadin) which is used as a blood thinner. It's a really common drug for older people to be on.

Really judges should not be ordering hospitals to do certain treatments, especially when there would be zero protection again a big ass lawsuit.
Covid isn't a worm, though. The argument of, "We're taking human-approved Ivermectin, not horse-versions" holds no merit.
Honestly, stranger things have happened - the phenomenon is known as a "repurposable drug"* - but in this case there's absolutely no evidence that this particular antihelminthic has any therapeutic benefits for this particular respiratory tract infection. And lots that it smashes the **** out of your zygotes if you're a dude.

*And it's excellent when it happens. We already know what the therapeutic dose/toxic dose of the drug is, because it's been approved for something else, so when it turns out it can treat a different illness the pathway to approval is very, very brief.
There is a valid use and a therapeutic dose of ivermectin for humans... it's just not sold in bottles and tubes with pictures of sheep and horses on. There's a bit of hand-wringing about calling it "horse dewormer" when it can be used in humans, but it seems pretty fair that if you're getting it from a tube meant for horses and not a prescription from your doctor, it's horse dewormer.
Well if a lot of anti-vaxxers and right wingers start taking the horse medicine, grocery stores won't need to stock up on bread, milk, and toilet paper anymore. They will be running out of apples, carrots, and sugar cubes.