- 87,843
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
Societally we don't spit on the floor (we were conditioned out of it during the consumption era),
So back at the shop today, just finished an 8 and a half hour shift, not too much to report after yesterday.
We didn't have a delivery today but we worked what was left of yesterdays delivery and we smashed though it in a few hours, however having no delivery today meant that we had no milk or bread all day, we had a couple of pallets of TP that customers went through in about 20 minutes, it wasn't so busy today and it felt like a normal Monday, the biggest irritation for me was people asking when the milk and bread was coming in and the answer to that was tomorrow when we get a delivery and people were asking the time the delivery was due in and I can could only give a rough answer, it got on my nerves after a while.
@Touring Mars to follow up;I’m not convinced, I might be wrong but the government needed to show their working, in regards to their plans. Their plans to slow the spread hasn’t worked as we’ve (from what I’ve seen) maintained the % increase of confirmed infections.
To my mind, they should have lead with a plan to save people and not the economy. The fact the government has been ‘forced’ to daily updates due to its lack of clear strategy is kinda of telling.
I’m not sure why we needed to wait a week or two before slowing people’s movements... my only assumption can be the economic cost. But then I imagine that ‘saving’ will be thrown away while the population recovers/NHS crumbles...
But you know me, I’m forever an optimist
There's a couple of issues with this idea.The UK government isn't forcing anywhere to close because those places can then begin claims from their insurance; if they are not forced closed and stay open but people simply don't bring in custom, then the insurers don't pay.
That's one of the reasons for the "advising" of people to not go to pubs but keeping pubs open.
Darkwing fever, I like that, I might stick with that from now on. Either that, or Wuhan Flu. Both have a nice ring to them.
Here you go.Allegation stamped out? When? By who?
Must have. Curious, though, that you missed a post that quoted one of your own, but managed to find another post by the same user appearing a short scroll below it, and disregarded the entire contents of said post but for a single word which you repurposed as a jumping-off point for your ridiculous diatribe regarding how things are named.I must have missed that.
I saw the tweet. I actually cited it as you using others' social media posts in an effort to call out the media's playing of identity politics.But here’s a video that was posted on page 60 of this thread, maybe you missed it.
I mean, sure, I'll grant you that political correctness (BOO!!!) is a conservative talking point. It's been that way since its modern use began in early '90s academia with whiny conservatives invoking it in response to what they alleged was oppression by the liberal majority. Since you're so interested in names, you may like to know that "political correctness" (BOO!!!) is intended to link government ("political") to a normative agenda ("correctness") in an attempt to suggest that their rights to free speech are being violated when they actually aren't. If they were, they wouldn't have to concoct such a bogeyman.Nope. Just saying that if you want to throw around the “conservative talking points” accusation, I can just as easily retort with “liberal talking points” accusation. Let’s not devolve to that level, m’kay.
Here’s Fredo Acosta (whoops, it’s Fredo Cuomo, and Jim Acosta...get the clowns mixed up sometimes) claiming it’s xenophobic to label the virus as Chinese, then following it up by calling it Wuhan Coronavirus.
You’re taking this name thing way more serious than I thought anyone would, but go off. I made the reference to hamburgers mostly as a joke.![]()
Still, neither are its name. It's not actually referred to as a Chinese virus because such nomenclature is too easily abused as a scare tactic. It's not actually referred to as a bat virus because bats generally aren't to be feared, though I've been startled when encountering one in the gazebo and I've been a little grossed out finding dead ones in the pool filter basket. Yes, we get bats here from time to time.
Why are you so bent on referring to it by anything other than its name?
Here you go.
Take note that I actually pulled it up for you rather than merely saying it exists and telling you to find it yourself.
Must have. Curious, though, that you missed a post that quoted one of your own, but managed to find another post by the same user appearing a short scroll below it, and disregarded the entire contents of said post but for a single word which you repurposed as a jumping-off point for your ridiculous diatribe regarding how things are named.
I saw the tweet. I actually cited it as you using others' social media posts in an effort to call out the media's playing of identity politics.
I do find it humorous that you accused me of throwing around "anti-conservative TYT talking points" after having shared a tweet from Media Research Center, with its laughable conservative bias, which undoubtedly contains a video edited in a manner that ignores context, likely to the extent that it could easily be considered deceitful.
I mean, sure, I'll grant you that political correctness (BOO!!!) is a conservative talking point. It's been that way since its modern use began in early '90s academia with whiny conservatives invoking it in response to what they alleged was oppression by the liberal majority. Since you're so interested in names, you may like to know that "political correctness" (BOO!!!) is intended to link government ("political") to a normative agenda ("correctness") in an attempt to suggest that their rights to free speech are being violated when they actually aren't. If they were, they wouldn't have to concoct such a bogeyman.
It's such a conservative talking point that its invocation has occasionally even come across as a self-deprecating sociological pastiche, such as when they've accused a goddamn cereal company of politically correct (BOO!!!) pandering when a commercial portrayed an interracial couple with a mixed-race daughter or when a televesion network was hit with a similar accusation for the portrayal of a lesbian couple on a prime time drama. Except it wasn't actually satire.
But I digress. I'll grant you that "political correctness" (BOO!!!) is a conservative talking point. I do wonder, however, what "anti-conservative TYT talking points" I've thrown around in this discussion. Treat me as though I've never watched TYT and wouldn't know what they've said...because this is very much the case.
If I'm honest, it seems to me that you resent that I've called you out on your invocation of political correctness (BOO!!!), which I understand, though that hasn't stopped you from doubling down on it with further unsubstantiated (as far as I've seen) remarks, and rather than substantiate your own remarks, you've attempted to shut down discussion with that "talking points" bit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, (I bet I sound like K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider), whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa. Pump the brakes.
I know information is coming rapidly and from all corners, but the curtailment of travel here from Europe was just announced less than a week ago. I wanna say it was this past Wednesday, which would be March 8th. "Then", January 20th, "whoever said whatever"?
Calenderz r hard.
For perspective, January 20th is when Chinese state media previously stated travel from Wuhan was cut off, though it has since been revealed that the order came sooner. On the 23rd, public transportation within Wuhan was shut down in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus. It wasn't until the 24th that the first case in Europe was announced.
But yeah, keep mixing up the timeline to serve your narrative. Also consider that this site's AUP holds that users are not to provide information they know to be false.
I question the images presented in that tweet as well, because the date on the right is clearly visible but the date on the left conveniently is not. It's been my experience that getting to the original message on the twitter where a date is visible requires a single click from what's shown there. It's likely intended to be that user friendly.
This literally started with you posting a tweet because you're pissy that "liberals" are accusing officials of racism and xenophobia for their continued use of a name for a virus when it has another name.You’re taking this name thing way more serious than I thought anyone would, but go off. I made the reference to hamburgers mostly as a joke.
I called out your invocation of political correctness (BOO!!!), and rather than substantiate your remarks that led me to do so, you refer to my having done so as "talking points". Play the ball, not the man.As far as the TYT thing, bringing up “conservative talking points” is a liberal talking point. It gets played on repeat, nonstop.
I sat at home with my thumb shoved somewhere today, while I watched my son and got an ear full from my ex cause she has to work...Jesus, so what is gonna happen to those who can't work from home? Will they be paid?!
Unless I’m mistaken, any time I’ve been talking about “liberals”, I’m talking about the Liberal Part of Canada. I should have capitalized, my bad.This literally started with you posting a tweet because you're pissy that "liberals" are accusing officials of racism and xenophobia for their continued use of a name for a virus when it has another name.
Now, I don't know that it's actually xenophobic or racist, in fact I'd lean toward it not being so but for the fact that it's being used by individuals and groups who have demonstrated a propensity for employing xenophobic rhetoric. Still, I'm not saying it is or it's not.
You've explicitly stated that it's not "because other viruses are named for places and that isn't racist" without further substantiation, and again, while others are legitimately named for places, this one is not.
But yeah, I'm the one taking it seriously.
Incidentally, things that aren't inherently racist can have racist intent. I've heard "coon" as a legitimate abbreviation of racoon, and yet it's seen wide use as a slur to refer to black people. A cracker is both a thin, typically baked snack food onto which spreads, produce and charcuterie may be rested prior to consumption and a slur to refer to white people or a particular subset of white people.
I called out your invocation of political correctness (BOO!!!), and rather than substantiate your remarks that led me to do so, you refer to my having done so as "talking points". Play the ball, not the man.
But you can't actually substantiate them, can you? That's kind of how the invocation of political correctness (BOO!!!) works. It's deliberately ambiguous so that it can be invoked whenever anyone sees fit ("everything I don't like is political correctness*"), but any effort to elaborate on its invocation attributes definition that may hinder future invocation.
*Edit: Whoops! It is a bogeyman, so...BOO!!!
This is why I believe we'll never really face a disease that kills millions ever again. We have a lot of really smart people on this planet that figure this 🤬 out quickly.The TL;DR version of it is that researchers have mapped how the immune system responds to the virus.
The people who are calling the elected US officials racist/xenophobic for using terms like “Chinese Coronavirus” are being hypocrites in doing so, as they themselves were using those same terms just a few weeks ago.
Exonerate for what exactly? Trump closed air travel between effecticted areas of China and the US very early on and was called racist and a xenophobe by the democrats. He did this while the dumb-assed Dems where too busy "impeaching him" to do anything.When Trump uses the term "Chinese Virus" (see the post by Crunch above) he clearly has a political motive in doing so - "blaming" China, which he thinks somehow "exonerates" him, which is a typically immature, self-serving attitude that does nothing to help the situation.
But hey, it has to work firstThis is why I believe we'll never really face a disease that kills millions ever again. We have a lot of really smart people on this planet that figure this 🤬 out quickly.
You’re probably correct in assuming Trump’s motive, but is it any different than what China is doing?We've already been through this. A few weeks ago Covid-19 was basically largely confined to China, so calling it "Chinese Coronavirus" was an understandable description of the virus. Now it is not.
When Trump uses the term "Chinese Virus" (see the post by Crunch above) he clearly has a political motive in doing so - "blaming" China, which he thinks somehow "exonerates" him, which is a typically immature, self-serving attitude that does nothing to help the situation.
Exonerate for what exactly?
The CCP covered this virus up until it got out of control.
You’re probably correct in assuming Trump’s motive, but is it any different than what China is doing?
You’re probably correct in assuming Trump’s motive, but is it any different than what China is doing?
Edit: I should clarify. What the CCP is doing, not the Chinese people.
I think this case will be an eyeopener. For years and years we have known that our society is structured in such a way that allows potential viral threats to spread like this, but weve largely done nothing except “make sure you wash your hands and dont be gross”.This is why I believe we'll never really face a disease that kills millions ever again. We have a lot of really smart people on this planet that figure this 🤬 out quickly.
Nasty question...Exonerate for what exactly? Trump closed air travel between effecticted areas of China and the US very early on and was called racist and a xenophobe by the democrats. He did this while the dumb-assed Dems where too busy "impeaching him" to do anything.
The CCP covered this virus up until it got out of control.
Thank you Dr. Biggles. fffftHe thinks he needs exoneration, because everything's always about him. He's been busy trying to downplay the situation in the US because he's worried about the way it will effect his political standing. Now the economy's in as bad shape as when Obama came to office, he's anxious to make sure everyone understands it's "not my responsibility at all".