COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Identity politics? I love how a random person will try to assess someone’s personal politics based on some forum posts. I’ve voted liberal, conservative, and NDP in various Canadian elections, so spare me this nonsense about playing for one team or the other.
You sought to defend the questionable labelling of this particular virus to suit political agenda and accused the media (BOO!!!) of being just as guilty of that through others' social media posts. It didn't pan out and you've since moved on. Your latest course has been to invoke the ever popular ambiguous conservative bogeyman that is political correctness (BOO!!!) as you say it relates to policy decision and action.

I don't actually need to know how you actually feel or what you've actually done as I've only addressed that which you have actually said, and it's in your actual comments that you're playing identity politics.
There's a lot of weird anger in the UK right now that the government is advising what people should be doing and letting them do it (or not) like adults, instead of banning/closing/cancelling stuff and quarantining people with the army.
Indeed difficult decisions in this uncertain times. As an example the specialists* via the PM mentioned that if we would lock down/quarantine our country for e.g. 3-6 months we have not build any immunity and that would be a delay of a (new) disaster. So we hope that the healthy people are strong enough to overcome a 1-2 week sick period and meanwhile become immune for the next wave. And we even take into account that eventually, although we all use our 'common sense' for some of the weaker people it will be fatal. Calculated risky business?

* and the specialists do not always agree and could have their own vision and/or solution and our government has to rely on them. In NL the RIVM is the authority and what they advise and say we will follow.
Does anyone know of a credible source regarding the idea that the virus can infect some people who don't feel any symptoms at all (or very mild) until they get rid of it?

If true, it will be very hard to avoid infecting old people. I mean, I would like to be with my grandmother but if people can carry the virus without symptoms, I won't be able to do it until there's a vaccine she can take.

I'd prefer some undoubtedly clear symptom so I would know when to call in sick and stay home to not spread the virus to other people.
You sought to defend the questionable labelling of this particular virus to suit political agenda and accused the media (BOO!!!) of being just as guilty of that through others' social media posts. It didn't pan out and you've since moved on. Your latest course has been to invoke the ever popular ambiguous conservative bogeyman that is political correctness (BOO!!!) as you say it relates to policy decision and action.

I don't actually need to know how you actually feel or what you've actually done as I've only addressed that which you have actually said, and it's in your actual comments that you're playing identity politics.
Lol what are you talking about? Questionable naming? What is questionable about naming it after it’s place of origin, like we do with many other things? As far as the media goes, there’s more than enough evidence of people like CNN referring to the virus as Wuhan or Chinese, only for them to then say that’s racist, and in the case of iirc Chris Hayes, then turned around and referred to it as Wuhan again. I can’t be bothered to do that leg work for you, you want to see the evidence, go find it yourself. I watch this stuff play out in real time on twitter, I can’t be bothered to document it for you.

What didn’t pan out?

Regarding political correctness, again, if you haven’t been closely following Canadian politics for the last at least 5 years, maybe don’t speak on it. Our railroad industry just got shut down because of political correctness, so spare me your TYT anti-conservative talking points lol.
Does anyone know of a credible source regarding the idea that the virus can infect some people who don't feel any symptoms at all (or very mild) until they get rid of it?

If true, it will be very hard to avoid infecting old people. I mean, I would like to be with my grandmother but if people can carry the virus without symptoms, I won't be able to do it until there's a vaccine she can take.

I'd prefer some undoubtedly clear symptom so I would know when to call in sick and stay home to not spread the virus to other people.

At this point, it is probably unknown. It's probably best to avoid all such interactions until it is better understood. This virus seems remarkably contagious.
Macron just stated that the outer borders of the Schengen area will be closed for at least 30 days, starting tomorrow at 12.


And France will go into total lock down for 2 weeks.
Forgive me for not jumping on the “Trudeau is amazing” bandwagon.

Fact is, based on his tenure as PM thus far, Trudeau has done nothing to give Canadians faith that he will lead us through this. He’s an embarrassment to the word “leader”.

Who's on that bandwagon? I would have some confidence in the efforts of various experts in the field to try & lead Canadians through what is truly uncharted territory. I have some faith in Trudeau to not actively stand in the way of the expert advice for purely selfish political interests.
Lol what are you talking about? Questionable naming? What is questionable about naming it after it’s place of origin, like we do with many other things?
COVID-19. 2019 Novel Coronavirus. 2019-nCov. It has actual names. It's not actually the Wuhan virus or the Chinese virus or the foreign virus. There are viruses named for places, be they the place where the virus originated or where notable spread occurred, even if it's later discovered that the information upon which this designation was based is false. This isn't one of those viruses. All evidence points to this virus originating with bats, as it seems can be said for hundreds of coronavirus strains, but it's not the bat coronavirus or chiropteravirus or Darkwing Fever.

As far as the media goes, there’s more than enough evidence of people like CNN referring to the virus as Wuhan or Chinese, only for them to then say that’s racist, and in the case of iirc Chris Hayes, then turned around and referred to it as Wuhan again. I can’t be bothered to do that leg work for you, you want to see the evidence, go find it yourself. I watch this stuff play out in real time on twitter, I can’t be bothered to document it for you.
The onus isn't mine to find what you say exists. That's not how this works.

What didn’t pan out?
Your effort to accuse the media (BOO!!!) of playing identity politics in "attacking" those who you sought to defend. The allegation was stamped out with relative ease and you have made no effort to defend it since. You chose another door instead.

Regarding political correctness, again, if you haven’t been closely following Canadian politics for the last at least 5 years, maybe don’t speak on it. Our railroad industry just got shut down because of political correctness,
Citation needed.

so spare me your TYT anti-conservative talking points lol.

I had to look that one up. In hindsight, I believe I've seen "The Young Turks" mentioned on this forum, but I'm not familiar enough with it to have made that connection.

Was that door number three?
COVID-19. 2019 Novel Coronavirus. 2019-nCov. It has actual names. It's not actually the Wuhan virus or the Chinese virus or the foreign virus. There are viruses named for places, be they the place where the virus originated or where notable spread occurred, even if it's later discovered that the information upon which this designation was based is false. This isn't one of those viruses. All evidence points to this virus originating with bats, as it seems can be said for hundreds of coronavirus strains, but it's not the bat coronavirus or chiropteravirus or Darkwing Fever.
Darkwing fever, I like that, I might stick with that from now on. Either that, or Wuhan Flu. Both have a nice ring to them.

Your effort to accuse the media (BOO!!!) of playing identity politics in "attacking" those who you sought to defend. The allegation was stamped out with relative ease and you have made no effort to defend it since. You chose another door instead.
Allegation stamped out? When? By who? I must have missed that.

But here’s a video that was posted on page 60 of this thread, maybe you missed it.

I had to look that one up. In hindsight, I believe I've seen "The Young Turks" mentioned on this forum, but I'm not familiar enough with it to have made that connection.

Was that door number three?
Nope. Just saying that if you want to throw around the “conservative talking points” accusation, I can just as easily retort with “liberal talking points” accusation. Let’s not devolve to that level, m’kay.
Darkwing Fever

Here’s Fredo Acosta (whoops, it’s Fredo Cuomo, and Jim Acosta...get the clowns mixed up sometimes) claiming it’s xenophobic to label the virus as Chinese, then following it up by calling it Wuhan Coronavirus.

I can’t be bothered to do the mental and emotional labor for you folks, but look up AOC calling people racists on her livestream because they weren’t “patroning” Chinese restaurants...followed by her a few days later telling people to stay away from public spaces.
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This kind of thing for me is the biggest eye-opener, how unprepared a lot of companies (even very big ones) are in terms of business contingency.

I'm fortunate, the company I work for provides everyone with laptops and full VPN access and when the US stated that everyone had to work from home last Friday it was in place and done within the same day (and that was global), however, the company my wife works for it took them five days to sort a laptop out for her to be able to work from home and they only did so under protest. Our youngest daughter works for the largest Building Society in the UK and they have zero ability to allow home working for the majority of the office-based staff and seem to have no idea what to do about it, how to do it or even any willingness to do it!

To be fair, it’s not that surprising.

I work for a medium sized business and we wouldn’t even have considered spending the money to replace all our tower PC’s with laptops... and even then, due to the software we use, you need two screens... so it was never even considered.
Then you have the whole “it’s just flu” nonsense that was very pervasive... even in this thread. Add to that the whole nonchalant approach the Government has spearheaded and it’s really only now ‘getting real’.

I’m still expected to travel two hours each way to work via public transportation, a company car is only being considered now and that’s just in case my trains cancelled...
In case anyone wants to see a celebrity make an ass out of themselves.
The pair talked about their new show, which airs on WEtv. They also touched on the virus when asked their thoughts about it. Waka said he thinks it’s fake and stated, “minorities can’t catch it.”

He then proceeded to ask the hosts of the Real 92.3 show, The Cruz Show, to name a minority who has caught it. “We all descended from the same persons. Now, did we catch it? It hit the people passing through our airport [Atlanta], it ain’t touch them soulful folks.”

*several hours later*

Actor Idris Elba said he has tested positive for COVID-19.
Elba, 47, said he received his test results Monday morning.
So far, the "Luther" star said he feels "OK" and is showing no symptoms, according a video posted to Twitter.
*cue curb your enthusiasm theme*
In case anyone wants to see a celebrity make an ass out of themselves.

*several hours later*

*cue curb your enthusiasm theme*
In situations like these, listening to a celebrity is essentially "buyer beware".
Add to that the whole nonchalant approach the Government has spearheaded and it’s really only now ‘getting real’.
The Government's response thus far has been pretty good - but there was always going to have to be a balance struck between trying to inform the public while also trying to keep people from panicking. The steps that have already been taken in the UK have helped to delay the spread of the virus and now is about the right time to lockdown. The Government is caught between needing to be seen to be doing what is necessary and sticking to a well-defined timeline and order of steps. One day it appears like the Government aren't doing enough, but the next day people are shocked at just how drastic each new step is...

I can sympathise on a personal level as I've been trying to tell my family what to expect without putting the fear of God into them. Telling them two or three weeks ago that they might be locked down in their homes, that the NHS is going to stop everything but treatment of the infected, and that hundreds of thousands of people are going to die in corridors, or alone at home, was not a smart move, even though I knew all of these things were likely if not inevitable. My Mum has only just given up on the idea of going to Tenerife in May.

The 'nonchalant' approach is actually being backed up with solid reasoning and a lot of preparation - though I do concede that I wish the NHS was in a far healthier position to begin with, but the fact remains that no nation on Earth is fully prepared for the calamity of a pandemic of this type, and all countries will have their own requirements and strategies for dealing with it.

But right now, hunkering down and preparing for the long haul is the order of the day - and soon enough, it will almost certainly not be mere advice, but quite possibly a full on curfew and martial law-type state of affairs.
That’s like the Utah Jazz NBA guy who was saying everything was no big deal, purposely touched all the microphones in the interview room...and then was diagnosed 2 days later. Forget his name right now.
In case anyone wants to see a celebrity make an ass out of themselves.

Imagine thinking Rudy Gobert or Donovan Mitchell aren't minorities. I mean I know Utah is like the whitest place on Earth, but come on! Waka Flocka Fail.
So back at the shop today, just finished an 8 and a half hour shift, not too much to report after yesterday.

We didn't have a delivery today but we worked what was left of yesterdays delivery and we smashed though it in a few hours, however having no delivery today meant that we had no milk or bread all day, we had a couple of pallets of TP that customers went through in about 20 minutes, it wasn't so busy today and it felt like a normal Monday, the biggest irritation for me was people asking when the milk and bread was coming in and the answer to that was tomorrow when we get a delivery and people were asking the time the delivery was due in and I can could only give a rough answer, it got on my nerves after a while.

The problem we have going forward is that the warehouse that supplies the deliveries cant keep up with demand, we ordered 9000 units for tomorrow but only 6500 are coming.

I'm not in tomorrow as I have a day off, but I think I might get called in, I might have to temporarily lose my phone. ;)

Thanks to everyone who liked my post yesterday, I did make me feel better and thanks to @Touring Mars for replying. 👍
The Government's response thus far has been pretty good - but there was always going to have to be a balance struck between trying to inform the public while also trying to keep people from panicking. The steps that have already been taken in the UK have helped to delay the spread of the virus and now is about the right time to lockdown. The Government is caught between needing to be seen to be doing what is necessary and sticking to a well-defined timeline and order of steps. One day it appears like the Government aren't doing enough, but the next day people are shocked at just how drastic each new step is...

I’m not convinced, I might be wrong but the government needed to show their working, in regards to their plans. Their plans to slow the spread hasn’t worked as we’ve (from what I’ve seen) maintained the % increase of confirmed infections.

To my mind, they should have lead with a plan to save people and not the economy. The fact the government has been ‘forced’ to daily updates due to its lack of clear strategy is kinda of telling.
I’m not sure why we needed to wait a week or two before slowing people’s movements... my only assumption can be the economic cost. But then I imagine that ‘saving’ will be thrown away while the population recovers/NHS crumbles...

But you know me, I’m forever an optimist
Jesus, so what is gonna happen to those who can't work from home? Will they be paid?!

People that can afford to be accommodating should be accommodating for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the fed has incentivized borrowing & spending rather than saving for the past...oh, 40 years, such that many people/businesses probably are not arriving at this crisis in tip top shape. Hopefully, many businesses do have a financial war chest (they ****ing ought to!) to make payroll obligations in the coming weeks/months. Will the real billionaires please stand up? I've been thinking about purchasing gift cards to local businesses I want to support that I don't necessarily want to visit (edit: can't visit) at the moment....I realize that kind of charity can't last forever, but hopefully it can until we're over the hump.
Dallas now announcing its restrictions in place at midnight. No gatherings over 50, dine-in closed. Very curious how this affects the workplace; I literally can't work from home, but I'm in a bit better situation where I can last a couple months before financial issues arise. Someone is spreading on social media some companies are waiving bills if you meet a quarantine requirement.