- 30,103
- a baby, candy, it's like taking.
- TexRex72
You sought to defend the questionable labelling of this particular virus to suit political agenda and accused the media (BOO!!!) of being just as guilty of that through others' social media posts. It didn't pan out and you've since moved on. Your latest course has been to invoke the ever popular ambiguous conservative bogeyman that is political correctness (BOO!!!) as you say it relates to policy decision and action.Identity politics? I love how a random person will try to assess someone’s personal politics based on some forum posts. I’ve voted liberal, conservative, and NDP in various Canadian elections, so spare me this nonsense about playing for one team or the other.
I don't actually need to know how you actually feel or what you've actually done as I've only addressed that which you have actually said, and it's in your actual comments that you're playing identity politics.