COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
OP updated, if anyone feels there is any useful general information that would be good for people to see, let me know and I or a mod can update it as and when.
From what I've gathered, the Coronavirus is just like any other virus you catch. Once you catch it the first time, that particular strain will not be able to re-infect you, as you would have built up the required antibodies for preventing catching it again.
I'm not a scientist, but what if it mutates into another/different strains? Wouldn't we/people around the world catch it again anyways? Interesting questions...
So one of the three major universities in my city (and a few in other cities) is transitioning to online only as a preventative measure, yet mine is stubbornly staying open. They basically told us "Just wash your hands". :rolleyes:

Seems like they're waiting for something to happen before they actually do something.
Over here, this Monday woke up with chaos since many couldn't coordinate with their bosses to do homework... I respect the quarantine, but our president should have specify even more the measurements for this....
...Yeah, I heard about that, but I was more curious about what would happen to your body when it's infected by different strains of flu viruses at the same time.

Getting both Influenza A and B at the same time is pretty rare but can happen. However, getting one than the other isn't nearly as rare. It's still not super likely, but I know this flu season has seen a spike in it because the vaccine wasn't as effective.

I'm not a scientist, but what if it mutates into another/different strains? Wouldn't we/people around the world catch it again anyways? Interesting questions...

Yes, they could be infected with the virus again if it mutates.. This is why Influenza is more or less a seasonal thing because different strands are present. I suspect COVID-19 will work the same way and that will make a vaccine more difficult since they'll need to account for more strands.

I stand corrected after reading @Touring Mars post.
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171 more coronavirus cases detected in UK
There have been a total of 1,543 positive tests for coronavirus in the UK as of 9am on Monday, up from 1,372 at the same time on Sunday, the Department of Health said.
Officials said 44,105 people have been tested in the UK, of which 42,562 were confirmed negative and 1,543 were confirmed as positive.
...One of the things I've grown curious about yesterday is what exactly will happen to someone already suffering from cold/flu when they come in contact with the coronavirus? I've been taught all my life that after you recover from a serious bout of flu, you won't come down with another one anytime soon, so is there any morsel of truth to that? Or this is altogether a separate thing and you're still be screwed either way?
Coronaviruses are a completely different family of viruses from flu (influenza).

Immunity to any type of flu virus strain is irrelevant to what one's reaction to catching SARS-CoV-2 would be.

The big question is whether catching SARS-CoV-2 (the current/new strain of coronavirus which is now a pandemic) will confer immmunity to people after infection/recovery i.e. stop them from becoming re-infected and protect them indefinitely from the virus (and possibly also confer some protection from further new strains e.g. mutations of the current strain). There's no evidence to say that it won't, hence herd immunity should eventually be achieved.

There is some evidence that people can be infected twice with this new virus, but it isn't clear whether these are rare/isolated cases and what effect re-infection has. Some viruses (like Zika) can be considerably worse if someone is infected for a second time, but not in all cases.

I'm not a scientist, but what if it mutates into another/different strains? Wouldn't we/people around the world catch it again anyways? Interesting questions...
It already has mutated into many different forms, including two major strains. It isn't clear if immunity from one would also result in immunity from another.
Coronaviruses are a completely different family of viruses from flu (influenza).

Immunity to any type of flu virus strain is irrelevant to what one's reaction to catching SARS-CoV-2 would be.

The big question is whether catching SARS-CoV-2 (the current/new strain of coronavirus which is now a pandemic) will confer immmunity to people after infection/recovery i.e. stop them from becoming re-infected and protect them indefinitely from the virus (and possibly also confer some protection from further new strains e.g. mutations of the current strain). There's no evidence to say that it won't, hence herd immunity should eventually be achieved.

There is some evidence that people can be infected twice with this new virus, but it isn't clear whether these are rare/isolated cases and what effect re-infection has. Some viruses (like Zika) can be considerably worse if someone is infected for a second time, but not in all cases.

It already has mutated into many different forms, including two major strains. It isn't clear if immunity from one would also result in immunity from another.

That is what I was thinking. Thankyou for your response Touring Mars.
I wonder are people with seizures affected by the Coronavirus? I have seizures myself but very rarely since I take medication to prevent them.
“We like where our numbers are.”

Canadian officials saying basically the same thing Trump has been saying. They won’t catch flak in the media for it though, certainly not from state propaganda CBC.

I wonder are people with seizures affected by the Coronavirus? I have seizures myself but very rarely since I take medication to prevent them.

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, so your unlying condition is probably more on the side of "not affected" instead of "affected". However, with the disease being so new I don't think anyone really knows for sure. I'd give you doctor a call or if you have some sort of portal that you can message them online through, then do that. They will be able to give you a better answer based on your medical history and medication you're taking.

I think you're biggest issue would be if you had to be hospitalized due to a seizure then you could run into a problem. It's probably best to play it safe though just in case.
“We like where our numbers are.”

Canadian officials saying basically the same thing Trump has been saying. They won’t catch flak in the media for it though, certainly not from state propaganda CBC.

Get back to me when Trudeau tells reporters questioning him in the middle of a national health crisis stupid, egocentric, narcissistic things like:

"My uncle, John Trump, was a great, super genius .... the doctors are surprised that I know so much about this ... maybe I have a natural ability, maybe I should have done that instead of running for President".

“How was the show last night?” (about his town hall on Fox) “Did it get good ratings, by the way?” “Oh really? I heard it broke all ratings,” he said. “But maybe that’s wrong. That’s what they told me, I don’t know. I can’t imagine that.”

Flat out lies:

“Importantly: Anybody, right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful,”

Uses the opportunity to make vicious personal attacks on other political figures:

“I told Mike [Pence] not to be complimentary of the governor because that Gov is a snake, OK? Inslee,” Trump said. “Let me just tell you: We have a lot of problems with the governor, and the governor of Washington, that’s where you have many of your problems, OK? So Mike may be happy with him, but I’m not, OK?”
“We like where our numbers are.”
Canadian officials saying basically the same thing Trump has been saying. They won’t catch flak in the media for it though, certainly not from state propaganda CBC.
Canadians says they're happy with their numbers because their real case number are low. Trump used that expression to justify not counting cases, as if that would cure people. The hypocrisy of Trump was blatant and have nothing to do with those answers. How can you miss this?

Facing a patient with high fever, Dr Canada gives a prescription of paracetamol , Dr Trump would advice cooling the thermometer before reading.
Flat out lies:

“Importantly: Anybody, right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful,”

This isn't exactly a lie. Anyone who does need a test can get one, the problem is how the CDC is classifying who actually needs a test. Those who meet very specific criteria are determined to be in need of a test and can easily get one. Those who miss the criteria by a single iota, can't.

So Trump is telling the truth that those who need a test can get one, but he's leaving out the part that our government is inept on how it classifies that need.

We do have the tests though, I believe most major health systems have them in hand now. Private labs also have them as well. But they are just sitting there waiting for someone who's traveled to a Level 3 location, been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, and is showing symptoms.

New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have all agreed to enact a curfew from 8 PM to 5 AM. All gyms, casinos and movie theaters will be closed indefinitely starting at 8 PM tonight.
This isn't exactly a lie. Anyone who does need a test can get one, the problem is how the CDC is classifying who actually needs a test. Those who meet very specific criteria are determined to be in need of a test and can easily get one. Those who miss the criteria by a single iota, can't.

So Trump is telling the truth that those who need a test can get one, but he's leaving out the part that our government is inept on how it classifies that need.

We do have the tests though, I believe most major health systems have them in hand now. Private labs also have them as well. But they are just sitting there waiting for someone who's traveled to a Level 3 location, been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, and is showing symptoms.


Clearly, things have ramped up in the last few days, but were tests readily available at the time he made that statement?
They already sent out an email saying everyone that can work from home is required to starting Monday, so I am sure most engineers and managers will do so. I expect the parking lot to be quite empty in the morning. Technicians have a meeting at 8am to discuss our situation.

REI just announced that their stores will be closed until the 27th. All staff will be paid during that time.
Update: working from home when available but will still spend a majority of time in the office.
We're now at 2200 confirmed infections in Switzerland - that puts us just behind Italy if you consider infections per head of population,

Currently we're waiting on a government update on the situation, and we're expecting to go into full lockdown.

I was due to go back to the UK for a couple of weeks next month, but I couldn't see that happening, and as I'm over 50 with asthma I spoke with one of my company's directors yesterday afternoon, and brought my holiday forward to be taken immediately for my own health reasons - I have to commute via packed public transport. It's putting the technical side of my company in difficulty, and it was a fight for me to come to the decision, and I do feel guilty about it, but ultimately my health comes first, and the director, although slightly miffed, agreed.
I guess the numbers in the US is about where Italy was 2 weeks ago.
If any indication that this is happening that in 2 weeks the US may go into lockdown for another 2 weeks.
Just what we need is more panic and more TP sold out.

Granted nothing around me "yet" has been infected but after just a week ago I had wisdom teeth removed I am a bit nervous.
Just wash hands and keep from touching things.
Clearly, things have ramped up in the last few days, but were tests readily available at the time he made that statement?

For the most part, yes, they were in the hands of many health systems. Not at the amount they are now, but they did have them. They just couldn't use them because of the CDC guidelines and how they classified a person in need of a test.
Get back to me when Trudeau tells reporters questioning him in the middle of a national health crisis stupid, egocentric, narcissistic things like:

"My uncle, John Trump, was a great, super genius .... the doctors are surprised that I know so much about this ... maybe I have a natural ability, maybe I should have done that instead of running for President".

“How was the show last night?” (about his town hall on Fox) “Did it get good ratings, by the way?” “Oh really? I heard it broke all ratings,” he said. “But maybe that’s wrong. That’s what they told me, I don’t know. I can’t imagine that.”

Flat out lies:

“Importantly: Anybody, right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful,”

Uses the opportunity to make vicious personal attacks on other political figures:

“I told Mike [Pence] not to be complimentary of the governor because that Gov is a snake, OK? Inslee,” Trump said. “Let me just tell you: We have a lot of problems with the governor, and the governor of Washington, that’s where you have many of your problems, OK? So Mike may be happy with him, but I’m not, OK?”

Canadians says they're happy with their numbers because their real case number are low. Trump used that expression to justify not counting cases, as if that would cure people. The hypocrisy of Trump was blatant and have nothing to do with those answers. How can you miss this?

Facing a patient with high fever, Dr Canada gives a prescription of paracetamol , Dr Trump would advice cooling the thermometer before reading.
Not excusing Trump, just saying our government is equally full of 🤬. Our PM’s wife has been diagnosed, and the PM hasn’t been tested yet, just self isolating (at this point, Canadians don’t know whether or not our PM is separated from his wife).

Multiple times over the last week, elected officials have made claims of enhanced screening at airports, when people are showing video footage of planes from Italy, Iran, and China disembarking with only a polite pamphlet being handed to passengers, asking that they self quarantine, but only if they feel like it.

In the same vein that media has made claims of racism over the name of the virus (after using these same names themselves), the media will spin this whichever way supports their political party of choice.

In the US, mainstream media (aside from Fox) hate trump, so everything he does is bad/wrong. In Canada, the liberal funded CBC loves the liberals, so everything they do is good/right, and they’re never scrutinized over short comings.
So today went to work and noticed less people commuting. Lots of smaller business were closed, gyms and shops clised indefinitely, some large company buildings unaccessible, schools and kindergartens were open but with only a few staff, no kids. Most people were at home.

Positive side: traffic is very good and there's no traffic jams at all.

5600+ (from 4500+ yesterday) and 11 deaths (9 yesterday)

Hamburg jumped to 196 (158 yesterday)

Today 7000+
14 deaths

Hamburg: 260+ and 1st death (76yo man)
Not excusing Trump, just saying our government is equally full of 🤬. Our PM’s wife has been diagnosed, and the PM hasn’t been tested yet, just self isolating (at this point, Canadians don’t know whether or not our PM is separated from his wife).

Multiple times over the last week, elected officials have made claims of enhanced screening at airports, when people are showing video footage of planes from Italy, Iran, and China disembarking with only a polite pamphlet being handed to passengers, asking that they self quarantine, but only if they feel like it.

In the same vein that media has made claims of racism over the name of the virus (after using these same names themselves), the media will spin this whichever way supports their political party of choice.

In the US, mainstream media (aside from Fox) hate trump, so everything he does is bad/wrong. In Canada, the liberal funded CBC loves the liberals, so everything they do is good/right, and they’re never scrutinized over short comings.

It's quite possible that Canada's official policy regarding the spread of Covid-19 is inadequate. It's starting to become clear that reaction of every country has been too slow & I wouldn't fault Trump on that score. But at least we don't have the country's leader making asinine, ego-centric, self-inflating comments to the press. Trust me, if Trudeau did, he would be pilloried by the Canadian press ... & everyone else in Canada. Trump's stupid comments barely illicit much reaction now - & certainly none from his cult followers - because it's just baked into the pie now.