COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
What's up with the story about Trump wanting to buy a German company, CureVac, to secure exclusive rights to the vaccine for Corona?

Real or Hoax?

@Dennisch I think it's not a hoax and the CEO has been replaced during this week. But I don't have credible info on that.
This claims Germany's Health Ministry confirmed it.
A spokesperson for Germany’s Health Ministry quoted in the article appeared to acknowledge the U.S. approach and said that Berlin was “very interested in ensuring that vaccines and active substances against the new coronavirus are also developed in Germany and Europe.”

On Sunday afternoon, Germany’s Health Ministry told Reuters that its spokesperson had been quoted correctly in the newspaper article, confirming that Washington had attempted to take over the biopharmaceutical company. Government sources indicated that Berlin was now offering CureVac financial incentives to remain in Germany.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said at a press conference Sunday that he had heard about the CureVac reports and that it would be discussed at a crisis team meeting Monday.

Original article, but for those who speak German. I think it's behind a paywall unfortunately.
I really hate how the statistics are being communicated. The lead story on the news tonight (because what else am I going to watch) was that cases in Utah spiked and are now over 20. This is, of course, going to put everyone into a panic again. Cases may or may not have spiked in the past 24 hours, only the known cases have. I feel like this needs to be better communicated to people because doubling confirmed cases in 24 hours is way different than doubling all cases in 24 hours. There's so much unknown with this it's driving me nuts how networks are running with any shred of information. I know it's in no one's best interest to be playing sports right now, but it certainly helped balance out the news coverage a bit.

At least we've been put on total telecommuting status and only essential staff should report. Sounds like work is also putting together a plan to help people with child care, bump up our compensation, and provide adequate paid leave for those who get sick or who are taking care of an immediate family member who is. Compared to other employers I'm hearing about, it sounds like mine is really stepping up to help as much as it can. It really makes me appreciate that we have good senior leadership in charge who "get it".
No more positive or negative than Greek salad, French fries, Champagne, or Scotch whiskey.

One could make an argument that Scotch, Champagne, French Fries, and Hamburgers have done more harm to humanity than Ebola, Zika, Lyme, and West Nile.

Ebola doesn't have a more negative connotation than Champagne? Are you even listening to yourself?

Interesting article about asymptomatic spreading.

For those that are knowledgeable, how exactly would this even happen? I get symptomatic spread - you cough and you spray virus all over the place. But if you aren't coughing, wouldn't it be significantly less likely to transmit? I guess in places where people are particularly publicly affectionate (Iran and Italy, coincidentally) I could see a lot of cheek and/or shrine kissing being unhelpful.
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I'm personally nervous now. I just found out that one person in my synagogue tested positive for COVID-19 and a 2nd person is undergoing testing now. The second person was sitting in the row in front of me for about 45 minutes on Monday night. If he is indeed positive (although he was not exhibiting any symptoms), I will have to undergo self quarantine.
I'll know in the morning whether or not I am working from home for a bit. Given the nature of my job, it might be a half and half scenario. Go in to do testing on cars, go home to process the data.
I'll know in the morning whether or not I am working from home for a bit. Given the nature of my job, it might be a half and half scenario. Go in to do testing on cars, go home to process the data.

We are having a mandatory all-staff meeting tomorrow...which I'm pretty sure will lead to working from home for some people.
I am increasingly becoming worried about this entire situation. I keep hearing about people's work places closing, people not being paid or otherwise laid off.

I work for a very large civil engineering firm in the U.S. Will it decide to close for a couple of weeks? While many of our engineers could potentially work from home, I cannot. I am a geologist and I need to be in the lab with our soil samples to conduct testing.

I am paid hourly. If for some reason, my office closed due to someone becoming sick, or corporate decides to have all offices "work from home", what happens to me?

As things stand, I live comfortably off what I make, but I have little to no cushion if I was sent home and not paid.
This claims Germany's Health Ministry confirmed it.

Original article, but for those who speak German. I think it's behind a paywall unfortunately.
Here's The Guardian article:

There's dispute over the origin of French fries, with the general consensus outside of France being that they're actually a Belgian concoction
Frenches too consider fries originating from Belgique, not France. But it seems they are wrong, as in its current stick form and recipe, French Fries is actually a Parisian preparation (found in cookbook dated 1855). Previous form was fried sliced of potatoes, nowadays used in Pommes Salardaises recipe (cooked in duck fat, garlic, persil).
We are having a mandatory all-staff meeting tomorrow...which I'm pretty sure will lead to working from home for some people.
They already sent out an email saying everyone that can work from home is required to starting Monday, so I am sure most engineers and managers will do so. I expect the parking lot to be quite empty in the morning. Technicians have a meeting at 8am to discuss our situation.

REI just announced that their stores will be closed until the 27th. All staff will be paid during that time.
Yesterday afternoon I just had an email confirmation that one of our co-workers in a different building had a positive diagnosis. This effectively puts us on segregated and strict minimal-physical contact arrangements (i.e. work from home/office rotation, split teams across the building, designated entry and exit points) with immediate effect.

Had to rush back to my office to grab whatever necessary to keep my job scope rolling. Seems like the tightest of times have brushed past me once again.
I believe the approach here in the UK by the government is utter bs. Every other country in the world is quarantining, but we are told to all get it to become immune? What the actual.....

Anyways. Screw that. I'm not interested in getting this or having anyone in my home getting it. So Boris can stick that plan up his 🤬.
I believe the approach here in the UK by the government is utter bs. Every other country in the world is quarantining, but we are told to all get it to become immune? What the actual.....

Anyways. Screw that. I'm not interested in getting this or having anyone in my home getting it. So Boris can stick that plan up his 🤬.
Just stay at home, bro :D

Even in confirmed quarantine, I will still go to work tomorrow since my boss didn't give an statement yet about the situation... Probably will be a 2-week home work but who knows ;)
Anyone in the US use grocery delivery services? Which one? How much extra does it cost? Do you recommend? Is it still functioning?

Been thinking of picking up a prime subscription and getting whole foods delivery owing to the whole pandemic nonsense.
We are carrying on as usual. 'Herd immunity' seems to be the plan in the long run, so we are pretty much in the same boat as the UK.
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I believe the approach here in the UK by the government is utter bs. Every other country in the world is quarantining, but we are told to all get it to become immune? What the actual.....

Anyways. Screw that. I'm not interested in getting this or having anyone in my home getting it. So Boris can stick that plan up his 🤬.
UK Gov has now backtracked from the "herd immunity" nonsense after clearly someone who knows science slapped them round the face with a big science book.

The UK is about to go into lockdown in many areas. Timing is critical of course. Too early or too late and you get reduced benefit from the period of isolation.

Sadly after 10 years of Tory austerity the country is ill-prepared for an epidemic. We have desperately low numbers of critical care beds (6 per 100,000 compared to Italy which has about 12 and Germany which has almost 30). 80% of those beds in the UK are occupied already. Austerity also leaves the NHS with 130,000 vacancies unfilled. 40,000 nurses and 10,000 doctors form a huge slice of the missing staff.
These lockdowns are insane. Here in Arnhem if you didn't read the news, you might not know anything is happening at all, yet basically everything except supermarkets is closed. Saw the first signs yesterday, people with 4-6 big packs of toilet paper, crates of water. The lockdown is under a month long, how ****ing much do you people crap?

Coffeeshops closed about half an hour after I left one in the city, at that point no one had any idea, not even the owners I think. Everything was normal and by the time I got halfway home we were seeing the pictures of the massive queues.

Had I known I wouldn't have partied so hard on Saturday and saved some more. Regardless, the black market will have our back. Drug dealers of all kinds stand to make a lot of money over this lockdown - their tax free income won't help the rapidly crumbling economies of locked down countries.

In all this madness I can't help but feel this is being handled poorly. We are absolutely crippling our society when I feel the fact is that most are or already have been infected and simply shrugged it off like a regular fever.

I don't even know if I should bother trying to pack for my flight on 26th of March. Expecting the borders to close at any second.

I know everyone is suffering with this, but the bad timing of this is really ****ing with me. I just want to be at home at this point. Nothing left for me in this country. Miss my cat - family too I suppose. All the Europeans here are running home to their panicked mothers. Soon it will only be me, Dutchies and Indians. Feel worst for the Indians, they're effectively banned from travelling home.

God, if it'd just end, or if they'd just hurry up and announce they're closing the borders, that'd be some respite. Completely in limbo right now.
These lockdowns are insane. Here in Arnhem if you didn't read the news, you might not know anything is happening at all, yet basically everything except supermarkets is closed. Saw the first signs yesterday, people with 4-6 big packs of toilet paper, crates of water. The lockdown is under a month long, how ****ing much do you people crap?

In all this madness I can't help but feel this is being handled poorly. We are absolutely crippling our society when I feel the fact is that most are or already have been infected and simply shrugged it off like a regular fever.
Toilet roll is a weird one. I honestly have no idea how much we use in our house because for 5 days week me and my family are out at school or work and at weeks we are out socialising and eating - not crapping at home so much. How much do you get through when stuck at home for a month? Absolutely no idea. About to find out I guess.

As for the "I feel the fact is that most are infected or already been infected" comment. Where did you get that from? Not one government body or science advisor is saying that at all.

Netherlands and the UK are in roughly similar places when it comes to our exposure to covid-19 - both maybe 3 or 4 weeks behind Italy. Official UK estimate is about 10 to 15,000 people are infected. Lets say that is a wild underestimate and the UK Gov are low-balling it and let's go for a figure that is 10x that - 150,000 have been infected. 150,000 is 0.24 % of the UK population.

To use your example that "most" have already been infected or are infected in the Netherlands. That would mean in the Netherlands as a minimum about 9 million had been infected. Given that the average mortality rate for the infected so far has been between 2.4% to about 5.5% you would expect your country to have seen between 216,000 to 495,000 deaths. So far the Netherlands has lost only 20 to the virus. This tells you we need to know about how many people have been infected.

Stay safe people. Good luck to all.

I don't even know if I should bother trying to pack for my flight on 26th of March. Expecting the borders to close at any second.
In many cases border closures still allow natives to leave and return to their home countries. Hopefully you will be able get home. Good luck!
UK Gov has now backtracked from the "herd immunity" nonsense after clearly someone who knows science slapped them round the face with a big science book.
I don't know who it is from the government who said it - I can't find this quote attributed to anyone in government at all.

"Herd immunity" is when enough of a population have immunity to the disease that it prevents spread and, by doing so, protects those who are vulnerable, susceptible, or immunocompromised, by stopping them from being exposed to it. It's not when it spreads unchecked so everyone vulnerable, susceptible, or immunocompromised has been killed by it and everyone left alive is immune to it.
I don't know who it is from the government who said it - I can't find this quote attributed to anyone in government at all.

"Herd immunity" is when enough of a population have immunity to the disease that it prevents spread and, by doing so, protects those who are vulnerable, susceptible, or immunocompromised, by stopping them from being exposed to it. It's not when it spreads unchecked so everyone vulnerable, susceptible, or immunocompromised has been killed by it and everyone left alive is immune to it.

I can't speak to the quote, but I watched the press conference and while that wasn't what was said, it was the crux of what was said... however, the plan that was laid out also follows the second part of your post, which is perhaps why it's been criticised so heavily...
Michigan has now hit 53 positive cases reported by DHHS, up from 25 just two days prior. Nearly 300 tests are waiting results and over 1000 people that are, or are to be monitored. These numbers are DHHS cases and tests only and do not reflect private lab results.
MI is well on its way. The virus has spread across the I96 belt.
At present, all schools are closed until the beginning of April and many governement agencies have shifted to telecommuting for the same duration.
My brother in law was supposed to be getting married in Key West the beginning of April but has postponed until this all blows over. No sense in going if all the bars and restaurants are going to be closed. And given what airports look like right now with the extra screening going on, probably best no to travel at the moment anyway.
...One of the things I've grown curious about yesterday is what exactly will happen to someone already suffering from cold/flu when they come in contact with the coronavirus? I've been taught all my life that after you recover from a serious bout of flu, you won't come down with another one anytime soon, so is there any morsel of truth to that? Or this is altogether a separate thing and you're still be screwed either way?
...One of the things I've grown curious about yesterday is what exactly will happen to someone already suffering from cold/flu when they come in contact with the coronavirus? I've been taught all my life that after you recover from a serious bout of flu, you won't come down with another one anytime soon, so is there any morsel of truth to that? Or this is altogether a separate thing and you're still be screwed either way?
From what I've gathered, the Coronavirus is just like any other virus you catch. Once you catch it the first time, that particular strain will not be able to re-infect you, as you would have built up the required antibodies for preventing catching it again.
From what I've gathered, the Coronavirus is just like any other virus you catch. Once you catch it the first time, that particular strain will not be able to re-infect you, as you would have built up the required antibodies for preventing catching it again.
...Yeah, I heard about that, but I was more curious about what would happen to your body when it's infected by different strains of flu viruses at the same time.