COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Does anyone know what, specifically, is causing testing to be so onerous? Wouldn't that $1,000 check per US citizen be better utilized to actually just test every US citizen?
More good news:

U.S. worried coronavirus could hit young adults -White House official

Lazy, whiney, entitled, basement-dwelling millennials ... & now they're getting sick too! :rolleyes:
Ahhh time to complain about millennials again. Let's not forget that the generations before us caused heaps of problems in the economy and millennials are facing the repercussions. This generation bashing needs to stop. Why this was brought up in this thread is beyond my understanding.
According to the map I am looking at, there are still 50 odd countries that have yet to see a reported case. Some of these include:
Madagascar, Lesotho, Sao Tome and Principe, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Palau, Tuvalu, Nauru, Kiribati, and not shockingly, Pitcairn Island (along with almost all Canadian territories).

Please DO NOT plan a trip to these locations.
Everyone thinks I have the Corona virus... I have the usual GAprematurepollenejaculation2020 virus.

Everything becomes that fetching shade of dusty yellow. There's less of those oak trees in my in neighborhood, so I don't notice it as much on my morning walks.

Working from home is okay but I can't get used to doing...what do they call this task? Oh, cleaning up after oneself. Laundry is weird because it apparently goes onto an object called a "hanger" and not into some rectangular container with wheels.
Ahhh time to complain about millennials again. Let's not forget that the generations before us caused heaps of problems in the economy and millennials are facing the repercussions. This generation bashing needs to stop. Why this was brought up in this thread is beyond my understanding.

  1. using or characterized by irony.
    "his mouth curved into an ironic smile"
    sarcastic · sardonic · dry · caustic · sharp · stinging · scathing · acerbic · acid · bitter · trenchant · mordant · cynical · mocking · satirical · scoffing · ridiculing ·
    • happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.
      "it was ironic that now that everybody had plenty of money for food, they couldn't obtain it because everything was rationed"
Back at the shop today. A little update

The store is pretty empty, so empty that customers came up to me and asked if we were closing.
We are not closing, in fact we are taking on three temporary staff to help ease the burden.
We actually had milk and bread, but no toilet paper.
Big delivery tomorrow.
A few notices have popped up in the staff room and toilets telling us to make sure to wash our hands every two hours and to avoid unnecessary contact with colleagues and customers, it also thanked us for our hard work, which was nice.
Despite the empty shelves it was still pretty busy.
On the journey into work I noticed the roads were a lot quieter than usual, more people staying at home maybe?!
That's not healthy for your stomach. You should ask a doctor about an alternative
Ha, 12 Advil a year is the last thing my stomach is worried about!

That's interesting. I seem to be very responsive to Ibuprofen. I very rarely need to take more than one 200 mg capsule. I actually bought an extra Costco-sized box about 10 days ago, but it would appear that that wasn't the best choice at the minute.
I have a rather high tolerance.

"Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Stop Shooting Each Other So Hospital Beds Can Be Used For Coronavirus Patients"

Baltimore Mayor Jack Young urged residents to put down their guns and heed orders to stay home after multiple people were shot Tuesday night amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Young said hospital beds are needed to treat positive COVID-19 patients and not for senseless violence. Seven people were shot Tuesday night in the Madison Park neighborhood, as Baltimore reported its fifth positive coronavirus case Wednesday.

“I want to reiterate how completely unacceptable the level of violence is that we have seen recently,” Young said. “We will not stand for mass shootings and an increase in crime.”

“For those of you who want to continue to shoot and kill people of this city, we’re not going to tolerate it,” Young implored. “We’re going to come after you and we’re going to get you.”

He urged people to put down their guns because “we cannot clog up our hospitals and their beds with people that are being shot senselessly because we’re going to need those beds for people infected with the coronavirus. And it could be your mother, your grandmother or one of your relatives. So take that into consideration.”
Greetings from the US epicenter

I left my house for the first time this week, took the Legacy GT down to the independent tax place and dropped off my taxes, felt that VF52 Turbo spool and that SPT exhaust roar with the sunroof open on a mild warm, almost Spring day. Then I stopped by the craft beer store on the way home. The owner was there and was actually working the counter. There was a small table by the door with a box of gloves and some hand sanitizer with a sign saying 'no entry past this point without either'. I donned some gloves and after we talked about how this thing was affecting businesses, how to go about things for the next phase and still support local businesses, curbside pick-up options and so on. I genuinely liked him. seemed more concerned for his employees and hasn't laid anyone off yet and will try like hell to keep that from happening despite dwindling income.

After a candid discussion about the state of things he said "some day when this is all over, you and I will have to share a pint."

Then I grabbed some things, Crowlers were 20% off so I picked up 'To Dream' by Revision, another can of Fanzine for good measure, 'Compare' by Narrows brewing, and Trap Door's Lighten Up. Keep in mind I'm fully stocked on beer and I'm not drinking at the moment due to the Naxproxen and Flexural l I'm on stemming from being T-boned on Feb 28th by lady that ran a red light. It honestly was the least I could do. Then I called up a friend, told him about it and he's going to stop by the store on his way home tonight to pick up a crowler and some things, the selection was very good.

Support those mom and pop businesses whatever way you can right now, it's what will get them through this thing, Screw the chains, they'll be fine. support each other, one thing I do know is that we're better when we work together, We can smash this thing in the mouth while still preserving some things.
A "100%" cure for coronavirus has been supposedly discovered and announced on FOX TV: chloroquine, an old treatment for malaria.