COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Looks like the US, even with the advantage of plenty of prior warning, is going to have n exploding number of Covid-19 cases over the next couple of weeks. :indiff:
Italy, Spain, France : same pattern everywhere. First, instructions given to the population. Many don't care. Authority level have to step up.
I eventually now have to fill a long form (well, actually to write it completely by hand since my printer failed) each and every time i need to go outside my home, for short time only, going from point A to point B, and for a reason among a given list (first need food buy or drug, commute to work that has to be proven not being doable remotely, dog walk, jogging alone only). And guess what? This is widely accepted among population (including myself)

My battle of the last two days is to make a plumber come at home to fix a leak. With no success so far.
The safest place to be is in the Big Brother house.

Contestants on the German version were only told about the wild spread of Covid-19 yesterday. Contestents on the Brasilian version have been in since January and have not yet been told.
Saw this the other day... final proof if any were required that so-called 'reality TV' should really be called 'out of touch with reality TV'.
The safest place to be is in the Big Brother house.

Contestants on the German version were only told about the wild spread of Covid-19 yesterday. Contestents on the Brasilian version have been in since January and have not yet been told.



I had the pleasure of someone breathing down my neck while they got on the seat behind me on an empty train.... now had to sanitise the back of my neck before,,
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The Dutch RIVM (The Dutch version of the CDC) is now looking at specific measures targeting older and other vulnerable people on top of what I posted earlier. So a controlled infection rate (but no lockdown) and specific protections (read: isolation) for the elderly and other vulnerable folks. Looks like what you proposed @Danoff ?

Pharmacy was out of Paracetamol so I suggested Ibuprofen to my wife two weeks ago. Glad we didn't do that.
Ugh, I can't stand a lot of Ibuprofen. I took two Aleeve (200mg each I think) once without thinking and it made me very nauseous. I'll take one here and there whenever my back pain flares up but definitely not everyday. Glad I didn't try that as a preventative.

You MUST eat before taking Ibuprofen otherwise the problem indicated will happen.
You MUST eat before taking Ibuprofen otherwise the problem indicated will happen.

I've always eaten something when taking it but 200mg is apparently my limit for not having upset stomach problems. That 400mg was just too much even with food.
Colorado is now saying 7 days after showing symptoms of the virus for return to public. 72 hours without fever.

That's huge good news if it's true that that's safe. Cutting down isolation will help get us back to normal much more smoothly. CO is not testing everyone. Most people who get the virus will not get tested. They're just self-quarantining after showing symptoms. So the time period is a big deal.
"This is bigger than all of us."

"It is time right now for people to assume they and everyone they meet has been exposed and is potentially infected."

- Gov. Jay Inslee​

He is stressing the power that individuals have through social distancing and other precautions to curb the pandemic.

Washington State's number of infections is more than doubling every 5 days.
To anyone that works in retail: If you don't have paid time off right now and wish to self-isolate, is your company allowing you take time off without pay?
Nothing. But reality always catches us, eventually.

Most telling illustration:


Jesus, that is a lot of makeup. Probably to conceal flesh that's rotting away from a steady stream of deceitful, pandering spew.
Nothing. But reality always catches us, eventually.

Most telling illustration:


Not because of the turnaround, but because I can't believe that they actually acknowledge reality in any way. I'd expect them to keep claiming it's all an attempt to smear Trump.
Everyone thinks I have the Corona virus... I have the usual GAprematurepollenejaculation2020 virus. No fever and I'm not any more sore than I usually am from work.
I want to go back to work!

As far as Ibuprofen, I really don't like taking medicine but when I do have to take some Advil I have to take 4 for them to do anything.
Everyone thinks I have the Corona virus... I have the usual GAprematurepollenejaculation2020 virus. No fever and I'm not any more sore than I usually am from work.
I want to go back to work!

As far as Ibuprofen, I really don't like taking medicine but when I do have to take some Advil I have to take 4 for them to do anything.
That's not healthy for your stomach. You should ask a doctor about an alternative
Everyone thinks I have the Corona virus... I have the usual GAprematurepollenejaculation2020 virus. No fever and I'm not any more sore than I usually am from work.
I want to go back to work!

As far as Ibuprofen, I really don't like taking medicine but when I do have to take some Advil I have to take 4 for them to do anything.

That's interesting. I seem to be very responsive to Ibuprofen. I very rarely need to take more than one 200 mg capsule. I actually bought an extra Costco-sized box about 10 days ago, but it would appear that that wasn't the best choice at the minute.
I went to a small supermarket (Jumbo City) a few hours ago (mid afternoon in Den Bosch, the Netherlands) for the first time since Saturday and they were well supplied, including TP and Paracetamol. I guess the hoarding is over for now.
The Executive has taken upon itself additional powers, the Defense Production Act, usually invoked in support of civil defense and war mobilization efforts.

The Act contains three major sections. The first authorizes the President to require businesses to sign contracts or fulfill orders deemed necessary for national defense. The second authorizes the President to establish mechanisms (such as regulations, orders or agencies) to allocate materials, services and facilities to promote national defense. The third section authorizes the President to control the civilian economy so that scarce and/or critical materials necessary to the national defense effort are available for defense needs.[3]

The Act also authorizes the President to requisition property, force industry to expand production and the supply of basic resources, impose wage and price controls, settle labor disputes, control consumer and real estate credit, establish contractual priorities, and allocate raw materials towards national defense.[3]

Ford, GM and FIAT/Chrysler are shutting down North American operations. Boeing is still thinking about it, the greedy bastards.
A local company, Co-Diagnostics, is ramping up production for 50k tests per day with an additional 100k per day coming out of India. I think they're going to prioritize making sure Utah hospitals are fully stocked, but they should start supplying to surrounding states pretty quick. While it is late to be doing this, I'm happy that within the week those who need testings can be tested. It also provides a result in around 15 minutes too which will really help.

Utah company’s COVID-19 test gets FDA go-ahead, set to distribute 50K per day