- 513
- South Africa
- Pyromaniak666
Oh my thanks for that info,been driving stock with just fuel dialed down to 5, I'll attempt with the medium tires
Am i the only one doing 51 then
@SpaceBreed me too 👍
CRAP: Casual Racing Affiliates Program
How to join
You can either search for the "CRAP Racing" club in game in the GT6 community club search section and click join or click on the link below from your web browser. You'll then need to log in to GT6's website using your psn details and join from there. The club will be stored as one of your ingame clubs.
That will take you to the GT6 club page. You can view and join our ongoing events. At event times we normally do the actual racing in the main club lobby which is often open to the public.
Decisions, decisions....
We also have our own private forum which you can join if you like. You'll just need an email address. That's at crap.boards.net
by @Lissa and edited by @JohnScoonsBeard
A Little Bit Of History
C.R.A.P was started in 2011 by @Heathenpride under the name CORE, as a result of his frustration at the treatment he often received in public lobbies, just because he was a 'noob' and at the time used driving aids. He wanted a group where people wouldn't be judged for being a new driver; where people would treat each other with respect, help each other out, and just generally have a good time.
The name CORE (Casual Online Racing Enthusiasts) was abandoned as it was in use. We voted (on a new name) and chose CRAP: Casual Racing Affiliates Program.
In October 2011 CRAP was born and we have over 120 members from across the globe, our own website and a dedicated team of staff to help it run smoothly.
Lissa: "I personally joined C.R.A.P back in February 2012 as a terrible driver, new to GT5 and driving games altogether, using all the aids, and really struggling to improve. Thanks to the help and patience of my fellow CRAP-pers I now use only ABS on 1 (sometimes even that is turned off) and am loving every minute I spend behind the wheel. I like the fact that all the members have respect for each other, try their utmost to drive cleanly, and we have some fantastic banter. It isn't all just serious racing either, there are sometimes other shenanigans going on too, one example is the time we raced tank cars at Monaco which was great fun!"
Lissa "Another excellent part of CRAP is that it is girl friendly! I even got my daughter to join and she loves it when she is able to get online, it really is a great group for anyone but if there are any female racers looking for a good respectful group then this is the one."
So Is C.R.A.P. For You?
Whether you are accomplished driver looking for some fun races with no pressure to have to take part each week, or a new driver looking to improve then C.R.A.P. may be the answer you are looking for. We run multiple varied events and have a worldwide membership. You can often find someone in your time zone to race with.
Most of the time members are free to use most of the driving aids in our lounges (not SRF). Many learn to drive without. Sometimes we will run events without any aids. For example from time to time we run endurance races where aids are more limited or turned off entirely. However, everything is still designed to be friendly to all levels of driver even if we do turn abs off sometimes. CRAP encourages competitive, fair, close racing with regular varied events.
So How Do I Join?
If missed it earlier and you think CRAP offers something you'd like to be a part of, just show your interest in this thread or follow the instructions below. We will be in touch! But be warned, you may find C.R.A.P takes over your life! (Do I sound like a stalker there?)
See you on track soon I hope
CRAP Racing (includes date for next event in name)@JohnScoonsBeard (PSN: JohnSchoonsBeard)
CRAP: Casual Racing - occasional use for testing and endurance racing@Heathenpride (PSN: HeathenPride)
Events have been set up on the the GT6 CRAP Racing group. The links should take you through to each event for full details of regulations. Most racing actually takes place in the main club lobby.
But @SpaceBreed and @knukken just think how close the racing will be in these cars, you're only 1 second off the ultimate pace, i can't wait for the private lobbies, and time to race you all, as well as the regulars from the Pcars days!!![]()
I suppose, but 1 sec for every lap mean a huge gap in the long run, time to master the consistency art![]()
I dont think it will be like that in a race though, to get them sort of lap times takes a few days of practise, it doesnt matter if you make a mistake as you can just reset. In a race however, you need to be cautious and consistent, you don't want to be super quick on lap one and in the wall the next. Think it will be the same for everyone![]()
@HammyMansell as an example coz you my hero![]()
I have a feeling, a deep powerful feeling, that I will be last in this TT
I don't know neither the car nor the circuit![]()
I have a feeling, a deep powerful feeling, that I will be last in this TTI don't know neither the car nor the circuit
Fear not, i will be there behind you providing the support for last placeI have a feeling, a deep powerful feeling, that I will be last in this TT
I don't know neither the car nor the circuit![]()