Do you prefer racing in CRAP pCARS with Penalties on or off?

  • Penalties On

    Votes: 57 75.0%
  • Penalties Off

    Votes: 19 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Copied from the Endurance thread as it's just as relevant here

Here are just a few thoughts as I sit here cogitating.

Regarding new dlc I think it might be wiser to make our CRAP Endurance races run on tried and tested equipment. People are prepared to put in quite a bit of time for these races and that might involve setting cars up properly not to mention taking part in the actual race. In theory they should be our most prestigious events. They deserve to be tested properly so the effort made by people has the best chance of being rewarded with a well behaved game and drivers used to the car. If we are always using new DLC tracks and cars we do run a higher risk of potential problems with both the game and drivers. We've found that with quite a few of our Endurance races already. I think it would be better that we design our endurance races around stuff we can test in advance. Maybe go with your original plans @HammyMansell (or something totally different if you prefer). New DLC races are great but we tend to do that naturally as soon as the stuff comes out anyway.


Excellent ideas.
Although I enjoyed the last endurance race I had never raced on that track as I didn't have the dlc and had only just downloaded the new ford Falcon, basically had to learn the track and try and cobble together a setup in around 20 mins before the green light. This resulted in me being around 3 seconds a lap behind the leaders. I'll probably still be near the back in future races but would nice to be able to put some practice in before I enter the sand pits :) I should be ok for the race tonight if the little un is in bed jsb.
Here are the final details for this evening's race.

Thursday 4 February 8:30pm GMT, 3:30pm EST (East US)
Hour of Power
LMP900 @ Hockenheim Classic


Laps 30
Cars allowed

Audi R8 (LMP900)
Forced cockpit mode (It's open Cockpit anyway but I will remove the restriction if it stops anyone racing)

Private room

Practice 10 mins
Qualifying 15 mins
Warm up 5 mins
Mandatory pit stop No

Weather 4 slots
Heavy Cloud
Light Rain
Light cloud
Weather Progression 5x

In game Date 1 July 2016
Time 16:00
Time progression Real

Force interior view Yes
Force Manual Gears No
Force realistic driving aids Yes

Force Default setups No
Damage Full
Mechanical Failures Yes (keep out of the red)
Tyre Wear Real
Fuel usage Real
Auto start engine Yes
Flags and Penalties Off
Allow ghosted vehicles No

Host @JohnScoonsBeard JohnSchoonsBeard
Other entrants
@ty2 acekiller15
@Danrc2010 danrc2010
@RHINO2K Gr4demon
@JOSHAMBITIOUS the__ambitious
@Football67611 Football67611

I would quite like to join this evening, if there's still room?
Well that was pretty dreadful. (Apologies I may rant a bit)

I'm sorry for being 10 minutes late for starters. It just took me longer to get my son to sleep tonight. We had the problem at the first attempt at a start which I suspect was a PSN problem with some left on the grid or even in the pits. Then we had the second attempt at a race without the qualifying. Apologies for the time it took me to set it all up again but I had to reboot and the race settings were lost due to my crash. We obviously lost some of you due to time. We then lost 2 racars early on with bugs.

Nicky_B_mc went while leading on the first straight to a colossal landmine shown below.

Acekiller15 went with a crash that seemed to pin him to the ground.

Thank you to everyone who finished (or was able to) and for the great initial turnout. It could have been an epic race if we'd got the chance.

Session: Race
Track: Hockenheim, Classic
Class: LMP900
Date: Thu Feb 4 22:34:37 2016 (race finish)

pCars Dash Picture 2.png

Pos Class Name Laps RaceTime GapLeader GapAhead FastestLap GapFastest FastestS1 FastestS2 FastestS3 isFastest
1 * ham_ilton- 30 59:06.354 1:51.089 +0.000 37.998 43.789 29.092 *
2 * tw166ycoolwright 30 59:58.453 +52.100 +52.100 1:54.748 +3.659 38.969 44.411 30.494
3 * allstyles 30 59:59.268 +52.915 +0.815 1:56.007 +4.918 39.417 45.507 31.061
4 * CaptainDash 30 60:05.982 +59.629 +6.714 1:51.569 +0.481 38.191 43.864 29.269
5 * Storm--Trooper- 29 -:--.--- +2:16.451 +1:17.235 1:56.811 +5.722 39.272 45.301 31.529
6 * MAD_ED_GLYNN 29 -:--.--- +2:37.437 +20.986 1:56.064 +4.976 39.267 44.961 30.213
7 * JohnSchoonsBeard 29 -:--.--- +3:09.874 +32.437 1:58.135 +7.047 39.443 45.439 32.161

Thanks guys.
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Well that was pretty dreadful. (Apologies I may rant a bit)

I'm sorry for being 10 minutes late for starters. It just took me longer to get my son to sleep tonight. We had the problem at the first attempt at a start which I suspect was a PSN problem with some left on the grid or even in the pits. Then we had the second attempt at a race without the qualifying. Apologies for the time it took me to set it all up again but I had to reboot and the race settings were lost due to my crash. We obviously lost some of you due to time. We then lost 2 racars early on with bugs.

Nicky_B_mc went while leading on the first straight to a colossal landmine shown below.

Acekiller15 went with a crash that seemed to pin him to the ground.

Thank you to everyone who finished (or was able to) and for the great initial turnout. It could have been an epic race if we'd got the chance.

Session: Race
Track: Hockenheim, Classic
Class: LMP900
Date: Thu Feb 4 22:34:37 2016 (race finish)

View attachment 511343

Pos Class Name Laps RaceTime GapLeader GapAhead FastestLap GapFastest FastestS1 FastestS2 FastestS3 isFastest
1 * ham_ilton- 30 59:06.354 1:51.089 +0.000 37.998 43.789 29.092 *
2 * tw166ycoolwright 30 59:58.453 +52.100 +52.100 1:54.748 +3.659 38.969 44.411 30.494
3 * allstyles 30 59:59.268 +52.915 +0.815 1:56.007 +4.918 39.417 45.507 31.061
4 * CaptainDash 30 60:05.982 +59.629 +6.714 1:51.569 +0.481 38.191 43.864 29.269
5 * Storm--Trooper- 29 -:--.--- +2:16.451 +1:17.235 1:56.811 +5.722 39.272 45.301 31.529
6 * MAD_ED_GLYNN 29 -:--.--- +2:37.437 +20.986 1:56.064 +4.976 39.267 44.961 30.213
7 * JohnSchoonsBeard 29 -:--.--- +3:09.874 +32.437 1:58.135 +7.047 39.443 45.439 32.161

Thanks guys.

Really sorry you had so many problems last night JSB! The one time you get the chance to race us guys, it all went belly up! I'm convinced that DLC cars/tracks suffer from more glitches than what came with the game on release day,

We'll have to redo the race when you can Mark for sure, sorry i had to miss everything at the last minute, but i had to dash off to the hospital with my girlfriend as she wasn't feeling too good, but everything is ok now, she just needs to rest up for a few days.

I hope to be on today, and with all the racing again this weekend too! :)
One thing that would have helped me would be if when we're starting the event and getting people into the lobby if everyone put their party chat to prioritise game. Then you can all hear me at the start. Typing messages gets so frantic when you're also trying to set things up. If we could just try that and then once we're about to start the race we can go back to our own party chat if we want. Just a quick verbal briefing helps, even it is lower audio quality than shiny party chat. Obviously this is for when we have more than 8 online.

Also apo loo goes to those who missed out and thanks to those who dropped out tty of make way for people who'd already signed up earlier.

Is everyone on the CRAP party chat? It makes it much easier for sending invites out. It doesn't matter if you get loads of messages when you're not playing. You can just ignore them until you are around.

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One thing that would have helped me would be if when we're starting the event and getting people into the lobby if everyone put their party chat to prioritise game. Then you can all hear me at the start. Typing messages gets so frantic when you're also trying to set things up. If we could just try that and then once we're about to start the race we can go back to our own party chat if we want. Just a quick verbal briefing helps, even it is lower audio quality than shiny party chat. Obviously this is for when we have more than 8 online.

Also apo loo goes to those who missed out and thanks to those who dropped out tty of make way for people who'd already signed up earlier.

Is everyone on the CRAP party chat? It makes it much easier for sending invites out. It doesn't matter if you get loads of messages when you're not playing. You can just ignore them until you are around.


Dont take this the wrong way jsb but there shouldn't be any need to prioritise chat at all. the details were already organised on gtplanet everyone new what, why, were and when all that needs to be done is everyone thumbs up when ready. and if something goes wrong glitch wise then it becomes pretty obvious when the host leaves they are going to set a new lobby up so im pretty sure everyone would just be on standby for new invites. it was just unfortunate you totally crashed and had to restart your ps4 .
Gutted with last night @JohnScoonsBeard was a really great combo aswell! Tbh I didn't mind waiting although I was getting quite drunk last night :cheers:. It was nearly 10 when we got started I know it's quite late for alot of CRAPPERS. If it can be done again (tonight maybe if nothing organised) could also be a good enduro race after @HammyMansell then I'll race no doubt ;).

Just been through subscribing guys on here's YouTube channels.
Let me know if I've missed anyone. :gtpflag:

An absolute gent need to do yours and a few others! Oh and cheers for last night @RHINO2K good little chat on twitch although very noisey lol.
Gutted with last night @JohnScoonsBeard was a really great combo aswell! Tbh I didn't mind waiting although I was getting quite drunk last night :cheers:. It was nearly 10 when we got started I know it's quite late for alot of CRAPPERS. If it can be done again (tonight maybe if nothing organised) could also be a good enduro race after @HammyMansell then I'll race no doubt ;).

An absolute gent need to do yours and a few others! Oh and cheers for last night @RHINO2K good little chat on twitch although very noisey lol.

That rocket looks like mayhem lol
Dont take this the wrong way jsb but there shouldn't be any need to prioritise chat at all. the details were already organised on gtplanet everyone new what, why, were and when all that needs to be done is everyone thumbs up when ready. and if something goes wrong glitch wise then it becomes pretty obvious when the host leaves they are going to set a new lobby up so im pretty sure everyone would just be on standby for new invites. it was just unfortunate you totally crashed and had to restart your ps4 .

Don't worry I won't take it the wrong way mate. I just needed to speak to everyone before the event (not when the glitch happened). I wanted help from some of the crew in the other chat party as time was of the essence and the more regular members were all in there. Also CRAP isn't just a competitive racing group, it has a social element too and it's nice to touch base with everyone now and again.

Cheers. Maybe see people late tonight if I get on (probably after the main population have dispersed).

Had a go at that community event time trial in the LongTail at Spa today. Great fun.
That rocket looks like mayhem lol

Yeah it's good it was free with psplus last July, its a blast (pun internded) although when you've had a few beers you gotta rely on your teammates not your dead cat like reflexes lol. Glad you enjoyed :).

@JohnScoonsBeard I'll happily give up a spot for you in partys if you want, I'm a rambling Irishman I'm fine with my own company :P. As a popular yellow coloured family depicted, 'the leader is good, the leader is great' or 'na na na leader' although he was a scam God ;).
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Don't worry I won't take it the wrong way mate. I just needed to speak to everyone before the event (not when the glitch happened). I wanted help from some of the crew in the other chat party as time was of the essence and the more regular members were all in there. Also CRAP isn't just a competitive racing group, it has a social element too and it's nice to touch base with everyone now and again.

Cheers. Maybe see people late tonight if I get on (probably after the main population have dispersed).

Had a go at that community event time trial in the LongTail at Spa today. Great fun.

totally agree jsb cheers for understanding

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