Do you prefer racing in CRAP pCARS with Penalties on or off?

  • Penalties On

    Votes: 57 75.0%
  • Penalties Off

    Votes: 19 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
People that fall asleep at the wheel should always be banned! ;)
*swings hammer* :-D

I would like to say that it was an absolute pleasure and an honour to come back to CRAP and find that everything is as I left it. The game is different, and there's a bunch of different faces, but the vision I had for CRAP has been upheld. I cannot thank JSB enough for taking the reins and not taking a different direction! The formula works, always has, and it's great to see the seeds I sowed flourish :)

Huge thanks to the guys from last night, you can expect to see me again very soon, just not after I've had 18 stubbies of beer :lol:

Thanks again JSB, I left this creation of mine in such very good hands :)
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Regarding crew chief app: I am quite keen to try it but I don't have good WiFi where I have my ps4 set up in the garage. Might have to fix that first.

Also how do I find organized crap races on pcars? That is how can I tell the difference between private lobbies and public?

You can use power line connections to have internet in your garage. Simply plug one near your router and another in your garage and the internet signal goes through your house wiring. You need a Ethernet cable from the one in garage to the ps4. Cheap on eBay.
Would love to hear @mr_belowski go through our names to see how some are said :gtpflag:

I'll post the pronunciations I've asked for shortly

Regarding crew chief app: I am quite keen to try it but I don't have good WiFi where I have my ps4 set up in the garage. Might have to fix that first.

Also how do I find organized crap races on pcars? That is how can I tell the difference between private lobbies and public?

David I'll add you to the chat group if someone hasn't already. That is handy for seeing if anyone is online and asking for invites. Set it as a favourite group and extra features open up within the ps4. Only mods add people to that chat group. The moderators (@knukken is one for example) are listed in the first post.

Good racing tonight!

@David Brooks you have to get invite to join private rooms. Invite the regulars you see posting here 👍

@HP what do you think of pcars so far? Didn't get to race you but it was fun to have a "motivator " :lol: 👍 I think most of us in the chat got a good laugh or two :D looking forward to next rime!

*swings hammer* :-D

I would like to say that it was an absolute pleasure and an honour to come back to CRAP and find that everything is as I left it. The game is different, and there's a bunch of different faces, but the vision I had for CRAP has been upheld. I cannot thank JSB enough for taking the reins and not taking a different direction! The formula works, always has, and it's great to see the seeds I sowed flourish :)

Huge thanks to the guys from last night, you can expect to see me again very soon, just not after I've had 18 stubbies of beer :lol:

Thanks again JSB, I left this creation of mine in such very good hands :)

You're too kind mate. Hope you enjoy the game. Lots of great cars and tracks. Have a go in the current community challenge (open until Monday night.b it's the Formula A (approximation of a Formula 1 2011). I tried briefly late last night on controller and found it tough just to get a clean lap. Beer and wine weren't my friend. I'm on holiday for a few days now in the Netherlands.
Here are the CRAP pCARS Member PSN id pronunciations I've asked for in Crew Chief.

Crew Chief names Pronunciation
JohnSchoonsBeard JohnSkoonsBeard
knukken Nucken
acekiller15 Ace killer
admoo admoo
alegunner68 ale gunner
allstyles all Styles
Bonio71 Bonio
CaptainDash Captain Dash
Carnby7 carnby
cbcvabch See Be See
cbcvabch See Be See
danrc2010 Dan Ah See
davidb_165 David B
esiotrot esiotrot
Football67611 football
gr4demon demon
HammyMansell1980 Hammy Mansell
HeathenPride Heethen Pride
ICH-Motorsport Eye See Aych
ned_chimp_choker ned_chimp_choker
Nicky_B_mc Nicky B
No1Driv3r_ Driver
nosoks nosoks
OsLimas Oslimas
Priesty_lfc Priesty
Shin_Roh Shin Row
sp00ky-w00ky- Spooky Wooky
Storm--Trooper- Storm Trooper
The__Ambitious Ambitious
weal77 Weal
weisda3 Whysda
Weslev007 weslev
xI_SaDShooTeRx Sad Shooter
xkubunt ex kay yoo bunt
Yeldz Yeldz
Zakspeed_TV Zakspeed
bloodyboyblue bloody boy blue
buybon355 buy bon
Markeeez18 Markeeez
matty234 matty
revhead_1000 rev head
slr5000912 ess El ar
Yamamoto- Yamamoto
dinityfor6 Dinity
FRS_SK8R skater
helicon2 hellycon
Jorrit82 Jorrit
thebigRAGOO_14 the big ragoo
brandoluckybeatz Brando
chilybee chilly bee
diesel4x497 diesel
Dongel Dongel
GTP_Brit999 Brit
GTP_Cantona Cantona
IRandyPirate I Randy Pirate
Jallmari Jallmari
lightweight1980 lightweight
Majortrauma999 Major Traumer
PLATANO646 Platano
RacingAtHome Racing At Home
RizlaTML Rizla
SeeSickSteve SeeSickSteve
SkaankyPuppy SkankyPuppy
skyyjuice SkyJuice
thewispo wispo
tobiasols tobias
VicrsVF1 Vic
Whaleboy Whaleboy
yido yiddo
AndroR35 Andro
garethwinst1978 Gareth Winst
a2tommy1881 Tommy
Ajgrizzle Grizzle
ANFD Ay En Eff Dee
chin2112 Chin
copes24 copes
dee54 dee
donpawley Don Poorly
Ejiff_Emro Ee jiff Emro
Giant slayer_48 Giant Slayer
gtaellis ellis
GTP_Howellsey Howellsey
GTP_Ph1sh Fish
i-was-ere I was ear
micantony Mick And Tony
OllyP90 Olly
ozabroad ozabroad
POLARBEARpl polarbear
potatoe506 potatoe
Schmiggz Schmigz
SmilerFTM smiler
sn1p3r3lite1 Sniper
TDZ-4-12-14-88 Tee Dee Zed
Uniden347 Uniden

Power Hour: tonight at 8 BST
1 Hour race includes 15 min Qually
GT3 Norshliefe Combined: 15x progression in game time 19:00

1. @Football67611
2. @Spooky Wooky
3. @HammyMansell
4. @Weslevoo7
5. @matlock747
6. @Skaankypuppy
7. @night4001
8. @DropBuckets[/USER
9. @bob-leeswager
10. @FlipperRacing

Reserve: @g4demon
Reserve: [USER=272445]@DIOGOPINTO121
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David I'll add you to the chat group if someone hasn't already. That is handy for seeing if anyone is online and asking for invites. Set it as a favourite group and extra features open up within the ps4. Only mods add people to that chat group. The moderators (@knukken is one for example) are listed in the first post.

Thanks for this but I still need it explained to me. If I see an invite from the chat group what do I do? How does it relate to the game?
Is this for offline, online or both?

I guess it will work online. However offline only your own name will be in the race. I'm not sure if it will make any difference to offline.

Thanks for this but I still need it explained to me. If I see an invite from the chat group what do I do? How does it relate to the game?

I'm the same man, it's still confusing lol

If someone says that a room is open or you want to find out if anyone has one just post a message asking for an invite. You will then get an Invite from the host or someone else in the room sent from the lobby in the game. Open that invite (received in the ps4 menu). You'll need to have notifications on. Accepting the invite will then take you to the game and attempt to take you to the lobby in Project Cars.

Also once you've set the chat group as a favourite you can see what the members people are right now using the option on the left of the screen. To set the chat group as a favourite press the options button when highlighting the CRAP pCARS moderated thread in your PSN messages section of the PS4 menu.

There's no permanent lobby or clubhouse like in GT5 or 6. Just open a new lobby within the game if no-one else had yet. Lots of options when setting up. Give it a go as a trial remembering to use private option unless you want the general public. Then send a message to the message group.
I have been playing with the crew chief app. Very cool. As expected though, my current wifi set up is too weak to reach the garage. It keeps dropping out and crew chief becomes unresponsive. Also found it worked much better with a headset and mic rather than using my phone speaker and mic.

I move house in 2 days so might be off until I get set up again but I am hoping to upgrade a bit at the same time. 👍
Round 3 of the Logitech series is now over. Formula A @ Azure and it was hard! I found getting a clean, "fast" lap in quite difficult, but more rewarding when I did. Still really enjoyed it none-the-less.

Started with a 1:23 and got down to a 1:18. I think I could have got into the high 17s if I'd spent more time at it.

62nd @Zakspeed_TV 1:14:575
179th @Spooky Wooky 1:18:667
570th @David Brooks 1:23:469
594th @allstyles 1:23:700
729th @Football67611 1:25:049
1258th @JohnScoonsBeard 1:31:534

2126 entrants this time round.
Hi guys

This is the thread for the CRAP Indycar two car series. Myself (Danrc2010) and Acekiler15 have put this together for a regular, competitive and most importantly FUN racing to run each week.

Add Danrc2010 and Acekiller15 if you already haven't!

Car - Formula C and Dallara DW12 Indycar

This series is open to anyone affiliated to CRAP, this is because we have incredibly close clean racing which is key when running a series, if you don't know about CRAP please visit the link below!

The main reason for setting up this series is to have fun with a little bit of friendly competition which is why we are including a points system. The series consists of 7 races which will be listed below and the weather will be announced the week before.

Reset to track is not allowed.

Formula C

10 minute Qualifying
15 minute Race

Dallara DW12 Indycar

10 minute Qualifying
5 minute warm up
30 minute race

Formation lap will start the race. See below for details!

Tuning allowed with forced pit stop.

Damage - Perfomance Impacting
Penalties - On
Mechanical failures - Off
Tyre wear - Real
Fuel usage - Real
Weather - Set on the current conditions

Track limits are set by Project cars to keep it fair for everyone but any major corner cutting will impact on your series points.

Room set to private, if you want to invite someone who doesn't normally race with us let me or Acekiler15 know.


View media item 18859

1st - 16
2nd - 15
3rd - 14
4th - 13
5th - 12
6th - 11
7th - 10
8th - 9
9th - 8
10th - 7
11th - 6
12th - 5
13th - 4
14th - 3
15th - 2
16th - 1

The driver with the fastest lap in the feature race will receive 2 bonus points.

Lowest weekend and 1 single lowest result will be deducted at the end of the season. Allowing for 1 weekend away and a 'problem race'.


Traction control - No
Stability control - No
ABS - Yes

Driver list

@ty2 (Acekiller15)
@Bjorn Lucas (allstyles)
@DropBuckets (xl_Sadshooterx)
@RHINO2K (gr4demon)
@Branden Elmes
@Spooky Wooky
@Paulo Lima


Formula C will always be medium cloud

Circuit de Barcelona - Catalunya

Starting light rain quickly changing to dry.




Hi guys,

The new tracks are up on the Indycar series! Let us know if you want in, first race is this Friday!