- 157
- Weed, CA
- xXDoc187Xx
- Doc187 XL
Ok Double H I synced Scropion thru Waver for you.
Blaze thru Intersection SYNCed.
Should I continue?
You can continue up to Saturn and he'll be complete apart from the few standards hes missing
Anyone have time to send over some sets?
PM me if do because that sends me an email that I can reply to faster since I'm on mobile.
Phenomenal effort High On Speed, xXDoc187Xx, HOODFIELD. Sorry if my box got full, I tried to keep my myGT profile in sync but I got caught behind too often so gave up.
I've just updated my profile, http://www.mygranturismo.net/gear.php?id=23068&compact=y
EDIT: Sorry box full, now emptied.
Thanks for the massive effort guys. Only missing 38 helmets and 3 suits until 100%
Happy to help others sending gear out.
I'm still a fair way off, but I've got a lot I can help out with if you guys need it.
I'm still in debt for all the help I've been given thus far
I'll be home in 30 minutes so I'll jump on then.
HOODFIELD that last spurt was awesome, I've double checked and I'm now 100%.
Bennyjohnson I'll be happy to send you some gear, send me a friend request when you're available.
Sure canDouble H as a favor for me can you make him 100% he helped us out when we were in a bind today.
Sure can
So are we finished? I see the OP post to be "complete"....well done everybody!
You can help me out if you're really bored
That has to be the quickest collection of collectables I've ever seen
I'll send you what I can when I get a chance