Crash Helmets and Suits - Trading Post FREE SWAPS-NEW GEARS AVAILABLE

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ch1potle Course i send now

nick6raphael Thanks for safari 14 but I was wrong is not 14 it's 21

Who can send me Safari 21 please ?
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@ ZeGermanBastorD Synced mate.:D
@ cryptomanic Synced mate.:D
Chat soon bye for now.:)
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Ok so I did grind the FF at Eifel for a while and unfortunately drew a blank :(

Good luck to you all in the quest for the last 4 👍
Cross: 33.
Wrap: 32.
Warp Drive: 22.

Suits- - - FINISHED 👍
GT5 Helmets and Suits Collection SPEC 2.0

Missing Objects
Cross: 33.
Divider: 32.---WON BY djMister-T.👍
Safari: 21.---WON BY nick6raphael.👍
Spinning Ball: 34.---WON BY aspawn911.👍

Trickster: 32.---WON BY Monatsende.👍

Untamed: 9,12.---WON BY kaijinx1.👍.WON BY ch1potle.👍

Wrap: 32.
Warp Drive: 21,22.---WON BY aspawn911.👍----#22 still needed

Flame: 14.WON BY aspawn911.👍

With Monatsende winning the Trickster we are now to last 10.:D
With aspawn911 winning the Spinning Ball and Flame we are now to last 8.:D
With kaijinx1 winning the Untamed 9 we are now to last 7.:D
With aspawn911 winning the Warp Drive #21 we are now to last 6.:D
With nick6raphael winning the Safari #21 we are now to last 5.:D
With djMister-T winning the Divider#32 we are now to last 4.:D
With ch1potle winning the Untamed#12 we are now to last 3.:D

Who ever wins the last missing piece,s could you please lets us know in thread so I can add you to the list.
It will be placed at a later date into the OP for future reference of the last missing items and who found them.:D
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Thank you!
Sending to people now to distribute

EDIT: Sending to Chris, monatsende, aspawn911, kaijinx1...

Good work:tup:, If anyone (@aspawn911) can sync me, I'll be glad.

Now 2(3) to go......

I'm going to grind in a while now.
Thank you Ch1polte.:)
Chat soon bye for now mate.:)

@ Natt synced mate.:D
@ Igywana synced mate.:D
@ Banjoboy Synced mate.:D
@ Nick6 synced mate.:D
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Do you have access to right now ? Because i don't... and my hosting service is not accessible either, so i can't do anything but wait for now.
Do you have access to right now ? Because i don't... and my hosting service is not accessible either, so i can't do anything but wait for now.

Its down here too Milouse.:(
Chat soon mate bye for now.:)
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