Creating tokyo japan using simcity4 and google maps. 56k warning

That's incredible! Anyone who's ever been to Tokyo can attest how brilliant that is, I could litterally pick out and recognise areas at will. I couldn't see in the video, but have you got any screens of Shinjuku Station East Gate and Studio ALTA area?

I came back from Japan a year ago almost to the day, and miss it like crazy. Your video isn't helping with the blues, but it's amazing to watch!

Bergauk: lol, that would take at least 2 years to complete.

GTjazzabrandy: thank you very much.

Mr.Apex: soon ill be working on R246 in the ayoama area, maybe ill take a whole buch of pics lol...

Dijital Majik: wow man, i really apreciate this, And yes i have pictures of thoughs areas ;) but thats for part2 of the video, And also i to miss japan, but i will be going back this summer :)...and i cant wait lol.
Amazing! I've been to most of those places and am blown away at your detail. You even got the lighting effects correct!

How did you create below-grade expressways? You even got the bus-stop labels on the roads. And the parking ramps underneath the airport?! WOW!

Keep it up. And let us know when we can download this amazing map :) I lived in Namba (Oosaka) and would love to see that detailed, with the WTC and Umeda. Mmmmm....
Amazing! I've been to most of those places and am blown away at your detail. You even got the lighting effects correct!

How did you create below-grade expressways? You even got the bus-stop labels on the roads. And the parking ramps underneath the airport?! WOW!

Keep it up. And let us know when we can download this amazing map :) I lived in Namba (Oosaka) and would love to see that detailed, with the WTC and Umeda. Mmmmm....
Well, i really apreciate the comment, but i dont think there is any way that us sc4 users can export our cities, lol, all i know is we can export our maps.
As others in this thread I've been to Tokyo before, several times in fact, and I'm blown away. Having read the thread title I thought of something that kind of looks like Tokyo with a lot of imagination... what I didn't expect was that sick level of detail.
I don't know how you did that, but it looks like a lot of work. Kudos to you !
As others in this thread I've been to Tokyo before, several times in fact, and I'm blown away. Having read the thread title I thought of something that kind of looks like Tokyo with a lot of imagination... what I didn't expect was that sick level of detail.
I don't know how you did that, but it looks like a lot of work. Kudos to you !
Oh man, that really means alot to me, Thank you very much!!
Awesome job :D i dont think i have the patience to do that. Especially downloading all the Buildings, etc. I miss SC4 :(

おかげで喜んでそれを好む 👍
That is awesome!! Build Tokyo seems to be a hard work! Congratulations mate!
Wow, I remember the old days playing Sim City in Super Nintendo. What an awesome game.
Wow mate that's awesome, I'm a massive SC4 fan.
Its probably my favourite game behind the GT series, however I lost my RH disk in a move and haven't bought a new one yet.

Anyway that's awesome work! keep it up.
Thanks every one, I really appreciate the support! Look forward to alot more!
Also i might start posting up new updated pictures.
Like others I expected a rough replication using SC4 assets and was pleasantly suprised, I am also been to Tokyo and it looks fantastic 👍

Also as a Sim City fan.... we need a SC5!
Like others I expected a rough replication using SC4 assets and was pleasantly suprised, I am also been to Tokyo and it looks fantastic 👍

Also as a Sim City fan.... we need a SC5!
YES!!! SC5!!!... because cities XL sorta flopped...
Yeah, I don't know how popular it really is but the fact they try to force you into a MMO killed it for me. :(
Thats pretty much why it flopped...and also, could not just capture the charm that SC4 has...Or the Massive Libary of mods..

Hello GTPlanet, Torque here, iv'e still been hard at work, on this project, just busy with, the usual's.
here is an update

Shinjuku area

Studio alta area near shinjuku station

Shinjuku station area

Shibuya crossing area.

Akihabara teaser.

Akihabara station area

Akihabara center area.

And at night

The akihabara area is very outdated, i had to make alot of 3d models, because they didn't exist.

3d models i made.

Sega arcade.
AKiba big box
Sega main tower.
Donquijote AK48 building.
Akiba Yodobashi.
Taito game station.
Ishimaru denki.
Akiba cross feild and UDX building.
Radio akiba.
AOKI tower.

And alot more, i will release my buildings soon on the stex, there are alot of japanese bats, but shibuya and akihabara buildings are very scarce, i'm changing that.

Thanks for looking!
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Nice work. I spend a lot of time in shibuya and akihabara and your attention to detail is excellent.
Thanks guys, i appreciate it.

Nice work. I spend a lot of time in shibuya and akihabara and your attention to detail is excellent.

Thanks, i really appreciate it, I had to make, ALOT of buildings, 56 or so, yes there japanese BATS but only office style ones, so i had to make shibuya, akihabara and shinjuku(studio alta area) style, it's been very fun. Thank you.
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