Creation vs. Evolution

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Where did the aliens come from?

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate...
Take the simpler explanation indeed... WE are aliens? WFT?! Evolution alone makes a hell of a lot more sense here. There is no evidence to suggest any kind of alien involvement in our development. Basically, we aren't giving the ancient humans enough credit, they were just as smart as us (it takes a LONG time to develop smarter brains - we aren't really any different from them in any substantial way), and they worked with the materials of the day to the best of their ability, which gave us some sensationally well crafted stuff! 👍
Who knows? No body that's who.

Bingo - and this is why your theory IS more far-fetched.

We arose because aliens came here and had sex with... something? The aliens, presumably, had to come from somewhere too. And this restarts the problem - where did the aliens come from? Were they "created"? If so, why can't we have been? Did they arise through natural selection? If so, why can't we have done? Or did THEY come about because aliens went to their home planet and had sex with... something? In which case, where did THOSE aliens come from? And so the cycle starts again. And again. And again.

It ultimately comes down to the question - is life the product of the universe, or were we all created (and if so, where did THAT creator come from?)?

In a nutshell.
Call your girlfriend/wife/significant other a stupid slut every day (with that same laugh and winky-face) and see how long it takes for her to break up with you. Sure you don't mean it, but it gets Same thing with American "jokes". How much **** are we supposed to take? I guess it doesn't matter; we're all just fat, obnoxious, illiterate dumb****s who want to rule the world. Here's the problem: many people post hateful blanket statements about Americans, and they actually mean it. How are we to distinguish who is serious and who is just messing around?
Exactly. And, of course, when we do get mad because we're bloody sick and tired of hearing the same stale untruths repeated as "humour", it's Americans who are still wrong because we're stupid and have no sense of humour.

So we have a choice between putting up with continual baiting and being called humourless morons, or proving we're humourless morons by reacting to it.

Gee, thanks! Allow me to restrain my enthusiasm for reading any more of James2097's posts.

I mainain that any citizens of any Empire that brought forth Benny Hill have no business at all criticizing the subtlety of other nations' humour.
So coming from monkeys isn't far fetched? Or having a supernatural being go let there be humans and poof. They are all far fetched if you ask me.
I'm just wondering if anyone has changed their minds about this topic since it's 'creation'? ;)

And with that, here's a nice little joke:
An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. "What majestic trees!

What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!" he said to himself.

As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes
behind him.

He turned to look. He saw a 7 foot grizzly charge towards him.

He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and
saw that the bear was closing in on him. He looked over his shoulder
again, and the bear was even closer.

His heart was pumping frantically and he tried to run even faster.

He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but
saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and
raising his right paw to strike him.

At that instant the Atheist cried out: "Oh my ....."
Time stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent.

As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky: "You
deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist, and even
credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of
this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?"

The atheist looked directly into the light, "It would be hypocritical of
me to suddenly ask You to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps could
you make the BEAR a Christian?"

"Very well," said the voice.

The light went out. And the sounds of the forest resumed.

And then the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together and
bowed his head and spoke: "Lord, Bless this food which I am about to receive
and for which I am truly thankful."
So coming from monkeys isn't far fetched?

Does it matter? Given the masses of evidence - including fossils in the "gaps" you say exist which don't - which point towards "coming from monkeys" being true, does it matter how far fetched it sounds?

As I said, the problem with your explanation is (apart from having zero evidence) that it needs another one to cover the exact same issue on the aliens' own planet. And, if you use the same explanation, you need yet another one to cover the same issue on the aliens' aliens' home planet. Eventually you have to get down to saying that either the first life arose because of the universe or that it was created by a creator.

Besides, what WAS it you suppose the aliens got jiggy with?
Gee, thanks! Allow me to restrain my enthusiasm for reading any more of James2097's posts.
Always nice to know I have a fan.

I don't hate Americans or think they are stupid in the slightest, but think what you like...
Always nice to know I have a fan.

I don't hate Americans or think they are stupid in the slightest, but think what you like...
Frankly, I couldn't care less what you actually think of Americans.

It's the continual sniping at us that pisses me off, and that is the face you choose to portray. So it's not a matter of "thinking what I like", it's a matter of the public stance you take, regardless of your private thoughts.

But of course, I'm just a humourless American moron, and I've just validated your point by getting pissed off again.

So, do you still **** sheep (like all Aussies), or have you given that up for Christmas?
You've made your point Duke, and I accept it fully and unconditionally. I promise I'll be good and start liking Ford F650s.

Get over it or ban me, but don't sit around insulting me forever, when I clearly just have a very different cultural view of the world. I'm not evil and I won't pretend I am to make you feel better.
Get over it or ban me, but don't sit around insulting me forever, when I clearly just have a very different cultural view of the world.
But I, of course, being American, am expected to sit around and tolerate being insulted forever. Which way do you want it? I thought you could tell I was just baiting you. I guess you want it your way both ways - I have to put up with you insulting me, but I'm not allowed to insult you.

And if you think I'm going to play into your hands by banning you, forget it. You're not getting off the hook that easily.
I'm not evil and I won't pretend I am to make you feel better.
Nor am I evil, and I'm tired of you pretending I am.

Besides, you didn't answer my question - do you still have relations with sheep?
You've made your point Duke, and I accept it fully and unconditionally. I promise I'll be good and start liking Ford F650s.

Get over it or ban me, but don't sit around insulting me forever, when I clearly just have a very different cultural view of the world. I'm not evil and I won't pretend I am to make you feel better.

One question, do you turn your head and look when you backpedal or do you just start running and hope for the best? :dopey:

But I, of course, being American, am expected to sit around and tolerate being insulted forever. Which way do you want it? I thought you could tell I was just baiting you.

But I, of course, being American, am expected to sit around and tolerate being insulted forever. Which way do you want it? I thought you could tell I was just baiting you.
Ha. Ha. Ha. I refuse to be baited like you do. I have NEVER attacked you personally like you just did to me then. You've been more immature toward me than I have ever been towards America.
Nor am I evil, and I'm tired of you pretending I am.
I have never thought you were evil!! How many times!! I have always talked in generalities, usually regarding well known cultural differences that for some reason Americans won't accept as true... Even the sitcom makers IN AMERICA admit they aim for an average viewer age of 13 years old... These things are real cultural differences, NOT differences in intelligence etc... As if people around the world would be that different given the same genetic structure... I'm tired of explaining and adding thousands of disclaimers to my points to say I DON'T hate Americans, yet you seem to WANT to believe I do. I have ALWAYS made it clear what I think. You just read the bits you can get worked up about.
Besides, you didn't answer my question - do you still have relations with sheep?
That would be New Zealanders. Get your countries sorted in correct sheep rooting catagories! Its far too warm in Australia to root sheep. You'd get all sweaty.

One question, do you turn your head and look when you backpedal or do you just start running and hope for the best?
I didn't look that soft did I? Wait... don't answer that, you... you oppurtunist you. :irked:
Ha. Ha. Ha. I refuse to be baited like you do.
I beg to differ:
Get over it or ban me, but don't sit around insulting me forever, when I clearly just have a very different cultural view of the world. I'm not evil and I won't pretend I am to make you feel better.
Zero to teed off in one post. Now, of course, you'll pretend that you weren't "really" mad.
I have NEVER attacked you personally like you just did to me then. You've been more immature toward me than I have ever been towards America.
I didn't attack you personally, I made a snide comment about all Australians, and you just happen to be one. No different than most posts you ever make about Americans. But of course, I guess it's those "cultural differences" that prevented you from seeing it was just a harmless joke.
I have never thought you were evil!! How many times!!
Then why the comment about banning you just because I don't like you?
I'm tired of explaining and adding thousands of disclaimers to my points to say I DON'T hate Americans, yet you seem to WANT to believe I do. I have ALWAYS made it clear what I think. You just read the bits you can get worked up about.
You've made it clear that you have great disdain for American culture, by denigrating it nearly every chance you get. But of course, MAYBE cultural differences are making me see something that doesn't exist, because I am only a humourless American moron.
That would be New Zealanders. Get your countries sorted in correct sheep rooting catagories! Its far too warm in Australia to root sheep. You'd get all sweaty.
Australia, New Zealand, what's the difference? It's all just upside-down Canadians, except named Bruce or Sheila and without those annoying French separatists.

That would be New Zealanders. Get your countries sorted in correct sheep rooting catagories! Its far too warm in Australia to root sheep. You'd get all sweaty.

I didn't look that soft did I? Wait... don't answer that, you... you oppurtunist you. :irked:

It gets pretty cold in Montana. I know some guys that raise sheep. They haven't told me 'why' they raise sheep, but I have a pretty good idea.

So yeah, God created the universe because the Bible told me so. Jesus is my savior because I asked Him into my life. This is something that can be done over and over again by multiple people and they will get the same results, salvation. Sounds like mankinds option for salvation is very scientific.

Merry Christmas everyone.

So yeah, God created the universe because the Bible told me so. Jesus is my savior because I asked Him into my life. This is something that can be done over and over again by multiple people and they will get the same results, salvation. Sounds like mankinds option for salvation is very scientific.

Merry Christmas everyone.


And Merry Christmas to you too! :dopey:
So, do you still **** sheep (like all Aussies), or have you given that up for Christmas?
DUKE you still have relations with sheep?
Now of course I can't get seriously teed off about something as obviously silly as rooting sheep, but these comments were way more than snide generalities about Aussies. They are direct allegations toward me personally. So much for the analogy to what I've said...

Then why the comment about banning you just because I don't like you?
I don't believe anyone is evil. Evil is a pretty damn strong word. Besides, I can actually tell you're probably a nice enough dude going by your posts that aren't directed at me. :lol:
Thats why its so aggravating being unable to change your opinion of me. I know I'm usually a pretty relaxed nice guy. I can see a wider picture of people beyond my personal view... yeah sure you hate me, but I know its just me... (and maybe a few lucky others you dislike).

You've made it clear that you have great disdain for American culture, by denigrating it nearly every chance you get.
Not true whatsoever! You've made it clear - to yourself - that I hate American culture. In reality, my life would be s***house without American culture! I love playing the blues and rock more than anything in the world! Many of my favorite people in the world have been Americans. I like American food more than most other stuff... I would kill to live in someplace like Chicago and get to listen to all the great music going on, the relaxed culture etc... I like the whole concept of holding freedom as man's greatest right... I think the American military campaigns kicks major arse (apart from vietnam) and we would be talking japanese down under if it wasn't for the yanks... I support Australia's involvement in Iraq... want more?

If you bothered to ask what I LIKE about America for a second, you would realise I really don't hate anybody. So please don't honestly tell me I'm anti-American. I know what I am, and its silly for you to try and tell me what that is. I'm just cranky, pessimistic or critical - whatever you like to think.

Australia, New Zealand, what's the difference? It's all just upside-down Canadians, except named Bruce or Sheila and without those annoying French separatists.
For the record, sheila is a very old slang name for ANY woman, prefferably a dirty, very hick one. Not a name for a specific woman. Not sure whats so bad with Canadians however (I have several friends there), perhaps you're trying to make some silly demonstration about how not to treat other countries... I damn well hope so anyway. ;)
Sheila is a very old slang name for ANY woman, prefferably a dirty, very hick one. Not a name for a specific woman.

I know I should stick up for my fellow countrymen but...

My Stepmothers name is actually Sheila, although, she is a Scot...So it doesn't really count.

About the sheep, it's really just stupid sledging between us and the Kiwi's, I don't think anyone really cares about it anymore. Although, the Kiwi's like to inform us we have more sheep per person then them, but who cares about the facts?
...About the sheep...

I'll risk getting this thread back on topic, and post this:

Unfortunately, every word of this is absolutely correct

"Judge Jones's ruling may thus help to clarify some of the terms on which the modern world may be able to reconstruct a much-needed dialogue with America... A recent survey found only 26% of Americans believe, with Darwin, that life on earth has evolved through natural selection. Two-thirds favour the teaching of creationism alongside evolution, against which the judge ruled, while 38% think evolution should not be taught in school at all."

This uniquely American "debate" makes us the laughingstock of the entire planet.
"Judge Jones's ruling may thus help to clarify some of the terms on which the modern world may be able to reconstruct a much-needed dialogue with America... A recent survey found only 26% of Americans believe, with Darwin, that life on earth has evolved through natural selection. Two-thirds favour the teaching of creationism alongside evolution, against which the judge ruled, while 38% think evolution should not be taught in school at all."
I'm rather suspicious of those poll numbers.
I'd be more interested in the sample they took. In some parts of the country, those numbers might be more accurate than in others.
Guardian Article
ID has powerful adherents * and rich and militant supporters who will make trouble for those who hold the line on behalf of Darwin, evolution and science - no corporate sponsors came forward this year for the big Darwin exhibition now in New York, for instance.

I find the last part of that sentence particularly frightening. It's a paradox. You'd expect corporations to want to aid a scientific exhibition. A premium on education is one thing corporations look for in the labor pool...

But then again, since most of those corporations are now outsourcing technical jobs overseas, maybe they just see Americans as consumers, whom they can treat like sheep. :indiff:
I find the last part of that sentence particularly frightening. It's a paradox. You'd expect corporations to want to aid a scientific exhibition. A premium on education is one thing corporations look for in the labor pool...

Placing emphasis on solid education and being supportive of the scientific method and current scientific conclusions is not the same thing as donating money for an exhibit in New York.

But then again, since most of those corporations are now outsourcing technical jobs overseas, maybe they just see Americans as consumers, whom they can treat like sheep. :indiff:

"Technical" is probably a bit of a misnomer here. If "techincal support" is "technical" then I guess. Believe it or not, most Americans still work here in America.
ah hell, it's just depressing. :( What's distressing is that nobody wanted to raise ire by lending support to the exhibit. It's like doctors not attending a contraceptive convention because "it's a sin".

:lol: about technical support. Have a number of friends who work there. ****ty job, considering the time differential between here and the US.
I'll risk getting this thread back on topic, and post this:

Unfortunately, every word of this is absolutely correct

"Judge Jones's ruling may thus help to clarify some of the terms on which the modern world may be able to reconstruct a much-needed dialogue with America... A recent survey found only 26% of Americans believe, with Darwin, that life on earth has evolved through natural selection. Two-thirds favour the teaching of creationism alongside evolution, against which the judge ruled, while 38% think evolution should not be taught in school at all."

This uniquely American "debate" makes us the laughingstock of the entire planet.

Why is this? If the debate is so open and shut, then why is there a debate at all? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I sense that you are embarrassed at your fellow Americans for having faith in what they believe in.

The creator used evolution as a tool to further progress his highschool science project. And that's how earth, the universe, and we carbon-based lifeforms came to be.