So, do you still **** sheep (like all Aussies), or have you given that up for Christmas?
...do you still have relations with sheep?
Now of course I can't get seriously teed off about something as obviously silly as rooting sheep, but these comments were way more than snide generalities about Aussies. They are direct allegations toward me personally. So much for the analogy to what I've said...
Then why the comment about banning you just because I don't like you?
I don't believe anyone is
evil. Evil is a pretty damn strong word. Besides, I can actually tell you're probably a nice enough dude going by your posts that aren't directed at me.

Thats why its so aggravating being unable to change your opinion of me. I know I'm usually a pretty relaxed nice guy. I can see a wider picture of people beyond my personal view... yeah sure you hate me, but I know its just me... (and maybe a few lucky others you dislike).
You've made it clear that you have great disdain for American culture, by denigrating it nearly every chance you get.
Not true whatsoever! You've made it clear - to yourself - that I hate American culture. In reality, my life would be s***house without American culture! I love playing the blues and rock more than anything in the world! Many of my favorite people in the world have been Americans. I like American food more than most other stuff... I would kill to live in someplace like Chicago and get to listen to all the great music going on, the relaxed culture etc... I like the whole concept of holding freedom as man's greatest right... I think the American military campaigns kicks major arse (apart from vietnam) and we would be talking japanese down under if it wasn't for the yanks... I support Australia's involvement in Iraq... want more?
If you bothered to ask what I LIKE about America for a second, you would realise I really don't hate anybody. So please don't honestly tell me I'm anti-American. I know what I am, and its silly for you to try and tell me what that is. I'm just cranky, pessimistic or critical - whatever you like to think.
Australia, New Zealand, what's the difference? It's all just upside-down Canadians, except named Bruce or Sheila and without those annoying French separatists.
For the record, sheila is a very old slang name for ANY woman, prefferably a dirty, very hick one. Not a name for a specific woman. Not sure whats so bad with Canadians however (I have several friends there), perhaps you're trying to make some silly demonstration about how
not to treat other countries... I damn well hope so anyway.