Creation vs. Evolution

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Hey! Everything about white people is funny. But then again, so is everything about every other color of people as well. :sly:

Besides, Martin Lawerence is weak. He can only play one character and he just keeps doing the same thing over and over. Like Steven Segal, but with comedy.

Seagal actually plays characters? I always thought he appeared as himself. :dopey:

There is one counter-argument against Evolution being proven right here. It's been almost a century since the invention of cinema, and movies still suck.
Well you got the guy eddie something who claims to be hetro...while dressed like a women ...but he's actually funny as well as funny looking ....then you got that Dame Edna...or something.....and there's always that dorky guy beans...cripes...someone just put a bat to his head and club him like a baby seal already..
You should see Mr "Bean" (Rowan Atkinson) as Blackadder and you'll cry because America could never make a better comedy. No way. Same with Red Dwarf, that show is all you need to demonstrate that the brits are the best at comedy and the yanks can't even try to approximate humour on that level.

Anyway, its time for me to go to sleep whilst very drunk, wake up in the morning dehydrated like a bit of salted pork on a pirate ship. I will feel sicker than a lebo's "phat" rims. G'night dudes.

On the upside he's cousin to the grandfather of Holly Valance.

But if it's comedian war you want, it's comedian war you've got. Martin "Everything about white people is hilarious and it's not racism in any way" Lawrence. Bam!
Search the movie board for my "10 Worst Films" nomination for Black Knight and you'll see what I think about Martin Lawrence.

But I wasn't the one making snide comments about having to explain jokes to Americans, was I? I merely pointied out that the Empire doesn't have much leg to stand on when it comes to getting snippy about other people's senses of humor needing work.

For the record, I actually find Benny Hill amusing, but I wouldn't get cocky about having to explain jokes to other people.
Neither was I. The person who was is Australian too - and we disowned them years ago (though they keep coming back and pretending they're in the "Commonwealth") - responsible for such comedy greats as... errr... thingy... that bloke... and Crocodile Dundee, and little to do with Benny Hill at all, though as I mentioned, his cousin's grand-daughter is one of Australia's finest exports (though she's actually from New Zealand and has a Yugoslavian father).
You should see Mr "Bean" (Rowan Atkinson) as Blackadder and you'll cry because America could never make a better comedy. No way. Same with Red Dwarf, that show is all you need to demonstrate that the brits are the best at comedy and the yanks can't even try to approximate humour on that level.

LOL, You're really a trip. You would actually try to rank comedy between cultures when it's an incredibly subjective term. I think John Cleese is a trip just because he is. But that doesn't mean that the Brits "rule" comedy. Man, get off your high horse.

And about the thing in PA, that's kinda weak. If you don't want to mention ID in biology, that's fine. But the NEED to say it's a theory and not a proven fact. Period.
LOL, You're really a trip. You would actually try to rank comedy between cultures when it's an incredibly subjective term. I think John Cleese is a trip just because he is. But that doesn't mean that the Brits "rule" comedy. Man, get off your high horse.

And about the thing in PA, that's kinda weak. If you don't want to mention ID in biology, that's fine. But the NEED to say it's a theory and not a proven fact. Period.

High horse? He's Australian dude, not British.
High horse? He's Australian dude, not British.

And they originally came from Britain. But that's not my point at all. My point was he was directly putting down Americans on a completely subjective topic. That's what I was getting across to him. When I said "high horse" I mean his stance of arrogance that it's impossible for Americans to have comedy as good as Britain.
And they originally came from Britain. But that's not my point at all. My point was he was directly putting down Americans on a completely subjective topic. That's what I was getting across to him. When I said "high horse" I mean his stance of arrogance that it's impossible for Americans to have comedy as good as Britain.

I think it's kinda true though. I've never laughed harder a comedy that wasn't British.
And they originally came from Britain. But that's not my point at all. My point was he was directly putting down Americans on a completely subjective topic. That's what I was getting across to him. When I said "high horse" I mean his stance of arrogance that it's impossible for Americans to have comedy as good as Britain.
Swift's over-reaction proves the yanks have no humour.

Everyone knows American comedies are mostly woeful, except (quite obviously) the Americans these (low-IQ target audience - as admitted by many US TV networks) comedies are made for. Its not an insult if I'm simply conveying a fact. Whether or not I have British ancestory isn't important.

For instance, I've noticed that consistently, non-US folks get all of mine and Famine's jokes (or at least know we are making a joke), and many US folk can't discern between truth and sarcasm/irony, whether to laugh or take things literally and (like clockwork) get all pissed off thinking we hate Americans (which isn't the case). Most of the time you guys get all hot under the collar for no reason and its really annoying. Maybe Americans just have an elitest mind-set (can't handle any criticism) coupled with no humour? Kinda different than me supposedly being arrogant. Its NOT that people criticise the US any more than any other large country, its just that you guys aren't relaxed enough to realise we're joking much of the time.

Here's another fact. Americans are the fattest nation on Earth, which creates a higher average of hideously ugly people there than anywhere else. Americans, on average, are the ugliest people in the world. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. ;)

If you couldn't tell I was totally joking just then, simply to bait you, you have no idea. You'll still get offended and think I mean it.
Actually, I find it really funny that when people are trying to be "funny" and nobody(or a very select few) gets them, they then go into a long explaination as to why they ARE funny.

Maybe you could just say, "we have totally different taste in comedy" Nope, it's easier to write two paragraphs of explaination and more sarcasam.

But if it makes you feel good, knock yourself out.
Swift's over-reaction proves the yanks have no humour...

One Yank, at least.

Question: How do you explain the success of "The Simpsons", which skewers every aspect of American life? How could a sitcom that makes such glorious fun of Americans become an icon of American humor if we are such oversensitive, stupid, witless Neanderthals?

And how do you explain our love of Brit humor? If we don't get it, how could we love it so much?
One Yank, at least.

Question: How do you explain the success of "The Simpsons", which skewers every aspect of American life? How could a sitcom that makes such glorious fun of Americans become an icon of American humor if we are such oversensitive, stupid, witless Neanderthals?

And how do you explain our love of Brit humor? If we don't get it, how could we love it so much?

The Simpsons is an outlier. Not representitive of the norm in American comedy. It does, however prove Americans themselves have a sense of humour, I never tried to dispute that. What I was saying is that shows which are made in America are usually not as funny as Brit ones. The market is bigger and they need to make the jokes really obvious so more people watch the show and get the jokes (note the big long pauses between lines and the over-bearing fake laugh track on most US sitcoms etc).
It doesn't make Americans stupid, or lack humour, they simply don't encounter as much dry wit, drollness in their lives as many other cultures. This tends to make them expect people to be less ironic, or less sarcastic in their posts. They aren't used to looking for it as much, and tend to need big flashing things like :lol:, :sly:, ;) etc just so they recognise the intent of certain statements.

Its also not as if a select few understand my humour (and Famine's if I'm allowed to speak for him on this), its ONLY Americans who accidently take me too literally, and thusly get annoyed. Famine even noted that he has to be way less subtle with his humour (than in real life) whilst on GTPlanet, just for the American audience.

Its not that Americans lack subtlety in humour if they try, its just that they are conditioned to not expect it in their day to day lives.

And now I apologise for crapping on about comedy so long in the wrong thread...
Maybe it isn't the wrong thread after all - it pretty much is a big comedy for me!
And meanwhile i do not know how I feel about a judge " ruling " at all in this instance .

I feel pretty good about it. Especially since the judge is a Bush nominee.
Famine even noted that he has to be way less subtle with his humour (than in real life) whilst on GTPlanet, just for the American audience.

Have I? All I said was that I was too subtle for most Brits. In fact I had to explain the one-liner in this thread to my girlfriend, even after she read it out loud twice.
Here's another fact. Americans are the fattest nation on Earth, which creates a higher average of hideously ugly people there than anywhere else. Americans, on average, are the ugliest people in the world. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. ;)

If you couldn't tell I was totally joking just then, simply to bait you, you have no idea. You'll still get offended and think I mean it.
Call your girlfriend/wife/significant other a stupid slut every day (with that same laugh and winky-face) and see how long it takes for her to break up with you. Sure you don't mean it, but it gets Same thing with American "jokes". How much **** are we supposed to take? I guess it doesn't matter; we're all just fat, obnoxious, illiterate dumb****s who want to rule the world. Here's the problem: many people post hateful blanket statements about Americans, and they actually mean it. How are we to distinguish who is serious and who is just messing around?

Back to the topic of the day: PA judge rules against intelligent design being taught in classrooms. I think he hit the nail on the head when he said ID was just a rebadging of religion. I understand that ID does not attempt to tear apart evolution, but it does keep religious overtones at the forefront of the discussion, and as such, should not be taught in public schools. It will be interesting to see the reaction from certain Christian groups about this. Also, this was Pennsylvania. What would have happened if this were a judge in Kansas? I think we need a country-wide decision on this, and not have it decided state-by-state.
Have I? All I said was that I was too subtle for most Brits. In fact I had to explain the one-liner in this thread to my girlfriend, even after she read it out loud twice.

just because she is a blonde it doesnt count.
Call your girlfriend/wife/significant other a stupid slut every day (with that same laugh and winky-face) and see how long it takes for her to break up with you. Sure you don't mean it, but it gets Same thing with American "jokes". How much **** are we supposed to take? I guess it doesn't matter; we're all just fat, obnoxious, illiterate dumb****s who want to rule the world. Here's the problem: many people post hateful blanket statements about Americans, and they actually mean it. How are we to distinguish who is serious and who is just messing around?

Back to the topic of the day: PA judge rules against intelligent design being taught in classrooms. I think he hit the nail on the head when he said ID was just a rebadging of religion. I understand that ID does not attempt to tear apart evolution, but it does keep religious overtones at the forefront of the discussion, and as such, should not be taught in public schools. It will be interesting to see the reaction from certain Christian groups about this. Also, this was Pennsylvania. What would have happened if this were a judge in Kansas? I think we need a country-wide decision on this, and not have it decided state-by-state.

That one judges decision now makes it much harder for ID supporters throughout the country. he being a FEDERAL judge and all . It would have been different if it were the state appellate or supreme court. This is a FEDERAL judge who ruled on the constitutionality of this stupidity.
Call your girlfriend/wife/significant other a stupid slut every day (with that same laugh and winky-face) and see how long it takes for her to break up with you. Sure you don't mean it, but it gets Same thing with American "jokes". How much **** are we supposed to take? I guess it doesn't matter; we're all just fat, obnoxious, illiterate dumb****s who want to rule the world*. Here's the problem: many people post hateful blanket statements about Americans, and they actually mean it. How are we to distinguish who is serious and who is just messing around?
I'm not proposing all humour has to based around putting people down, jeez! That would get old fast! I was talking about humour in a way more general context, especially comedy shows, not just people that bag out America... You have a point, there are many legitimate American haters that must piss you off... All I can say is, just make a joke back to let them know you're not what they think you are instead of reinforcing stereotypes*...

Famine: yeah sorry, thats what I gathered you meant (what I wrote). Ok, so no one understands your humour... Too subtle for everyone? 👍 Good stuff.
Well since this was brought up in my Aliens thread I'll bring it up here since its more fitting.

What I truely believe:

I honestly think that humans, or something like humans came from another planet and settled on Earth. There is a gaping hole where the missing link should go and this is one theory that I can buy into. Why? Because I have a strong belief in that sort of stuff. But what actually seems more real to me, is that aliens came here and bread with the current man-like beings and this is how modern man came about.

But really the whole debate about about where humans came from is pretty much up to the person, if you don't believe in religion then of course we evolved from monkeys or were from another planet...but if you do believe in God of course He made everything. Who's right? No one as of right now.
Well since this was brought up in my Aliens thread I'll bring it up here since its more fitting.

What I truely believe:

I honestly think that humans, or something like humans came from another planet and settled on Earth. There is a gaping hole where the missing link should go and this is one theory that I can buy into. Why? Because I have a strong belief in that sort of stuff. But what actually seems more real to me, is that aliens came here and bread with the current man-like beings and this is how modern man came about.

But really the whole debate about about where humans came from is pretty much up to the person, if you don't believe in religion then of course we evolved from monkeys or were from another planet...but if you do believe in God of course He made everything. Who's right? No one as of right now.

And you're certainly entitled to your opinion. You sound kinda like the movie Stargate(man, that could've been great, but it was just missing that something)
Ya pretty much just like Stargate, hence why I love that movie. I don't know it just seems right to me for many reasons. But if you think about it, it's no more far fetched then humans coming from monkeys or us being created by a supernatural being.
Ya pretty much just like Stargate, hence why I love that movie. I don't know it just seems right to me for many reasons. But if you think about it, it's no more far fetched then humans coming from monkeys or us being created by a supernatural being.

Actually it is. But at least you're not ashamed of your opinion and I respect that.

The ONLY question here is where did nature come from? Once we answer that, this debate is over. Though I doubt any of us will see it in our lifetime. :)
Well I mean I think the whole Earth thing came from the Big Bang, but what caused the Big Bang is what I've always wondered...this is were a supernatural being, whether God, Allah, Budda, whomever started it, it purely up in the air in my eyes. Hence why I'm agnostic and not athestist, there might be something out there, I just don't know.
In Stargate humans originated on Earth and were taken TO other worlds by the Goa'uld.

But if you think about it, it's no more far fetched then humans coming from monkeys

Where did the aliens come from?

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate...

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