Creation vs. Evolution

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His crux is that atheists (which is obviously everyone who doesn't believe in God) say that there was no beginning. Every argument is based on this premise. And that premise is wrong.
chicken or egg argument ?

More like an omlete argument .

I read a paragraph and my head started to unwind so I duct taped it .

Now I have to say I am very tightly wrapped.

I think I should go someplace to unwind .
Christianity and evolution conflict, in many ways, I have to say, it IS Creation vs. Evolution. as many have said otherwise, (I think) it's one or the other, it cannot be both, I realized this at 4 in the morning, trying to sleep, but can't remember the details yet. I'll let ya know when I can.
Christianity and evolution conflict, in many ways, I have to say, it IS Creation vs. Evolution. as many have said otherwise, (I think) it's one or the other, it cannot be both, I realized this at 4 in the morning, trying to sleep, but can't remember the details yet. I'll let ya know when I can.

Christianity per se has absolutely nothing to say about Creation. It's the people who call themselves Christians using a literal reading of the Old Testament that spout Creationism at us.

Keep a pad by the bed so you can right those night-time thoughts down and not forget them....:sly:
Well you do have some who argue that evolution itself is part of creation and of I.D.....but they tend to be deist and not part of the " book" believers.
Christianity per se has absolutely nothing to say about Creation. It's the people who call themselves Christians using a literal reading of the Old Testament that spout Creationism at us.

Keep a pad by the bed so you can right those night-time thoughts down and not forget them....:sly:
but then I have to remember the notebook. and then I need to remember to write it down. then I need to remember the pen. by then I'll forget anyway.
Well you do have some who argue that evolution itself is part of creation and of I.D.....but they tend to be deist and not part of the " book" believers.
Although you will also notice that staunch creationists, particularly AIG (Answers In Genesis) do not concede that evolution happens (i.e. the 'Creation happened then evolution took over' model) since they know very well that this would logically undermine their position entirely.

Incidentally, speaking of Answers In Genesis, I am quite disturbed by the new Manchester United strip :ill: :nervous:


I just got back from my 'evolutionist's holiday' in the French Alps and am waiting on some pics from my friend's camera to show you what I found, including a marine fossil imbedded in a rock some 2100 m above sea-level...
Touring Mars
waiting on some pics from my friend's camera to show you what I found, including a marine fossil imbedded in a rock some 2100 m above sea-level...
Marine life?? On a mountain??? You're just making me laugh, Mr. Mars :lol: This is proof positive that the devil places fossils!

Archaeoligists? More like...


(I think I've lost my mind, but this is too much fun :lol:)
Of course, how could I forget! Although, even if all the available water on Earth were to exist as water (i.e. if there was a complete melting of all the ice on Earth), by a reasonable estimate the water level would only reach up to 75 m higher than it is now... a 'Biblical' flood might be bad news for Holland, but our grasshoppers needn't worry too much...
Touring Mars
Of course, how could I forget! Although, even if all the available water on Earth were to exist as water (i.e. if there was a complete melting of all the ice on Earth), by a reasonable estimate the water level would only reach up to 75 m higher than it is now... a 'Biblical' flood might be bad news for Holland, but our grasshoppers needn't worry too much...

God made the extra water then also made it dissapear once he was finished with it.

gotcha now!

BTW nice article 👍
In actual fact, Creationists do not dispute the fact that the explanation for marine fossils in high mountain deposits is that the land was once much lower than it currently is, and indeed used to be under the water as sea bed... the only thing they dispute is when this was... unfortunately, this requires the process of mountain-building to happen much more rapidly than all current scientific evidence suggests. Of course, the notion that this specific piece of land where I found my fossils was once under water is not in question. But the notion that it was under water just a few thousand years ago, and has uplifted some 2 kilometres above sea level in such a short space of time, is palpable nonsense. Also, the fossil in question is of a marine creature which has been extinct for atleast 65 million years...
Semi related but not really.

I saw a discovery thingo about how these big canyons were formed. Apparently a massive lake back in the ice age was approx half a mile deep and really big. It was blocked by a massive glacier. Eventually the water broke the Glacier and :censored:load of water ran down and formed these massive canyons. I cant exactly think of the right names of these now, but its very interesting to see that such things Can be formed so quickly and not over millions of years. Where the lake was, their were thes 40ft high hills, that when looked from a plane looked exactly like the ripples left behind by water, and they all pointed in a certain direction. It was exactly like what happens when you play in the sand with water, only on a truely massive scale.

However this has nothing to do with creation vs evolution i just thought it was interesting :lol:

Look forward to your pics 👍

But im not so sure how land can get from sea level to 2km above sea level in a few thousand years :indiff: I just cant see any evidence at all for creation.
But im not so sure how land can get from sea level to 2km above sea level in a few thousand years :indiff: I just cant see any evidence at all for creation.
It could if it were next to, or were part of, an active volcano. There's a lava dome inside the crater of Mt. St. Helens, which grows upward a couple of feet each year. In a couple thousand years, it will be a couple thousand feet high, and eventually, it will completely fill in what was lost in the 1980 eruption. However, there is no way fossils could form or survive in an environment like that.
It could if it were next to, or were part of, an active volcano. There's a lava dome inside the crater of Mt. St. Helens, which grows upward a couple of feet each year. In a couple thousand years, it will be a couple thousand feet high, and eventually, it will completely fill in what was lost in the 1980 eruption. However, there is no way fossils could form or survive in an environment like that.

atually lifefoms can be preserved in cooling lava . So 10,000 years from now you can have fossils from the days of the ash and lava flows..remember Pompei ? The " statue people " ?
Interesting article in the news yesterday - the process of evolution 'reversed' by the reconstruction of ancient genes from their modern-day predecessors...

remember... the "statue people" ?

Are you talking about the US World Cup soccer team's defenders against the Czech Republic? :P
Touring Mars
Interesting article in the news yesterday - the process of evolution 'reversed' by the reconstruction of ancient genes from their modern-day predecessors...

Are you talking about the US World Cup soccer team's defenders against the Czech Republic? :P

yes quite the same actually .
See, I've had this problem with Creationism ever since college, but now, the banana has cleared my mind, and I've seen the light!

<Crowd noises:


Testify, brother!



Puh-LEEEEEZE!!!!!! :yuck:

I have to wonder if he measured how the banana fits a chimp's hand?
Even Kirk Cameron looks like he is holding back a laugh.

He was probably sitting there wondering which idiot producer let this guy on the show.
:lol: Hilarious and scary :scared: A brilliantly misguided attempt to infer design in the natural world - still, I had wondered what those grooves in my palm were actually for for all these years - grippin' my banana, of course! :P I'm off for a wee practice - I just hope the contents don't squirt in my face! 👍
:lol: Hilarious and scary :scared: A brilliantly misguided attempt to infer design in the natural world - still, I had wondered what those grooves in my palm were actually for for all these years - grippin' my banana, of course! :P I'm off for a wee practice - I just hope the contents don't squirt in my face! 👍

Im sure it will come back to you naturally once you hold ya banana again. Since afterall the banana was made for you :lol:
I nearly wet myself when that guy starting jacking-off the banana. Actually, if you replaced the word "banana" with the word "penis", that clip would become gut-busting hilarious!
I think Swift may be on to something here - people like the guy in that clip do absolutely no good to anyone whatsoever. They irritate non-religious people and make theists look bad, and insult the intelligence of us all, hence why almost everyone would happily seek to distance themselves from these foolish statements (even if they are hilariously funny)... I wonder how that same guy would explain a pineapple, or a coconut - second thoughts, I don't want to know. Anyway, I'm off to enjoy some 'Atheist's nightmare' and yoghurt...
I've just watched the clip...

What does everyone think of, when they think of bananas?

No, not that website.

Monkeys (though they're actually thinking about apes, but I digress).

Monkeys eat bananas. Everyone knows that. They've also got the whole 3-groove, 2-groove thing going on, and the curved-toward-the-face, and the green/yellow/black indicator.

But they don't have the tab. Monkeys (apes. Whatever) always open bananas from (what we would consider) the bottom.

"Proof" that monkeys weren't made by God.


(also, wild bananas have a single, woody seed in them, two-thirds the length of the banana and about a quarter-inch thick. Bite into one of thos suckers and you'll kiss goodbye to your incisors)

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