The known universe came into existence as a result of a 11th dimensional brane interaction, creating what we would identify in 4-dimensional space-time as a "singularity event". This occurred roughly 18.5 billion years ago, by current estimates and 4D space-time has been expanding at the rate of c ever since.
The Primordial Soup was formed from chemicals abundant in the Earth's atmosphere at the time - 3.5 billion years ago after the collision which caused the Moon's formation and melted the surface of the Earth. Carbon compounds (specifically methane and carbon dioxide - and one has to wonder why we'd need an ozone layer with a 4 mile thick carbon dioxside cloud), heat, water and a lot of electrostatic discharge. Certain simple compounds can be formed in these conditions, and given the size of the molecules compared to the size of the planet the probability of these compounds forming is 1, and assimilate the raw materials around them to manufacture more of themselves. I won't go into the extremely dull biochemistry behind it, but they can create amino acids, which create proteins, which create more amino acids and proteins, which can eventually create nucleic-acid-like compounds, which can create more amino acids and proteins until we see almost an evolution of chemicals to form entirely self-replicating compounds like RNA and DNA.
According to current theory.[/color][/b]