No, he didn't. He specifically said that one theory doesn't need another one. Tell me that's not what he said.
And stop taking the Lord's name in vain. I know you don't believe in anything, but at least respect those who do.
More frustration that in vain...
But here it is again. I'll explain how something may come to be.
1. hydrogen + oxygen + whatever atoms are blown out of the big bang.
2. a couple million years go by, and planets are formed.
3. another couple million go by, and gasses have collected around earth, mainly nitrogen gas (N2), carbon gas(C2) and oxygen gas(O2)
4. the hot magma pouring out of the earth's crust burns things it may have touched, and produces heat, light, and more different gas.
5. pyroclastic flow from volcanoes contributes to the swirling gasses.
6. another million years go by and things start to settle down, become more stable etc.
7. Earth is now habitable. Molecules have formed, and pyroclastic flow has contributed to produce small amounts of acid rain, in the form of Sulfuric Acid.
8. more reactions, with more products being formed. Eventually, over enough thousands or millions of years, different acids are formed through a vairety of similar ways, and a protein is formed. After enough of these proteins are formed, they may develop into DNA and RNA and create cells. As temperatures fluctuate along with the UV rays, humidity, gasseous atmosphere, different ones begin forming, and more complex ones have been produced.
9. The cells can now go through mitosis, and can grow. This is the first sign of life.
10. As they grow and divide, small mutations occur (some beneficial, some not) due to environmental factors, and enough of them result in a new species.
11. Evolution now in progress.
12. small organisms are (now) form(ed/ing) (this is over the course of perhaps +1 billion years, who knows)
13. water is now optimal for sustaining sexually reproducing life. Kryl, shrimp, mosses and plant life are now growing, and decaying adding more matter and variation to the seas allowing different molecules to form into acids-proteins-cells etc. and evolution keeps on chuggin.
14. These animals evolve into more efficient and effective predators or bottom dwellers.
15. full scale fish are formed.
16. as fish become less dependant on gills through shallowing riverbeds, and contaminants in the sea during the mating season, a potentially beneficial mutation may have occured allowing the birth of amphibians. As amphibians grew and evolved they (probably) evolved into reptiles. They began to eat each other, along with fish, as the predators they are. Insects are also flying/crawling around and eating stuff.
17. Another couple hundred million years pass. What ever environmental changes have occured, have now given smaller dino's feathers, and small mammals are now becoming more prevalent than before.
18. Dinosaurs eventually become extinct.
19. another couple million years go by. Many crazy looking mammals are now extinct.
20. apes are now living in trees and in the jungle(s).
21. another few hundred thousand years go by and due to environment and predator change, they slowly evolve into something that relies more on its' brain than on sheer strength.
22. the species is starting to split up into different (although similar) categories. They are slowly comming near neanderthals, which is still hundreds of thousands of years away.
*few hundred thousand years go by*
23. neanderthals are now formed. they live in small groups throughout Europe feeding on deer and other wild animals. they have a limited knowledge of fixing wounds using plants (which have also evolved and changed) and primitive bandages.
24. 100,000 years go by. Cromagnon kills off neanderthals. The more prevalent and advanced species moves forth.
25. the upright standing, cave-man-browless homosapien now roams the earth, throughout africa and asia.
26. more thousands of years go by. Egyptians.
27. 2000 and some odd years go by. Greeks.
28. 500 years go by. Earth now round according to mathematicians.
29. another 100 years go by, Earth pretty much round now depending on who you ask.
30. 405 years go by. PS explains how we got here.
Now you see how we got here. Any questions? And yes, a DNA strand is made up of molecules (or one giant one if you prefer), which is made up of atoms. Mostly nitrogen, or hydrogen, I forget which.
Hydrogen, my final answer is "Hydrogen".