I already have, the events of the big bang created the universe, prior to that was the singularity.
No. The Big Bang does not give an explanation of the beginning of universe. The Big Bang model explains the early evolution of the universe, back to the first planck of time. It does not explain how the universe began to exist.
I have no idea, however that does not then mean that a God was the creator of the singularity or the universe that followed it (unless you have some evidence to prove otherwise).
In your recent post which I responded to, you affirmed that:
a)that God does not exist
b)that the existance of the universe could be explained through a naturalistic explanation.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong with that. That's what I saw in your post, and if I'm wrong then please explain - I don't want to misrepresent or distort what you've said. I'm not defending any specific position here - I'm responding to these two points.
Now. There is no naturalistic explanation as to why the universe exists that I know of. I'm not claiming that there will
never be a naturalistic explanation - I'm just saying that currently there is no adequate or sufficient explanation as to why the universe exists in scientific terms. I am not affirming that this proves/disproves the existance of a deity, I am simply saying that this does not negate the possibility of Gods existence.
You see I'm quite happy with the concept that we can yet fully explain everything, I have no desire or need to run for a touchstone the second anything can't be explained.
Sorry, but do you mean that you are happy that we can
not yet fully explain everything, or that we can. I am not claiming that you must accept anything other than a naturalistic worldview because you don't (or do) have answers, I'm simply saying that your two claims which I have noted above (again, waiting conformation) are unjustified to this date.
A lack of a current explanation does not mean God did it
I never said that.
No. The universe was formed as a result of the big bang, the origin of the singularity before it are not known (to me at least). Neither of which means God did it.
No. The best models of the early universe describe the universe expanding from a previous dense state which we call the singularity.