I guess since my injuries I have learned to tolerate grammar nazis much better. There is no way you can know I am typing with hands that are barely functioning. Also my typing was never up to snuff to begin with .
So enough of disclaimer, try as I do to overcome the issue.
Now this , " shift " in public opinion , or culture. Its not my opinion , but an observation of how much has changed in the United States on the topic of Religion . Its importance is not in question . Like having 17 trillion in debt now is , to some , not an issue . When this thread began , the US had an influential Political coalition of evangelist and other Christian groups that where able to push this agenda by virtue of being a force in politics .
Now these same groups with the parties out of favour they support, and Religion itself being 44% or less of the population that votes minor interest , can no longer push for Creation or intelligent design to be taught in school .
In most places they are now openly mocked . That was a minority of people in the past and a small one thats now grown to a large minority if not makority.
Juxtapose Tim Tebow and how he was treated by the media vs. Recent US Football draft that featuted an openly homosexual man kissing his friend and being applauded.
So as much as the topic is still valid and important as ever , the shift in the political and cultural environment is huge and has swung hard in the secular to agnostic direction .
"Why did it happen and how ? "
Is a good topic . The popular media has helped shape the narrative but they would not be so popular if no one was thinking the way they present the subject .
Recent events like people having to resign over past statements against gay marriage, when this thread was started would have caused a backlash or never even happened , but now its somehow accepted . Or is it ? I think this started in 2004 . Ten years has changed much of the landscape in the USA .