1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Yes.
4. No. Look up what the 2nd Law actually applies to.
5. It's "there ". And the sun sets because the earth spins on its axis relative to it.
6. They don't (see #4). And look them up to see what they actually apply to.
7. What about them...?
8. Why does there need to be objective meaning in life? That aside, how is religion - which is by definition SUBJECTIVE - going to supply it?
9. Yep. How did your God originate - by refusing to answer how He originated?
10. I believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn. SHE said you're an idiot.
11. They don't. Both are equally possible, and both are equally unlikely.
12. You absolutely don't understand the concept of evolution. But you are kind of cute, which means you'll probably get to procreate anyway. Damn.
13. It proves that metamorphosis is a viable adaptation strategy for some species.
14. A) You don't understand the word "theory". Fortunately, the people who teach evolutionary theory do. B) Because all the physical evidence supports it.
15. And YOU don't even understand the word "science". Because everything you say it isn't is what it is.
16. Not sure what you mean. Natural selection increases the percentage of "good" genetic information by honing away the "bad", but it is always surrounded by a huge amount of genetic junk information which is neither good nor bad.
17. Why would I need a "purpose" to be here? Why do you need a purpose - isn't the sheer joy of being alive ENOUGH for you?
18. We've only found 1 "Lucy" because she lived millions of years ago and just happened to die in a place where her remains were preserved enough to study. We've found thousands, if not 10s of thousands, of other homind fossils. And, like #12, you also don't understand the concept of evolution. Maybe you should hook up. Just don't have any kids, please.
19. I don't "believe" in the Big Bang, so I don't need any "faith". There are a number of Big Bang theory variations that fit the available evidence in differing ways - AND I'M OK WITH THAT. That's how science works.
20. Because all of the available evidence points to a natural origin, not a supernatural Creation. Why isn't that even MORE amazing to you? I'm amazed by it. I think it's really cool.
21. Where did God come from? I'm OK with not understanding the universe's origin yet. I'd rather have an incomplete but probable answer that meets the evidence. I'm not desperate to have AN ANSWER that isn't based on anything but the desire to have the question go away.
22. Surprise. Someone else who doesn't understand evolution. #12 can have her choice of mates. In answer to your stupid question: BECAUSE MONKEYS STILL ADAPT TO THEIR ECOLOGICAL NICHE WELL ENOUGH TO SURVIVE. And, you'll note, many species of monkey are dying out where they come into competition with humans.