Commonly accepted age of the planet is 4.5 billion years. Bacteria did not appear until 2 billion years ago at the very earliest. The dunkleostus appears 358 million years ago, at the latest. The maximum time from bacteria to dunkleostus is 1.642 billion years.
A bacteria is a single celled organism. The DNA of a bacteria contains the instructions for organizing one cell.
Dunkleostus grew to over 8 meters and 4 tons. The DNA of Dunkleostus contained the instructions for organizing 1,600 trillion cells. Even if the cells of dinosaurs were 100x the size of cells today, that would still be 16 trillion cells for some of these fishes.
In order to go from a single cell bacteria to 4 ton fish in 1.7 billion years, the DNA must increase the instructions to organize one cell to 16 trillion cells at a rate of 10,000 cells per year, or 25 cells per day, or more than one cell per hour. And this is 1/100 of what is more likely (that cell size does not change significantly from organism to organism). At most, realistically, lets say x10. So realistically, the organism needs to evolve 10 cells per hour, continuously, every hour, every day, for 1.7 billion years strait.
Evolving a bacteria to a nematode would be a basic grade school science project that takes only 4 days.
Try doing the math to change a mouse into a human in only 65 million years. That increase in complexity is closer to 600,000 cells per year, or more than 1,600 per hour. NEVERMIND that every single increase in complexity must be a net positive mutation. Failed random and negative changes will vastly the positive beneficial changes.
Evolution is so absurdly untenable.