- 2,883
code_kevPS, come on man, it takes time to search answeringgenesis!
Finding facts on it takes even longer.
code_kevPS, come on man, it takes time to search answeringgenesis!
danoffYes. The same old argument all over again . Earth seems to be very very convinced by his computer analogy (which falls apart under scrutiny).
Earth, this part is valid.
In fact, it's SO valid, it actually defeats your own argument. How can you believe in God if we could all be in a computer program controlled by some aliens who stuck us here for their amusment? If that's a possibility, then how can you KNOW that God exists?
First, I would like respect from evolutionists etc. Science is about having an open mind and being open to any possibility, right? Then why is the possibility of a creator x'd out? Nevermind the God of any religion, but a creator in general. Those who claim to be scientific and also claim to want to know the truth and nothing but the truth have no choice but to leave a creator as a possibile option for the creation of the universe and/or man. Not doing so shows that you are not truly interested in absolute truth but are dogmatic.
Comments such as 'only the ignorant believe otherwise' are evidence of those who lack faith in their own theory but believe trashing opponents of their theory will dismiss their beliefs.
The Genesis account allows for much more time than 6 days for the creation of the universe, that has already been discussed so moving on
The order the Genesis creation account has creation appearing is correct, is it not? But some say why did God create stars last? The creation account was written by an earthly observer. Remember that
On the first day the expression light came to be was used. The Hebrew word used their for light was ohr, meaning light in a general sense, but on the fourth day the word changes to ma*ohr, which means the source of light.
On the first day light penetrated the waddling bands, but the sources couldnt be seen by an earthly observer because of the cloud layers around the entire earth.
Moses didnt see the source of light until the 4th day, where he saw them for the first time.
So if the stars and the sun was created 'in the beginning, or before everything, then the steps of life appearing in Genesis, plants, fish, land animals, then man is correct acording to scientific fact.
Nevermind that evolution states that man came from a species of ape, but in reality the theory states man came from fish, too. So it can seriously be said that fish are your long ago ancestors. Are you ready to accept that as scientificly plausible?
To our knowledge, no 'link' connected this new beast to any previous form of life. The fish just appeared." - Marvels and Mysteries from our Animal World
Lets fast forward to the apes, evolution-wise. Why did a species of ape evolve above his counterparts? If his counterparts were smart enough to survive, why did this special species evolve to higher status? In fact why did this species evolve to domination over anything and everything on the Earth? Was that needed to survive? No. And if primitive man spent all his time cave dwelling and being stupid, why did he improve? Why is the most powerful object in the universe in the skull of a stupid caveman? In fact some have come to know so called neandertahl had bigger brains than modern man, yet they reason he was stupid. Contradiction
Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record." - Science Digest
Several reasons that I can think of for outright denying the existance, or even the possibility of a creator is that some say they only believe in what they can measure or see.
As for the 'miracles' and the 'unscientific' happenings in the Bible, consider this. A computer designer creates a virtual world for his subjects. He gives these subjects immense A.I. , Enough to notice their surroundings and learn about it. But since they are restricted to a virtual world they cannot see their creator. Their designer isnt even made up of the same things as them. If the computer designer changed the color of the sky to red instantly the virtual subjects would instantly scream 'Miracle!'. Cannot the creator of the virtual world change the composition of anything if he wanted by merely altering computer code? In doing so the much lower life might see this as impossible, as they have no way of doing it and it never happens due to precise laws the computer designer put into effect. They know they are made of polygons, and that things change due to computer code, which they see as unchangeable. Yet when the computer code is altered by the grand designer they say 'miracle' when in indeed it isnt. Think of this. If you were a cockroach could you understand a human? If you were A.I. Inside a computer code could you understand your far superior creator's power or how he uses it? No
I have more to say but later.
Can I just state that for the record, genesis can't be right because the sun and stars are exactly the same thing. Creating them on different days makes no sense whatsoever.
PSHe could MAKE them harbor life. After all, he made ours harbor life, right? Yup, that's right. No denying it. I mean, look at all that evidence. I even made some up on if you don't believe me but I'm not going to tell you where!11!
"We just want the best possible education for Kansas' kids," Burdett said.
"Let's take a look at the evidence," said ECFR senior fellow Gregory Lunsden."In Matthew 15:14, Jesus says, 'And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.' He says nothing about some gravity making them falljust that they will fall. Then, in Job 5:7, we read, 'But mankind is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly upwards.' If gravity is pulling everything down, why do the sparks fly upwards with great surety? This clearly indicates that a conscious intelligence governs all falling."
code_kevAhhh Zardoz, it's good to see that you went to the bountiful fountain of knowledge that AG is. What don't they know!!11!
I think that's been pointed out before, PS.PSSomething just dawned on me:
Creationists say that God had no creator but find it implausible that humans or the universe had no creator?
That's just lovely hypocrisy.
PS...Creationists say that God had no creator...
ZardozIn fact, Jonathan Sarfati of AIG says that just asking the question "Who created God?" is "illogical". The very pondering of the concept is an error. According to him, we shouldn't even be thinking about it.
PSWell Greg Taillon of GTP says that just asking the question "Who created the universe?" is "illogical". The very pondering of the concept is an error. According to me, we shouldn't even be thinking about it.
PakoIf you can accept (not comprehend) infinity, then you can also accept God. If you can't accept infinity, it's no surprise that you can't accept God. QUOTE]
We can accept infinity because there is no end in sight. Literally. With the billions of lightyears out there that the telescopes alone can see, and the rays of light and other cosmic energies received from various sensors and data collectors (including satellites that have left our solar system), it has been determined that given the data, the universe is simply on going. Constantly expanding. That means its size has no limit, and is thus infinite. Which is much easier to grasp than one guy, who created everything, who has no creator, who told some guy to do some stuff, who got some other guys to write a book full of hypocritical guesstimations.
PSAnd why is he a white man with long hair and a beard if those of a middle eastern decent tend to have darker skin and darker hair?
PSWhich is much easier to grasp than one guy, who created everything, who has no creator, who told some guy to do some stuff, who got some other guys to write a book full of hypocritical guesstimations.