I have created a new word just for my well respected friends of this thread.
Ya'll preach the word of Science to the world. You believe in something and very strongly want others to see your point of view.
I wonder want I can compare that too?!?!
The fallacy bolded here has been covered at length in this thread.
Agreed and you know what my intent was, so your post is pointless and nit-piky.
I have created a new word just for my well respected friends of this thread.
Ya'll preach the word of Science to the world. You believe in something and very strongly want others to see your point of view.
I'm not quite sure whether your post was serious or not, but if it was serious, the answer is no - your scievangelist can't be compared to a real evangelist. The reason? Famine already covered it. If you were just making a joke, then chalk one up to the internet ruining the tone.
You guys leeched on to that guy like an atheist in the bible belt of Alabama so I thought it would be funny to make a comparison.
To be fair, he initially posted as a response to a post of mine with the rather inaccurate claim that the Bible 'clearly explains' the origins of mankind when it actually does nothing of the sort. Hence I was pretty justified in challenging him, although I never got a direct response so that was the end of that...You guys leeched on to that guy like an atheist in the bible belt of Alabama so I thought it would be funny to make a comparison.
Well, others might have thought it was funny. But you have to remember that the reason we respond in this thread is because we care. So to compare us to something that we obviously care a great deal to argue against is probably not going to come off well.
Danoff, please don't come ripping this statement as I am not including you in either one of these groups as you have stated several time prior that you do not believe in anything.
Science doesn't prove the origin of man, nor does creation. To try and prove origins is futile. I have faith and therefore believe in what I hold to be true. How is that any different than what is stated from an evolutionist point of view? There is scientific or biblical documentation what leads ones belief to conclude one thing or another. Danoff, please don't come ripping this statement as I am not including you in either one of these groups as you have stated several time prior that you do not believe in anything.
Going back a bit, many people think that Scientists are guessing with the estimation of the earths age. I'm not entirely sure how they do this, maybe someone could enlighten me.
Also, could we accurately predict the age of the universe by the farthest away star and measuring the light?
Going back a bit, many people think that Scientists are guessing with the estimation of the earths age. I'm not entirely sure how they do this, maybe someone could enlighten me.
Going back a bit, many people think that Scientists are guessing with the estimation of the earths age. I'm not entirely sure how they do this, maybe someone could enlighten me.
Also, could we accurately predict the age of the universe by the farthest away star and measuring the light?
Going back a bit, many people think that Scientists are guessing with the estimation of the earths age. I'm not entirely sure how they do this, maybe someone could enlighten me.
Also, could we accurately predict the age of the universe by the farthest away star and measuring the light?
Forgive me if I'm wading into a hot mess as I know I'm new to this thread, but ...
Is not the driving impetus of man, in any sense of this argument, to attempt to prove (or at least explain to some satisfactory degree) his origins and his place in this universe, whether it may be natural or "divine"? It's an endeavor that's lasted 4000 years and if man is wise, will last untold eons more. Simply to chalk it up to 'faith' and attempt to explain it no further suggests that what you hold to be true is of such little importance to you that it deserves no justification - look at the ideas of "faith" and "what I hold to be true" as you express them. Essentially, they are the same - you're using faith to support ... faith. To me, that seems like the epitome of intellectual laziness (or spiritual laziness, if you prefer), AND suggests that man is not WORTH the effort to seek a more clear understanding of his nature. Personally, I LIKE man.
Man is pretty cool. In fact, really damn cool. I want to know exactly why I am what I am, and resting on faith that I'm somehow "made" a certain way with a certain design and that I need not KNOW, or at least try to know, that design seems foolish and blind.
I won't get into the specifics of how this relates to evolutionary arguments as apparently according to several posts, that's been done to death already. I just can't understand the mentality that suggests that attempting to explain and understand the origins of our species is pointless.
Perhaps you misunderstood what I was driving at. I think curiosity is a good thing and I don't think we should stop questioning our faith or sciences. It's how we grow. My statement would produce a better understanding if I would have said, "proving my faith wrong is futile, likewise, proving your scientific theories wrong are futile". Basically, can't we assume that all scientific theories are wrong anyways? Otherwise it's a law..... Faith is not a finite conclusion to an end result. Contrary, it is the beginning of a spiritual journey/relationship.
This thread is getting to deep for a Thursday afternoon.....
That would assume we're at the centre of the universe.
How does the bible and creationists explain Black people, white people and asian people.
Doesn't it have to do with the different tribes of Abraham? At least thats what I've been told.
That's primarily just the explanation for the twelve tribes of Israel AFAIK.
You misunderstand the definition of scientific theory and law. A scientific law describes what we observe; a scientific theory describes an explanation for the observations. For example, Newton’s third law of motion states what happens when you push on a wall, but doesn’t explain why (mostly electromagnetic forces). By definition, you can’t “graduate” a theory to a law, because they’re different categories and really have no relation to their colloquial usages.Basically, can't we assume that all scientific theories are wrong anyways? Otherwise it's a law.....
You misunderstand the definition of scientific theory and law. A scientific law describes what we observe; a scientific theory describes an explanation for the observations. For example, Newton’s third law of motion states what happens when you push on a wall, but doesn’t explain why (mostly electromagnetic forces). By definition, you can’t “graduate” a theory to a law, because they’re different categories and really have no relation to their colloquial usages.
You misunderstand the definition of scientific theory and law. A scientific law describes what we observe; a scientific theory describes an explanation for the observations. For example, Newtons third law of motion states what happens when you push on a wall, but doesn't explain why (mostly electromagnetic forces). By definition, you cant graduate a theory to a law, because theyre different categories and really have no relation to their colloquial usages.