Cruelty to Animals- Warning- Graphic Images

  • Thread starter Danny


Code Red
United Kingdom
Are you kidding?
I really don't know what to say.

This leaves me speechless. Why would anyone do this?
:ill:... sick people.

(post normal links instead, it will work)

I knew a guy who was telling me how fun it was to play with cats when he was a kid, grabbing them by the tail, spinning and slamming them in a wall, or doing amusing micro-waves experiments... asshole.

Edit: your links points to the home page of the site... It'll get removed by a mod if you don't change them.
Yeah. I heard in a local newspaper that some teenages were being put into prison for putting an old woman's cat in a microwave, and killing it.

Another group tied a firework to a little girl's cat and set it alight. The cat exploded everywhere, but the poor girl, no older than 8 had to go and make sure it had been her cat.

What were you looking at man, there's pornography links on the right hand side. 👎
It was from something THEE$treetKING had posted. I decided to check it out.

I wish I hadn't.
Well, I heard recently a bunch of teenagers snuck into a barn with teenagers, put fireworks in there mouths and lit them off, they ended up killing all of them except one, which is living with burns all of it's mouth. :(
Another group tied a firework to a little girl's cat and set it alight. The cat exploded everywhere, but the poor girl, no older than 8 had to go and make sure it had been her cat.

My friend told me about some poor kid he knew that was tied by other kids and they put small fireworks in his ears and... after that the kid went nuts and almost deaf, he couldn't see fire or matches without having a seizure.

Direct links to the pics don't work.
I'd just remove the link altogether - if you know where the pictures are, find them yourself and attach them with the associated warnings. But that site is the worst thing ever - don't advertise it and give it more hits.

*cleans history out with bleach*
Dogs, first in cramped cages, then each being taken out and beheaded, then being picked up and photoed by grinning teenagers.
Why beheaded? With teenagers these days I though that would be too much work for them to do, you need a very sharp knife to cut through all the connective tissue.
Oh, and the last picture was a basket with all the bits of dogs that weren't sold, including the decapitated heads and legs.
Meh sometimes things like that are slightly funny. I mean a frog in the microwave is something funny, but hey call it in the name of science and its fine right. Plus how many of you have ever laughed at the thought of a frog in a blender?

Would I abuse animals? No not like that. But I do hunt just about everything in Michigan that can be hunted, Small game (Squerriels, Chipmunks, Coyotoes), Deer, Duck, and I've been bear hunting before. Do I feel bad around putting a 30-06 round through the heart of a deer? No not at all. Do I feel bad putting a 410 or .22 round into a squerriel? Not really.
I believe cruelty to animals is completely wrong and idiotic. They should be punished seriously in a court of law, charged severely. Im talking years in prison or very extremely hefty fines. These are creatures..they are on this planet the same as we are. Are we to discriminated agains them cause our intellect is greater than them? Are we to discriminated against them in law for that reason? Its a debate people could get into forever but in my opinion once again...anyone who abuses or kills an animal to be stupid, idiotic, recreational, moronic should definitely pay severe penalties.
anyone who abuses or kills an animal to be stupid, idiotic, recreational, moronic should definitely pay severe penalties.

So then hunting should be illegal?

What's the difference between killing a dog for food and killing a chicken or cow? What about dolphins? What about humans? What's the distinction, and don't say its the human soul.
danoff I agree with the statement you qouted from Anaconda. for the most part. He stated that anyone who is cruel to animals for their own enjoyement, should be punished. I don't think he said hunting deer to get the vinicen(sp?) should be illegal. There are plenty of hunters in North Florida that hunt deer so they can eat them. In fact i don't know anyone personally who has said they hunt deer for fun then throw away/sell the meat. I guess it is fun for the hunters, but they also use what they kill. And shooting a deer threw the heart is not quite like setting your neighbors scottish terrier on fire and watching run around because you thought that would be cool. (yes that really happend, saw it on Animal Planet).
Well I guess as I meant recreational just to have fun with animals. Hunting is okay by me but are you going to go hunt a dog or cat? Well I there are people who eat dog or (ugh) cat. Anyway if you go hunting deer or whatever you hunting people do thats cool I guess. We as a human race have always hunted ever since our beginnings. Throwing cats out of a window on a highway while going 90 mph? Not cool.
So what if you're hunting just for the fun of it. You want a big deer head on your wall, let's even say you don't want to eat the deer at all, that's recreation right?

What if you hunt other people and do want to eat them, is that ok?

How about dophins or monkeys, can you hunt them for the trophy or to eat them?

What's the difference between hunting cats (let's assume they're wild cats) and hunting deer. We can all agree that we shouldn't be harming animals that are the property of other people.
We can all agree that we shouldn't be harming animals that are the property of other people.

well, yeah, i hope so anyways. I'll agree to that. Hunting dolphins..... well, the problem i think is that maybe they were getting close to being endangered? eh, i'm not sure. Well, see, some animals, and not by any fault of their own, need to have their numbers reduced once and a while because they begin enfringing on our territory. like Gators. Every year they allow a certain number of people to kill a certain number of Gators. Why? Because We have overtaken their homes and we don't like it when we see them in our back yards. I don't really like that concept, but i guess it's something that has to be done now, to protect little jonny from getting eaten in his back yard down in central florida.
What's the difference between being able to kill a 'gator that comes on your property and being able to kill a snake?
What's the difference between being able to kill a 'gator that comes on your property and being able to kill a snake?

Or either of those things and the ability to shoot a child who's in your house without your permission.
uh, what? now your losing me, i think your just being an idiot now. stop with the stupid "what's the difference"'s.

what's so confusing about it?

Either one can come on to your property and threaten your family. Killing either could be viewed as defense.

Or either of those things and the ability to shoot a child who's in your house without your permission.

I'm not saying that there isn't a difference, but what is the difference? Why are human beings protected by law and animals are not (or at least lots of animals are not)? I think there is a good reason but I'd like to see it posted.

What is the distinction between homo sapiens sapiens and any other species? Why fundamentally are we allowed protection by law and cows are not? Just curious.
^ my point was, instead of continuing you senseless "what's the difference" comments, why not offer something constructive. if you think there is a good reason, then say it.
Anyway if you go hunting deer or whatever you hunting people do thats cool I guess. We as a human race have always hunted ever since our beginnings.

Well thats not really true, humans have only recently (in human evolution terms) started to eat meat - thats why our teeth are nearer to a cows teeth than a dogs teeth, and thats why the human gut has difficulty digesting (red) meat.

As for killing deer been the same as cats and dogs, its not. Humans dometicated cats and dogs thousands of years ago. We turned them into our home dwelling companions - so should treat them like we treat other humans - unless you happen to work as a US soldier in an Iraqi prison, in which case that doesn't apply to you. As for any hunting - i personally don't agree with it - but, these animals have generally been breed for that reason so i can almost accept it morally, especially if its for 'control' reasons.