I'm familiar with ammo just not that particular round. I'd use a .222 or .22-250 for varmints that round you described seems just a tad excessive for a Bobcat, Then again I've used a .50 hollow point sabotted slug ( 3' mag. ) on a cat and once on a jack rabbit but failed to achieve vaporization of the target. I just made large holes. that round seems rather more suited for deer and would most likely be great at longer ranges. Is it a boat tail ?
Yes, the bullet can come with a BT, but that depends on what bullet you choose to reload with. Look here...
Click on bullets, then rifle, then sellect .257 calibre.
.223 Remington, and .22-250 are great for small varmints, but larger ones need more power, if you're looking for some entertainment. However, these calibres are only ideal if you want to save the pelts. Why would anyone want cat pelts is a little beyond me... I can see a reason for a mountain lion, but I don't like pelts in general, but one would never use a .25-06 for a larger game like mountain lions, but with a 117 grain SP, it is possible. Another good .25 calibre round is .257 Roberts, but it doesn't have the entertainment value of the 06.
Oh, since it sounds like you're new to this hunting stuff, the heavier grain weight bullets don't cause animals to explode. Inorder for that to happen, the bullet has to completely fragment upon impact. Large bullets don't fragment upon impact; they penetrate.