RacyBacy> unless you happen to work as a US soldier in an Iraqi prison, in which case that doesn't apply to you.
Come on, not all of them were bad. Any US soldiers here that want to disagree?![]()
I was also thinking about the years of domestication the cats and dogs have had as we have domesticated them. Which is all the more reason why I believe in not killing or harming cats and dogs. A good point brought up and I agree with most of your views. I was going to change it a few days ago but decided to drop it but I do agree.TheCrackerWell thats not really true, humans have only recently (in human evolution terms) started to eat meat - thats why our teeth are nearer to a cows teeth than a dogs teeth, and thats why the human gut has difficulty digesting (red) meat.
As for killing deer been the same as cats and dogs, its not. Humans dometicated cats and dogs thousands of years ago. We turned them into our home dwelling companions - so should treat them like we treat other humans - unless you happen to work as a US soldier in an Iraqi prison, in which case that doesn't apply to you. As for any hunting - i personally don't agree with it - but, these animals have generally been breed for that reason so i can almost accept it morally, especially if its for 'control' reasons.
Well thats not really true, humans have only recently (in human evolution terms) started to eat meat - thats why our teeth are nearer to a cows teeth than a dogs teeth, and thats why the human gut has difficulty digesting (red) meat.
GTO_VR4Sorry to interrupt your little arguement, but have you guys seen the video of the cat in a cage burning? Worst.movie.EVER
it goes like this : This guy is holding a little cat and petting him, then tries to stuff the cat in a small cage, they grab the cage and take it to the field and pour gasoline all over the cat. then light it upi never heard a cat gurgle\meow like that
BlazinXtremeOk all you who think hunting is bad are well for lack of a better term stupid. Do you realize how important it is to hunt? I mean this legally of course with the proper permits and safty courses.
Here in Michigan we have a huge over population of deer and it turning out to be dangerous. We have many death each year because they run out in front of your car. Now I don't know if any of you have hit a deer but it do cause a lot of damage.
Now hunting is a way of population control, you wouldn't want the deer staving to death and I don't want them running into my truck. Most hunters are good people who kill deer in a civil way, they don't torture them just one shot through the heart and lungs.
I eat everything I kill...from the deer to the squrrials to the ducks. I will eat everything and I will share the meat with my friends and family. I don't let it any of it go to waste. Talk to hunters before you think they are ruthless animal killers, believe me I love th wilderness. If it dies then so does my hobby.
BlazinXtremeMeh sometimes things like that are slightly funny. I mean a frog in the microwave is something funny, but hey call it in the name of science and its fine right. Plus how many of you have ever laughed at the thought of a frog in a blender?
Would I abuse animals? No not like that. But I do hunt just about everything in Michigan that can be hunted, Small game (Squerriels, Chipmunks, Coyotoes), Deer, Duck, and I've been bear hunting before. Do I feel bad around putting a 30-06 round through the heart of a deer? No not at all. Do I feel bad putting a 410 or .22 round into a squerriel? Not really..
thats sick
I wouldn't call that hunting, either. A 'true' hunter stalks his prey. It could take hours, or days, to go after the animal, but that's how hunters of old used to do it. But, I can see how farting around in the woods can be justified as a proper hunting technique. I've bagged some good eating sows from just getting out there to 'fart around.'BlazinXtremeIts cheap if you raise them then kill them, thats not a true hunter. A true hunter takes his ass out into the woods and waits for something to come by.
I hate these guys who get guides and they go out on a ranch and think they are hunters. You want to know how I hunt? We hunt on state land, we drive around 20 miles down fire trails to get to the spots, usally in deep snow and mud. Then we walk about a mile into the woods and sit down. Thats hunting. Just sitting there waiting for something to walk by. Not having a guide take you to the spot were there is a 90% chance there will be something.
I've been bow hunting since I was 14 and rifle hunting since I was 16. And I got one deer and that was last year. I don't hunt to kill something, I hunt because its enjoying. If I get something, well its better.
McLaren F1GTRI see hunting as a way of keeping the animal population under control. But when you put a cat in a cage and set it on fire for sick amusement, then you my friend need to ahve that happen to you.
People who do this are SICK BASTARDS. YEs I said it. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK, and i feel they deserve to have the same type of punishment.
HOW!? WHY?! Why, and how do people find that funny? Throwing cats against wall, throwing them in hopeless death situations in which they will die.
THESE SICK BASTARDS MUST DIE THEMSELVES! Unless it's for people who eat these animals to stay alive.
ANGRY!!!Solid LiftersHow do you feel about blowing cats up with a Remington 25-06?
I hunt cats. They're called varmits. You buy a hunting license, then buy a varmit stamp to put on your license, and hunt to your hearts content. There are no limits, usually, for cats. They are seen as a horrible hindrance to the enviornment.McLaren F1GTRANGRY!!!
I find that sick! That is NOT amusement. If I want a good laugh, I'll go to CarDomain, and laugh at all the 9-year olds who say they own a McLaren.
NO No, really, there are people on there that claim they own one. It's hilarious.
But that would be more cruel. It could take hours before they'd die, or never at all.ROAD_DOGG33JNext time use a bow and arrow, I hate when animals explode.
If they're gonna be killed anyway, why not make it entertaining? Plus, the smaller parts end up a s feed to smaller animals that the cats have been feeding on. Nothing goes to waste, and all serve a purpose.(G)Ok, feral domestic animal population control is not cruelty, since they eat the food that most animals that live in the area would eat anyway, have few natural predators, and would be taken by anyone anyway.
On a side note, this sums up the animal rights movement if the animals had any control over it.
EDIT: Oh, and solid, use a low-caliber pistol instead. Blowing an animal to pieces in the name of the enviroment doesn't sound too.....helpful.