Cruise to eat placenta after birth of baby

Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス
Mmmm... yummy... I'm not an expert on Placentophagy, but what's the point in Tom Cruise eating the placenta? I thought it was the mother that typically is supposed to eat it (if anyone)...? Oh well, each to their own I suppose... pass the ketchup...

I thought he'd already denied it?

Along with Katie not bein able to make any noise and not being allowed any medication.
Placenta pizza

1 fresh placenta, ground up
2 tblspns olive oil
4 garlic cloves
1/4 tspn fennel
1/4 tspn pepper
1/4 tspn paprika
1/4 tspn salt
1/2 tspn oregano
1/4 tspn thyme
1/4 cup of wine

Method: grind up the placenta and sauté in the olive oil, with the rest of the ingredients. Allow to stand for 30 minutes, then use with your favorite home made pizza recipe. It makes a fine placenta pizza topping!

Scrumptious - ideal to serve up to dinner party guests!
Yuck! Fennel...! :yuck:
You've got to be kidding me... I've never heard of mother, father, nor beasts eating the placenta... More on this anyone? If you're at all serious... It's just bizzar!

Is it possible that Michael Jackson has molded his face to look like Tom Cruise!?
May I disagree - Fennel rocks, you just need to learn to use it right. In a salad with radish and lime juice it is excellent !...

Yeh, only kidding! I just love the way that they drop 'placenta' in there like it's an ordinary ingredient...

I can just picture Tom Cruise now, Katie's lying there legs-akimbo in the delivery room, Tom's sitting at a small table at the end of the bed with his '100 Great Placenta Recipes' printed out from the internet... sprig of fennel at the ready... :P


Now that i think of it, that ground up substance on Pizza Hut's Meat Feast........

Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'pizza delivery' :ill:

I thought he'd already denied it?
It looks like he's having second thoughts... or maybe just seconds?

He told GQ magazine: "I'm gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there."

But, it seems Tom may have bitten off more than he can chew with his bold declaration.

The interviewer pointed out that a placenta is rather large, so Tom replied: "OK, maybe I won't."

he says he going to eat it "right there" which i am assuming means at the birth. Raw. Bloody. Still warm.

I mean, i would imagine it would taste 'just like chicken' if you grilled it with a bit of crushed black pepper and a side salad. But no, as it comes please!

i wlways knew he was a fickin weirdo.
Great. Now I can officially state that Tom Cruise is a cannibal and not get sued.

Isn't it odd that we lock up some German dude for eating someone who wanted to be eaten, but some B-grade movie pipsqueak can chow down on human tissue amidst applause from the ecofeminist brigade?
Great. Now I can officially state that Tom Cruise is a cannibal and not get sued.

Isn't it odd that we lock up some German dude for eating someone who wanted to be eaten, but some B-grade movie pipsqueak can chow down on human tissue amidst applause from the ecofeminist brigade?

Yeah strange, but in the case of the german, that was an actual living person. Placenta, yeah its tissue, but its different in that it isnt a person, if you get my meaning. Still, doesn't make it right. I swear Cruise gets weirder everyday.
Who wanted, and stated that he wanted, to die and be eaten...

It's still cannibalism though - eating the flesh of other humans...

He's such a weirdo. Perhaps Xenu commands it, or something.
Canadian Speed
You've got to be kidding me... I've never heard of mother, father, nor beasts eating the placenta... More on this anyone? If you're at all serious... It's just bizzar!

It is common for cows to eat the placenta after they give birth.
It is common for cows to eat the placenta after they give birth.
Yeah I saw a goat eat what was described as the 'after birth' when I was little. Needless to say I was a little freaked out.
i remember the case, he put an advert on the internet that effectively stated:

Wanted: Person whom is willing to be eaten. I am a cannibal and I will eat you. This may cause injury or death.

He actually got several applications and interviewed each one for suitability!

As for the cow eating the placenta, i remember once when i was a kid we had a dog. (you many know where this is going) . I was taking if for a walk in a field and i spotted it eating something. You guessed it. It was cows afterbirth. It ferking stank. Why the hell do dogs eat such things? He also used to each sheep **** and dead seagulls. Mental mutt.

needless to say he wasnt allowed back in the house for a week.

Who wanted, and stated that he wanted, to die and be eaten...

It's still cannibalism though - eating the flesh of other humans...

He's such a weirdo. Perhaps Xenu commands it, or something.

Tom should bring a camping gas stove w/ him, olive oil & pepper would be all you need then. Get it fresh, Tom but ime sure Big Ron would have something to say about getting a taste for it raw. .

Tom should bring a camping gas stove w/ him, olive oil & pepper would be all you need then. Get it fresh, Tom but ime sure Big Ron would have something to say about getting a taste for it raw. .
Why? He's built his own fully equipped delivery room in his home. Just chuck it on the Barby'.
Yeah I saw a goat eat what was described as the 'after birth' when I was little. Needless to say I was a little freaked out.
I had a cat that had kittens and then ate it. I think in a lot of animals teh mother does eat it. I heard it was to give her additional protein and help her regain strength after the birth. Whether its true or not I don't know.

the story
Cruise also claimed he knew Holmes, 27, was pregnant even before she told him.
AND he's psychic too. Maybe that is what he meant when he said he knew about psychology and Matt Lauer didn't. He got the terms mixed up.

I would rather it be him being psychic and not him scooping her urine out of the toilet to do a secret pregnancy test.
i wouldnt say his kitchen was FULLY equippped. When i was there last week with David Hasslehoff and Tom Selleck sipping cocktails by the pool, i noticed that his toaster had a blown fuse.

kitchen = delivery room, at least that is the way it is in my house...

Why? He's built his own fully equipped delivery room in his home. Just chuck it on the Barby'.
I really didn't know scientology was THAT whacked! I knew about the crazy aliens stuff, but every religion has a strange belief in a higher power, so I just assumed scientology was a little stranger than most (although not really any less plausible). Actually behaving like this, eating parts of people... very very disturbing.

Maybe thats why Tom and Nicole adopted kids (as far as I know it was adoption, yes?), Nicole wouldn't let Tom tuck into her placenta!! :scared:
ROFL! I get more and more reasons not to go to MI:III everyday. This guy is whacked! To be honest, I find Scientology's views on child birth and nuturing insane. Things like the mother can cry out in pain and CAN'T hold her baby for two weeks. It's all the father. What kind of sick twisted mess is that? Even if you believe in evolution that's backwards.
I really didn't know scientology was THAT whacked! I knew about the crazy aliens stuff, but every religion has a strange belief in a higher power, so I just assumed scientology was a little stranger than most (although not really any less plausible). Actually behaving like this, eating parts of people... very very disturbing.
Atleast mainstream religions are based on old books (which atleast go some way to providing a genuine historical account of what went on in the olden days...), whereas Scientology is entirely based upon the 1950's science fiction ramblings of a nutjob from Nebraska...

I'm not sure that Scientology advocates cannibalism or al fresco dining in maternity wards, I think it's just Tom Cruise trying to be 'primal' or something. I'd imagine that spending your adult life devoting yourself to the study of a 'religion' whose most dearly-held 'secrets' turned out to be nothing more than the plot of a bad B-movie would leave you feeling rather vexed, and looking for more tangible 'experiences' to fill the void.

i wouldnt say his kitchen was FULLY equippped. When i was there last week with David Hasslehoff and Tom Selleck sipping cocktails by the pool, i noticed that his toaster had a blown fuse.
You lie. Come to think of it, have the Hoff and TS ever been seen in the same room at the same time?

Even if you believe in evolution that's backwards.
Scientologists, by definition, do not subscribe to evolutionary theory, since their religion has their own creation myths, which by any stretch of the imagination are frankly absurd.
Scientology was origanaly just a joke that some guy came up with to see how many people would follow it. No Lie.
Touring Mars
You lie. Come to think of it, have the Hoff and TS ever been seen in the same room at the same time?

no actually its the same person....the cookie duster is detachable but the toaster was def. whacked. trust me i am an electrionilogist. (thats a religion btw)

we firmly believe that eating the placenta is unhygenic and well, rather disgusting...instead we all go down the local and get bladdered. that way no one feels any pain...which is against our religion...
I heard he said this on a talk show just as a joke to prove how the press will exaggerate anything he sais.
mmm chocolate covered placenta. Cant go wrong with that since you can get just about everything else in the world chocolate covered.
Just the thought of placenta makes me sick. I cant even imagine eating it.

EDIT: Yes this quote from the article above is verification that he was just joking.
"Yeah, we're going to do that - a whole family thing. Isn't that normal and natural? No, we're not eating it."