Cruise to eat placenta after birth of baby

I heard he said this on a talk show just as a joke to prove how the press will exaggerate anything he sais.
I don't think so, he said it in an interview for GQ magazine... maybe he's right, though... now that Michael Jackson has been roundly crucified by the press, the world needs a new Captain Wacko...
I should email him a wicked receipe for a beer batter!

**EDIT - and laughing while typing **

What wine would you drink with Placenta ? Red / White ?
Man Jay...that's serious stuff. :lol:

Can someone find any plausible, nutritional or even traditional reasons to EAT the thing that gives your child life?
Man Jay...that's serious stuff. :lol:

Can someone find any plausible, nutritional or even traditional reasons to EAT the thing that gives your child life?

I'm pretty sure it symbolises the maternal and paternal connections with the child. The placenta is probably sacred somewhere.

Are their people out ther that want to watch a Cruise movie now???

There are many reasons listed for eating the placenta, including it helping stem postpartum depression and it supposedly helps to contract the uterus after the birth. We know that many animals eat their own placenta, including as a means to hide the scent from predators.

In our modern world this may seem barbaric and some have even said that this could spread HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis. While this is very true if people other than the mother consume the placenta, normally it is only the mother partaking of the placenta.


So our worst case scenario is Cruise gets HIV or Hep and then dies? Sounds good to me.

Or, it is the child prophesied to overthrow Xenu and TC doesn't want any evidence of it's birth.

I can't wait to see where South Park takes this.

Nowhere, at least not until AFTER the premier of MI:III

I still can't believe he's such a wuss that he would boycot his own movie just because of a South Park episode. Man, anytime I see him in a movie now, I'm going to see him for the spinless little rabbit that he is.
He just wants to be the placenta of attention.

I've got my own coat...
I'm given over to wondering...

What would the kids turn out like if hyper-nuts, aliens-nuked-my-soul, pint-pot Tom got it on with loopy, protopixie, Viking basket-case Björk?

Their kids would totally turn out normal. The insanity would cancel each other out.
Their kids would totally turn out normal. The insanity would cancel each other out.

I reckon all crazy people on Earth would be cured instantly, as the Crjorklets sucked all the world's barminess into one location.

And the kids would be the first ones on record whose first words were "Helicopter milkshake, badger peanut spittoon flange crowbar dishcloth ceiling mustard.".
I reckon all crazy people on Earth would be cured instantly, as the Crjorklets sucked all the world's barminess into one location.

Or our standards for insanity would be raised.

"Hmm... on second thought, maybe I'm not that crazy."
I'm given over to wondering...

What would the kids turn out like if hyper-nuts, aliens-nuked-my-soul, pint-pot Tom got it on with loopy, protopixie, Viking basket-case Björk?


They will! They will! Famine has the right idea!!!
Do famous people not think before they speak!? He had to know us normal people would go "What did you just say???" about his "nutritious" comment. What an idiot. And I can't believe how easily his ***** got brainwashed into believing that scientology bullhonky. The world is coming to an end!!!! At least nobody with real influence (Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Bill Ford, Dale Earnhardt Jr., etc.) have converted. Or have they?
It is common for cows to eat the placenta after they give birth.

I've actuely heard of that before in many animals... It's to help cover up the fact that a baby has been born so wolves don't come and it the baby... I doubt very mush there will be many wolves near this birth place... Unless it's in a forest amongst the "alien ghost" Cruis prays too... Maybe it's to hide the babt from them?
Maybe thats why Tom and Nicole adopted kids (as far as I know it was adoption, yes?), Nicole wouldn't let Tom tuck into her placenta!! :scared:

Our resident gourmet (Solid Lifters) generally has a recipe for all occasions. Care to top the placenta/fennel pizza?:sly:
Canadian Speed
I've actuely heard of that before in many animals... It's to help cover up the fact that a baby has been born so wolves don't come and it the baby...

Its also to help replensih the nutrients n such in the mother after the hard ordeal of giving birth. Many cultures, though I forget what ones but heard about it in school, still feed the placenta to the mother after the child is born for religious and spiritual reasons.

This whole Tom Cruise thing though just boggles my mind. My main question though is, what the 🤬 is Katie and her parents thinking!??!?! :confused:
Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Ha, I don't like him a whole lot, and that would be funny if he converted and then influenced all of his fans to convert.

My brain to keyboard function needs a new filter.
If Tom is completely nuts, then his kids will be completely sane. Unless it's a chemical thing. :lol: I know nutty people who have perfectly sane kids... in fact, the nuttiness of their parents drives them to utter sanity. Take note, future fathers... to have the best kids possible, be a total jackass.

Placenta is definitely nutritious. The only reason we don't eat it is because of our cultural hang-ups. In many cultures, it's perfectly acceptable. For squeamish Westerners who think eating duck embryos is disgusting (go Fear Factor! I always laugh at that show... some of that stuff is served in restaurants around here)... it isn't.

But then, I'm one to talk. After talking about eating sapient species (the old "Stop Whaling" petition thread), I had some nasty dreams about eating babies in a hot pot. :yuck:
If Tom is completely nuts, then his kids will be completely sane. Unless it's a chemical thing. :lol: I know nutty people who have perfectly sane kids... in fact, the nuttiness of their parents drives them to utter sanity. Take note, future fathers... to have the best kids possible, be a total jackass.

Placenta is definitely nutritious. The only reason we don't eat it is because of our cultural hang-ups. In many cultures, it's perfectly acceptable. For squeamish Westerners who think eating duck embryos is disgusting (go Fear Factor! I always laugh at that show... some of that stuff is served in restaurants around here)... it isn't.

But then, I'm one to talk. After talking about eating sapient species (the old "Stop Whaling" petition thread), I had some nasty dreams about eating babies in a hot pot. :yuck:

lets not forget the monkey brains :D i dated a pinay and her grandfather had some interesting stories