Cruise to eat placenta after birth of baby


He ate it! He ate it!!!!!!

Naw, I'm just kidding , he didn't eat it. What a p.ussy.

He ate it! He ate it!!!!!!

Naw, I'm just kidding , he didn't eat it. What a p.ussy.
You got a link or what?

There's still a chance he's a weirdo! Wait, he's still a weirdo even if he doesn't eat it. :rolleyes:
I heard it on the radio this morning. He didn't eat it, I'm positive. I doubt you'll find any info on that fact at a real news site--Mars's link didn't say anything of the sort--though maybe at comedy central or something.
I'm so dissapointed, Tom ignoring such a healthy source of protein at such a stressful time.

I could have whipped up a nice fresh placentissimo mince raviolo topped with lovely baby rocket sprigs and parmesan cheese. Perfect! Mamma mia! :D
I told my wife he was going to eat it and after just about voiding, she said "Just go eat a steak! God, that's nasty."
We have heard from him since the birth but not her.......

OMG ! He ate HER!!!!!
Stoned as in smokin' it, or stoned as in getting rocks thrown at her? :odd:

Doding rocks while smoking crack...👍

Good thing he didn't have a little boy and have him cercumcised or he'd probably have wanted to eat the foreskin too... :yuck:
Stoned as in smokin' it, or stoned as in getting rocks thrown at her? :odd:
Thinking about it, then remembering this is sciencetology we're talking about, I'm not quite sure....

Perhaps she screamed too loud during the birth?
Perhaps she screamed too loud during the birth?

I was under the impression that it was the Docs, dads and witnesses/aids, that had to remain silent... Not the moms... But hey, I may be wrong here... It makes for better reading your way...
lets not forget the monkey brains :D i dated a pinay and her grandfather had some interesting stories

That I've got to try. Funkiest I've had so far (besides the common pig's brain, cow's eye, duck embryo, pig intestines, chicken heads, etcetera... yes, they're common) is crispy crickets and beetles.

We have heard from him since the birth but not her.......

OMG ! He ate HER!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Canadian Speed
I was under the impression that it was the Docs, dads and witnesses/aids, that had to remain silent... Not the moms... But hey, I may be wrong here... It makes for better reading your way...
That's what they're saying now. But a few weeks ago everyone thought she had to shut up aswell.
Tom Cruise, sitting at the dinner table, BBQ sauce on his face and hands, rocking back and forth saying

" I like my babybackbabybackbabyback ribsssssssss "