Curiosity - The Next Mars Lander

  • Thread starter FoolKiller

Images incoming.

I hope to achieve something that makes a picture of a wheel cause people to start cheering.
Sounds like some profanity mixed in there as well. :lol:

Great to see such scenes after all the meticulous planning that has gone into the mission so far.
Yeah I heard that. :lol:

Thunder storm passing through right now. Glad the power didn't go out in a critical moment. :nervous:
Sounds like some profanity mixed in there as well. :lol:

I think its okay, just imagine if it would've gone wrong. They probably would of had to taken the stream offline.

I'm glad to see that we're another step closer to putting humans on Mars. Can't wait for all the pictures to come!
I'm very glad to have witnessed this. The tension in the room during the landing was immense! And the happiness when it had and the first pictures cam was fantastic! :)
The Eyes on Space as-it-happens animation was a great thing to have. Kudos to NASA for that. 👍

Edit: NASA's sites are crashing from too much traffic. :lol:

The first images link works fine for me though.
Already people on facebook complaining about low pixel black and white photos. :rolleyes:

Wish people would know the whole story before they open their stupid mouth.
But duuuuuuuuude, they're like cellphone pictures, look at that!!! My Canon takes better pics than those.

yup. Have one of those on MSN right now.
But duuuuuuuuude, they're like cellphone pictures, look at that!!! My Canon takes better pics than those.

yup. Have one of those on MSN right now.

The super-duper camera on the mast thing that sticks up will be available to take photos in a couple days or so. Like I told people on Facebook, they have to be patient.

See, I've read up on this so I know exactly what's going down and when it's going down. Unlike 99% of the population that relies on Facebook or Twitter for their news. :rolleyes:
I presume they used this low res black and white landing cam to ensure pictures confirming a landing were beamed back as quickly as possible (using the least bandwidth).

Anyway, glad to see its on the ground. Can't wait to see some HD goodness.
Good news indeed, I'm glad to see despite its super complicated arrival sequence, it made it 👍
After four hours of sleep I wake up to find this waiting for me:

The process of events to make this happen was nothing short of incredible. Just incredible. :)

President Barack Obama's science adviser, John Holdren, said that if anyone had any doubts about American technological leadership, "there's a one-ton, car-sized piece of American ingenuity, and it's sitting on the surface of Mars right now, and it certainly should put any such doubts to rest."
After four hours of sleep I wake up to find this waiting for me:



Really happy to be one of the "witnesses" of this great Event and Accomplishment, it's almost like a modern version of the first Moon Mission I imagine.

Just so fascinated by the exploration of space.
Ernst Messerschmid, former astronaut and one of the leading heads @ ESA, who cooperated with NASA on this mission, said that I could be possible, that a human being will be send to the Mars in the next 20 - 30 Years, which is even more insane and unbelievable!
Another amazing part is that they expect Curiosity to last at least 2 years running off of nuclear power. But they are hoping it will last even longer.

I like this pic.
Oooh my nerd senses are tingeling with excitement!!! Excellent for making this happen!

I watched the live stream, about 5 minutes or so before the touchdown. Impressive tech, and more so for the hardwork and mission. 👍 👍 Kept on refreshing the pages for first pictures. :dopey:

Inside my head, I've actually been waiting for an alien to wave hello on the Hazcam. :cheers:

Really happy to be one of the "witnesses" of this great Event and Accomplishment, it's almost like a modern version of the first Moon Mission I imagine.

As someone who stayed up late on July 20, 1969, in front of the TV, I can tell you that this, as big as it is, wasn't even close!!! Something about it being done with men, I suppose.

There is also a monstrous difference in perception of space missions in the general public. The moon landing was a National Goal put in place to develop the space technology to keep us ahead of the Russians. You know, since we were behind them when Kennedy made his little speech.

Since then, people have realized what it costs to do this stuff, and even though NASA's budget is a small fraction of the full budget, the perception of large numbers "going to waste" is very prevelant amongst the ignorant savages. Consider that the MSL is about the same price as a B-2, and a fraction of an aircraft carrier.

This public perception changed rapidly enough to shorten the Apollo project. After 13, and the realization that Bad Things could happen in space, the missions continued without the attention the earlier ones had, and by 15 people said, "Are we still doing those? WHY?????!?!?" So at least 3 missions were dropped from the schedule and Apollo 17 was the last manned landing somewere not Earth. Ever. (So far.)

So being umanned, there is nothing like the excitement of the first Apollo landings, despite the level of accomplishment it represents.

In that picture above, there's a tether line. How the hell did they get that carried along??!?!?! :dopey:
Already people on facebook complaining about low pixel black and white photos. :rolleyes:

Wish people would know the whole story before they open their stupid mouth.
Wait, they didn't complain that they expected a live HD feed of the landing and instead they got a bunch of old men/women hugging and eating peanuts?