Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
Have you ever actually used the search function? It sucks. Search "PSN" and this thread doesn't even come up on the first page. GTP is moderated in a "users don't know what's good for them" mentality. Having multiple conversations on the same subject is a very natural state for most forums, and it adds value. I applaud the moderating on everything but this issue. Users on this forum reference the search function more often and obnoxiously than I have ever seen. Why not just tell everyone to go to google? I'm sure all the answers are out there on another forum. I'm done with GTP. I've only been logging back on to track down PSN info.

How does having multiple threads about one topic add value? Having one thread keeps all the info in one spot, rather than having to open multiple threads to get all the info for the outage. It its a lot more convenient than seeing 3 threads in a row about the same topic because everyone wants to be the first to put up the latest update. Unfortunately, a lot of members don't seem up realize that there are others forums besides GT5. Some people need to wander outside the GT5 forum and they will find the answer to the question they were just about to make a new thread about or link they want to put up already posted and easily accessible. The best example of that is the constant "what wheel should I get" threads in the GT5 forum when they can go to the steering wheel and cockpit subforum and find a ton of info.
Could someone please describe the exact sequence of commands/dialogs the PS3 presents to ask you to change passwords?

Belay that request ... we're up and running here in NC. :)

For others, the password-change prompt will come up the first time you try to sign in after service has been restored to your area. First screen will say your old password is no longer valid. Next screen will ask you to do the standard, 2-box enter-pass/confirm-pass change process. Once you hit confirm the system will update and sign you in.
God I hope Sony finishes giving the mods a reason to kill this thread with prejudice. In a good way. :)

It would be ok if people just stuck to the topic and talked about where's coming online, and gave others valuable information, rather than the bickering which goes on.

If people wish to complain, please don't come to this thread, pm the mods, or go elsewhere please.
It would be ok if people just stuck to the topic and talked about where's coming online, and gave others valuable information, rather than the bickering which goes on.

If people wish to complain, please don't come to this thread, pm the mods, or go elsewhere please.

Isn't that what u just did?
How does having multiple threads about one topic add value?

On a well moderated forum, there would be a new post with a title such as "PSN Back UP!" that was at the top of the forum list and posted today. That post would then receive all responses today, and the 90+ page post with 89+ pages of irrelevant information would die.

Another post might surface that says something like "PSN up, but no new seasonals", and it wouldn't be immediately deleted. If you go to CNN looking for info about Bin Laden, they won't point you to one single 90 page article that has all of the information. They will continually post new articles with new information and, if the issue is important enough, multiple articles covering the same subject from slightly different perspectives or details.

Why do you think that would not work? It works on almost every other forum.
Some information.
Playstation store gets a: This service is currently undergoing maintenance. This is a service Sony will bring up later on.

For those with GT5: Remote racing does not function.

Messaging works fine. i don't have Home installed so I can't verify it's status.
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Apparently sony hate's Virginians :lol:

Oh crap I'm in virginia :(

edit - all you other east coasters hope you're having fun 👍
It must suck to be in Delaware. Every state around you has service.
Tried an hour ago, N. Florida, got the system update, then signing in got the message that my password was not vaild. All expected. It said an email had been sent, but that it could be 24 hours before I receive it.

24 hours to deliver an email??!?!?!

No email yet. Catching up with pony drama, then.