Quiet part out loud again.
You mean this guy?Pwease don’t say anything not nice about Pwesident Trump. It’s being very mean to the guy who literally uses dementia to insult his main political opponent….
A red "no intelligence" slash through the country.
In a rare move, MAGA decides to compare itself to the Holocaust and their many victims. (Extra delicious irony points when it is told to them that they can easily avoid the criticism by just not doing what they are doing.)Uh....
"In the statement, he defined the Jews as a race and not a religious community, characterized the effect of a Jewish presence as a 'race-tuberculosis of the peoples,' and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews. The 'ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.' "
Adolf Hitler Issues Comment on the "Jewish Question"
September 16, 1919. On this date, Adolf Hitler issued his first written comment on the so-called Jewish Question.www.ushmm.org
This is such a weird take.
Ben panders to the dimwitted; the ignorant's idea of an intellectual.He spent half his latest video melting down about the “imagistics” comparing it to Star Wars and Scar from the Lion King….
Then he tried to spend the next half playing word salad with what Biden said, naturally of course, lying about what was actually said.
It was clear Ben was quite… triggered by the whole thing. Not saying anyone should watch it to save their brain cells, but it was amusing to a degree.
By the way I am a big fan of Shapiro. I listen to his radio show everyday on Chicago's WLS AM radio. It is starting in about 15 minutes from now in fact. weekdays 2:00 pm CDT
MAGAs Are God's Antithesis?
His tweet about Trump playing tennis was super thirsty. I don’t think teenage girls even get that fascinated with male singers.I could just post Nick Adams and Brigitte Gabriel tweets and have enough material for this thread for months. Take after bad take.
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Make atheism great again.MAGAs Are God's Antithesis?
Talk about arse eating. Work that shaft. Work that orange shaft, goddammit:His tweet about Trump playing tennis was super thirsty. I don’t think teenage girls even get that fascinated with male singers.
Aching for an angry, orange inch.His tweet about Trump playing tennis was super thirsty. I don’t think teenage girls even get that fascinated with male singers.