Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
HAARP output: 1MW (1 x 10^6 W)
Hurricane output: 100TW (1 x 10^14 W)

If HAARP ran constantly for three years and two months it might equal a hurricane for one second.

And if these people could come up with a coherent, rational thought, they might not be wearing red hats.

[EDIT] Thanks for catching the naughty word I missed mods.
Jeez. It doesn't take much for Tucker to be convinced of something, does it?

What authority does Roseanne have on anything other than being completely bat crap crazy and maybe day drinking?
Jeez. It doesn't take much for Tucker to be convinced of something, does it?

What authority does Roseanne have on anything other than being completely bat crap crazy and maybe day drinking?

Just saying but when I posted this video on the previous page I put it behind a spoiler because of the NSFW language.
Hypertension from a diet of red meat, baked potatoes, and Coors with a cigarette chaser. Top all of that with a bunch of unresolved anger issues, a hatred for his wife, and resentment for his children.
Basically my FiL. I mean he was an okay dude for most of the time I knew him--conservative but not unmoored--and then he was radicalized during the Trump presidency and the 2020 election cycle. He was critical of anti-vaxxers until Trump and Covid, at which point he became one. Then he started in on the verbal abuse of my MiL, who was also his primary caretaker...smort...and calls between her and my wife were a nightly thing for a while until she left him, and he was forced to wipe out his finances paying something like a 60% premium for a care facility that didn't require him to be vaccinated, and then he died a miserable cuss.

Edit: Actually, he wasn't a smoker. That would have been bad and would have hastened his end tremendously.
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I bet she and the guitar seller are crying all the way to the bank.
How much did you pay
For the chunk of his guitar
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay
For a brand-new guitar
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?
And how long will the workers
Keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white, and blue ones
And how long will the workers
Keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white, and blue ones
How much did you pay
For the chunk of his guitar
The one he ruthlessly smashed at the end of the show?
And how much will he pay
For a brand-new guitar
One which he'll ruthlessly smash at the end of another show?
And how long will the workers
Keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white, and blue ones
And how long will the workers
Keep building him new ones?
As long as their soda cans are red, white, and blue ones
I bombed Korea every night

Oops, wrong song.