Custom event: No Mercy Suzuka Pro 600pp - RWD only @ xx:03:18:33:48

Would you be interested in a Suzuka 600pp, RWD cars race only @ xx:02 :17 :32 :47 ?

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Thanks for the racing earlier guys. Sorry to anyone i may have touched, whacked, hit etc. cockpit view takes a bit of getting used too. What view does everyone else use?

Wish i could be more competetive, my fastest laps are only in the 2.15's. I thought i was doing ok in races, just shows how strong the rbe was. Feeling a bit gutted now, but will keep trying.
Well, I tried the NSX tonight and I come out of it barely alive :D ... very good car to get awesome lap times, but when I get ONE decent lap in each race, that means the other four were a mess. Tomorrow I'll be back to my ugly Clio.

And, again, thx uk86ze for being so patient with my mishaps. Nice races. 👍

matt: IIRC you improved a lot during the weeks of the Evora Cup. I'm sure you will do that again in this event. No pressure, have fun! :)
Wish i could be more competetive, my fastest laps are only in the 2.15's. I thought i was doing ok in races, just shows how strong the rbe was. Feeling a bit gutted now, but will keep trying.

2:14's and 15's is what I get most off the time aswell but find myself close behind the leaders somehow.

Great racing you again Hun and you can handle the NSX much better than me, stick with it and tame it.
thanks for some good races to everyone i raced tonight(- a few non forum guys not to be mentioned by name). it was a good night. and i must say, the races really late at night are simply fabulous. mainly good racers and some grids almost filled with pp600 cars. soooo much fun. jvm and mr.v sorry if i wasnt quite up to the pace tonight. to many mistakes, and took a while getting used to nsx again after tuning a little on m3. still a work in progress. also warren had me laughing so hard i had tears in my eyes. skype took a little consentration tonight also...

race you later boys.
For those interested, I dropped the weight on the Z06 to 85% and it then had exactly the same acceleration as the NSX and M3 (cars that likewise have no downforce). It also started kicking out just like the Bimmer, so I would have needed to modify my rear toe. I think the PP was 612 and lap times would have been low 2'14 on a good lap, high 2'14 on average.
But I understand you guys would rather put up with PD's biases.
(...)But I understand you guys would rather put up with PD's biases.

I do agree the "uneven" PP level between cars limits the choices. And that was the whole purpose of this custom event. To have more choices under 600pp than 650.

But we just don't want to rename this simple:
"No Mercy Suzuka Pro - 600pp - RWD only"

to sometyhing like:
"No Mercy Suzuka Pro - 600pp (Ferraris, NSX or other Japanese) or 612 (American or M3) or whaterver comes next after we open the precedend - RWD only @ xx:03 :18 :33:48
We could just call it "Custom Event" and as a group test cars and make as many cars even on lap times possible.💡 But that would require private rooms, as by the time we finished testing the online events would change.
I'm just annoyed that my favourite car can't compete because it's not allowed to be as fast as the rest.
We could just call it "Custom Event" and as a group test cars and make as many cars even on lap times possible.💡 But that would require private rooms, as by the time we finished testing the online events would change.
I'm just annoyed that my favourite car can't compete because it's not allowed to be as fast as the rest.

With private events we most likely be able to specify or limit everything.
Just did a few races with the nsx, best lap I managed was a 02.12.818:)
Pitty that there weren't other gtp'ers around.
I had a race with you manuelos but you got knocked back into the midfield at Degner, I think a GTR hit you? I finished 2nd on that race after a silly mistake at Degner also...

I was running 650pp and unintentionally joined the event at that time...
Nice racing Maz, you made me sweat a bit. 👍

Was great racing you mate, I could see overall you were faster. Especially through Spoon, you were mighty through there. Do you shift down to 3rd after the first Spoon apex and carry 3rd through until the corner is over or do you do the whole thing in 4th? Very impressive stuff mate.

I tell you what, when you're the meat in a PrudentBear/FAK_EV1L/HugoBoss sandwich, you get eaten up pretty damn quick :P

Bjorn, some great races there too. Lots of quality participants here I must say.

All the best
This is fun :) Some great races with Wanna_Be, JvM, Mr_V, Graffen and Synwraith 👍 I would love to do some more, but I'd better call it a day. I'm too tired and having troubles keeping my car on the road :ouch:
Fun indeed. :) Hugo you were incredibly fast in the Viper. Never thought it would keep up with the pace. Maybe it lacks some straight line speed compared to NSX or 430 like many more cars. But I think I'll try it out sometime. :)

Edit: PrudentBear that was awesome. :D:tup: How did you like the T1 on 3rd lap? :sly:
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JvM, Energiya, theewar, thx for some fine races. I'm getting happier with the litle tweaks I've been making in my Clio, tonight I tried all sorts of suspension and gear settings and either it's me getting used to the car or it's the car getting better, but I'm quite happy with the pace and consistency I got in these last few races. Not as fast as JvM (but, then again, I never was :) ), but close enough to have fun! See you all tomorrow! 👍
JvM, Energiya, theewar, thx for some fine races. I'm getting happier with the litle tweaks I've been making in my Clio, tonight I tried all sorts of suspension and gear settings and either it's me getting used to the car or it's the car getting better, but I'm quite happy with the pace and consistency I got in these last few races. Not as fast as JvM (but, then again, I never was :) ), but close enough to have fun! See you all tomorrow! 👍

You to mate, good racing, even if i was in the wrong car.

@Theewar, sorry for the bumps on the first lap.

Race all you guys tomorrow.
With private events we most likely be able to specify or limit everything.

You can bet that when I make my International V8 Supercars series I will be creating every car myself, dictating which cars can have what (in some cases likely limiting downforce as they should have similar acceleration) to maintain parity just like real V8 Supercars Australia. I can't wait for GT5 just to do this.:ouch:
I ended up in one of your races last night as I was trying to have a one on one race with GTP_ledhendrix in Evo X's.... sorry if I caused any interference.... luckily you guys started at :20 because we had agreed on :35... so it worked out ok I guess.... 👍
Fun indeed. :) Hugo you were incredibly fast in the Viper. Never thought it would keep up with the pace. Maybe it lacks some straight line speed compared to NSX or 430 like many more cars. But I think I'll try it out sometime. :)

Thanks! I could barely keep up with you, though. The Viper is easier to handle than the NSX, but you have to push it more to be able to keep up with it. That's if you can use its slipstream... It seriously lacks straight line speed indeed.
Nevertheless it's a really enjoyable car to drive in this event :)
Thanks! I could barely keep up with you, though. The Viper is easier to handle than the NSX, but you have to push it more to be able to keep up with it. That's if you can use its slipstream... It seriously lacks straight line speed indeed.
Nevertheless it's a really enjoyable car to drive in this event :)

And you were incredibly smooth with it, I just couldn't believe how well-behaved the Viper was in your hands when I was racing behind you. I was especially impressed at the Casio chicane, the term "on-rails" is overused, but it definitely applied there. Great stuff and it's good to see you and FAK on track again mate 👍

All the best
Sorry i missed last nights racing, was in desperate need of sleep. Sounded like you had fun. Will be back on tonight.
Was great racing you mate, I could see overall you were faster. Especially through Spoon, you were mighty through there. Do you shift down to 3rd after the first Spoon apex and carry 3rd through until the corner is over or do you do the whole thing in 4th? Very impressive stuff mate.

All the best

Thanks, I bang her into 3rd under braking, and use 3rd till I exit. Also I use 3rd for turn 2 and stay in 3rd through the esses. It will hit the limiter in 3rd on the approach to the 1st left hander, but I just back off the throttle a little and hold in near redline. The F430 sounds so good when it's singing it's heart out. :) 👍


Racing from now. :)
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:lol:Great donuts Mr_Volcano,my missis wants to know,does he have nothing better should see her in a car:ouch:...
Had to run after that last race, neighbour knocked at the door on the 4th lap, some little 🤬 just egged my car. I thought I lived in a nice estate. :grumpy:
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