Custom event: No Mercy Suzuka Pro 600pp - RWD only @ xx:03:18:33:48

Would you be interested in a Suzuka 600pp, RWD cars race only @ xx:02 :17 :32 :47 ?

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Quiet tonight, einar_c, seen you there lumping that tuscan 12 around, i leave mine in the garage all nice and polished.
Sinsemila you are fast in that Viper, and there's me thinking those cars were slow in this event, you showed me my thinking was wrong
Yeah my race pace isn't fantastic was pulling 2,19's and at the start of the races I get so nervous! I come of my line to let everyone pass and then lose control. Need to get used to this online racing thingy. Anyway thanks for putting up with me...
some t&l guys coming into pp600 now. nsx i think.

so sorry for the wrong car boys. i had changed the car and the ps3 froze in a disconnection. i forgot to change it again. sorry. having the proper pp now.
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I'll be there from xx03 for a couple of hours hopefully. Decided to make the switch to cockpit view, so i apologise in advance if i'm bad.
Wow, some absolutely superb races tonight, I just wish i could have stayed longer :(

Brilliant races with Mr_Volcano again, it's bloody fantastic the way we were pushing those F430s, what a rush!! GTP_Wanna_B, you are excellent in that 350Z, great race mate, thoroughly enjoyed it.

And the T&L crew, what can I say, when I see you guys on the grid I get chills of excitement. I totally threw it away on the first corner (I bet you all laughed!!) but I got back to the front by lap 4, and in No Mercy that made it feel like a pretty damn good achievement. GTP_Marchbrown, don't worry about that tap at the chicane, I didn't go into the pits because I was upset...I was just absolutely DYING for a piss and had to park it :lol:

In the second race I managed a 2'12.xx in free air with the F430, and I'm absolutely thrilled about that. What a magnificent car this is even on S2s....Lars, thank you for the terrific tune and Hyperuk, thanks for the perfect gear ratios.

Really enjoyed tonight lads, hoping for more of the same :cheers:

All the best
really good race volcano. i tried to do some side by side when not in traffic, and let you go when in traffic. i just chose the better line in traffic the 2 times i passed you in dunlop. didnt really go for it. but you made a bad race good for me. didnt see you at start.
Sorry for any taps i have given people. Not too confident in traffic with the cockpit view yet.

EDIT:by the way, it's rude to drive round the track in the wrong direction. Not nice flying round 130r at 120mph to be greeted by a face full of bollocks. lol.
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some nice racing upto now, those pesky 430's and T&L boys double teaming me...aaarrrggghhhh, well done guys, GTP_fair_play_plz no worries about the pm, that Mines botched are bumper to bumper up, nice driving fella

having a brew as my foots gone numb
Hi everyone. I'm staying away tonight, too tired of real driving after almost 800km feathering the throttle (keeping fuel and the speed tickets away) and minding traffic under not so good weather.

Realy nice to see this unofficial event keep being so popular, and I think it should remain 600pp only, not to open a precedent and loose it's essence and interest.

Also extremely pleased to see so much fairplay and compainionship, keeping it clean and sharing times, tunes and tips. This is the best racing comunity and this is probably the best bunch of online players around.

See you all on track soon!
some nice racing upto now, those pesky 430's and T&L boys double teaming me...aaarrrggghhhh, well done guys, GTP_fair_play_plz no worries about the pm, that Mines botched are bumper to bumper up, nice driving fella

having a brew as my foots gone numb

sorry about that move. it is a bit on the edge i admit. its hard facing a team isnt it:sly:
but its been some really good races this evening. both in 650 and 600. really cool with alot of side by side with mr. volcano.

i just hope enough people are racing this race to make PD give us more races without rubberband effect...
Great, now that I saw many gtp'ers in the grid the PS3 decides to tilt. :ouch:

Edit: Ah ok, just saw your post VOLCANO :), maybe it was that then.
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oops. wanted to go through pits because 4.8 sec lead, and messed up on the way in. and didnt think that it would have been a time in the 11'30s total... i saw the winner of that race had a 11'40. oh well. next time perhaps. great races guys. so few mistakes.

my ps3 froze.

that was a great race. did your parking sensors beep almost that whole race uk86? that was a really close and good fight all the way to the line. too bad though that our fight kept us from following volcano to that great race time of 11'29 something. great speed volcano.

i had a last race with two fairly fast pp650 guys and had no chance. started at once and came in at 11'10. guess it would be around 11'30 with 20 sec delay. had just some slipstream on start of first lap. too little power to keep up with the 2 cars.
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I'm off now, still playing around with the Clio. So far so good, no one's using it :dopey: and I think that with a bit more experience and fine tuning I'll gain what it takes to challenge you guys.

btw, I watched a fantastic fight between JvM and Volcano (just wish I had a camera), had a fantastic fight myself with uk86ze and, in all, very pleasant two hours of racing.

Two final notes: 1 - Bollocks, you shouldn't drive the wrong way when a race is going on; 2 - mr. geez, theewar, energiya, where are you guys? tune up a 600 car and show up!
you were pretty fast in that clio mario. great racing you. i hope you are also ready for our t&l gathering tomorrow. see social group thread.
ps i pm'd B.

thanks for tonight
thanks for an EPIC evening and night of pure, close, fast racing with hardly any mistakes from anyone. one of my best nights ever. just sorry the rest of the t&l crew couldnt be here for this. but there will be more evenings like this im sure.

jvm, 2.last race i had wrong tune after ps3 froze, and last we had i followed you til i got a message from volcano, just lost a little bit of consentrasion there, and that was all it took...

great racing from everyone tonight. race you again soon. think tomorrow...
good night all
I'm jealous of all you European guys...I'm missing out on all of the action :crazy: So far this has been a waste of a good event for me, as there is very little competition in my region.
i'm jealous of all you european guys...i'm missing out on all of the action :crazy: So far this has been a waste of a good event for me, as there is very little competition in my region.

You guys should definitely look into doing what Drama-Kyd did and pick up maybe even a second-hand PAL disc?

All the best

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