Custom VisionRacer VR3. D-box motion, Dual TH8s, Triple projection.

  • Thread starter Mayaman
According to projector central its not short throw and the reviews don't say anything about short throw. :(


Sorry for delay, currently I am just not bothering much at all with forums. Taking a break from it all after realising how much of my life is rather wasted doing so and have been spending more time with family.

I have used the projector mostly for movies but no more than 15 hours to this point with Christmas happening etc. It is currently in it's box.

Again due to being busy with the business and reconsidering my lifestyle I cannot give a great amount of info on its true performance in games or 3D. I am not sure what to do and may sell the lot as I have to re-evaluate things and I'm questioning myself if really I have enough spare time to warrant it all getting used enough, also my general interest in actually gaming seems a lot lower than it used to be (having turned 40).

Anyways, back to the product. The quality for the price is awesome and a good jump up from the GT 750.

Regards your question my friend..


BenQ has launched its latest creation – the W1080ST and W1070 projectors – at the CES 2013, with a simultaneous launch in Inidia. BenQ claims that the W1080ST and W1070 are the world’s first Full-HD short-throw video projectors.

The projectors support multiple forms of 3D by directly connecting through 2 HDMI 1.4 ports to various devices like Blu-ray, 3D broadcasting, video games, PC etc. with NVIDIA 3DTV PC connectivity. The company statement adds that the projectors come with built-in 10W speakers and SmartEco power saving feature.

The BenQ W1080ST, the first short-throw Full-HD video projector, is able to project 100-inch big screen in just 1.5 metre, which gives big screen fun in any limited space, without image obstruction or shadows on the screen, ideal in any situation, but particularly important for use with motion sensing games.

They advertise it as such however I do not know what quantifies "Short Throw", the "Optoma GT750" was like "Super Short Throw" producing very large images.

I cannot agree with the reference to 100" @ 1.5 metre for the W1080 as mentioned above. Maybe it is such for the W1070 model.

Here is my own findings with the Benq W1080 regards screen size:
The projector is approx 10" deep in size:

60" screen is available at minimum distance of approx 57.5" (wall - lense)
60" screen is available at max distance of 74.5" (wall - lense)

This additional 17" of placement in using the zoom (not fixed) lense would give more diverse installation compared to a fixed lense model.

Hope it is some help...
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I haven't updated in a while because most of my equipment is in storage due to my home buying adventure. But, I have taken some of it out of storage and commandeered a spare room in my parents home to run some tests. Here are the details.

As some of you know I have been trying to build a 1 to 1 replica of a Porsche GT2 cockpit, meaning doors, roof, seats, dashboard, etc. This entire endeavor is to simulate actually driving on a real road using a real cockpit instead of a virtual one. The on screen graphics will have no dashboard, just the scenery.

Ran my first test last night with a mockup of the cockpit with a 10 foot wide image. I have been playing with the distance but the cockpit is only 1 foot from the Projected image. The effect, even at this early stage is pretty unbelievable. Everything seems to the correct scale, trees, roadside objects, the sky, it just seems to be the right size.

Once fully enclosed in the cockpit, and the remaining two projectors added, I'm thinking it will be astounding immersion.

For PC sims this will hopefully be coupled with a second Dbox unit I"m trying to source once the home deal is done. For console games like Forza and GT5 I also ran some tests. The effect was just as good. I turned off all HUD elements in Forza 5 and just ran the 10 foot wide image while in the cockpit and it was amazing. Not a 1 to1 perfect representation of the road ahead, but quite close and close enough that your brain starts filling in the gaps.

Hopefully this next home I'm trying to buy works out so I can have this setup by January or February. Crossing my fingers.

But either way, I've been thinking of ways to do this on the cheap and do a write up.

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