Cut PD some slack.

United States
The forums today have been filled with overtly pessimistic people. So I made this thread to tell them that keeping very high expectations will make you a very sad child come Christmas morning.

The damage does seem disappointing, but remember that PD didn't really mention of the build being a final game, or just a demo (I'd say demo). What I do know is that some are being way too critical of the damage system, and not actually appreciating that some form of damage is included. And this is PD's first real attempt at visual damage, so I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

So let's cut them some slack, and let them work it out some more.
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Indeed. It's not the same damage as we've seen in the GT5 Concept Video.

In the concept video we had deformation, scratches, dust build up. None of these elements can be found in this 'demo'.
So there's your proof it's not a final build.

My personal view on gradations of damage yet to come:
- Smashed windows
- Deformation (ofcourse)
- Effected handling

Also, some normal features that work just fine in prologue don't seem to be finished here:
- Driver animation while changing gear (even with paddles)
- Shift light indicator doesn't work on the Subaru (it does with the Morrison Corvette)

On the other hand, some things have improved:
- It's a new track (modelled to GT5 standards)
- Track barriers are no longer rock solid
- Lighting seems to be upgraded
- Smoke is upgraded
- AI locks brakes now
- Partial damage

So, on the whole, progress has been made. But you can bet on it it's going to get a lot better. Or so we hope :)
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Exacly, its like the first Mars landing, we found nothing and people automatically assumed MARS has NO LIFE? and look what we found recently, some life in bacteria forms and what not, possibally water evidence and etc etc.. whats next trees?

The point is, what we see today is only small demo and maybe more will be revealed late or TGS with some info!
I think the reason people are disappointed about damage is the fact that KY kept saying that he won't incorporate damage if it can't be done properly. Not having it in all cars is not what people have been expecting when damage finally shows up in GT.

EDIT - I agree with Coiler, Kaz & PD needs to clear up whatever mis-information is circulating and set us straight. No BS answers, no tip toeing around questions this time.
We just need a proper interview with Kaz!

I hope IGN delivers with proper questions! and Kaz delivers with proper answers, they also need to put back that list and update it on their website.
any GTP members went to Gamecom and played the GT5 yet? Tell us about it if you did play in gamecom.
I agree. I just think people had way too high expectations. Even though PD was kinda to blame cause of all the trailers and teasers, i still think people are making WAY to big of a deal about it.
I agree. I just think people had way too high expectations. Even though PD was kinda to blame cause of all the trailers and teasers, i still think people are making WAY to big of a deal about it.

In trailer and teasers they show exacly what we seen today.. they are not to blame from that.
In trailer and teasers they show exacly what we seen today.. they are not to blame from that.
I was more referring to the E3 trailer where they showed us damage etc. It seems like now people are just pissed that only some cars will have damage when this is a huge step forward for PD
I've just started to feel optimistic again, except I don't have a clue when they're publishing the god damn game. I have to trust Jordan and Amar I guess! :rolleyes:

Can't wait to play online against 15 other Division 2 GTP'ers in a JGTC race at Fuji Speedway, or a DTM race (if there will be such cars included) at Nürburging. The list goes on about things to do... 👍
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High expectations? I think Porsches are not high expectations.

Anyway, AMEN to PD for their superb job, tried to do best with damage model.

I just hope KY made a gigantic joke about Porsches. Still crossing fingers for TGS!!!
I can understand the hate, but what people have to realize is that no matter how much detail is put into the game, people are still going to be disappointed. Over the five years everyone let there imagination run wild (myself included) resulting in extremely high expectations. So unless PD finds a way to have steering column project out of the screen and your brain, we wont be happy.
I dont see how people can moan.

We have damage for the first time in a GT game, and people moan...

We have outstanding out of track graphics and dynamics, better shadowing / tree's buildings etc etc..

GT is still set to be the game we've waited these long years for.. roll on December (crosses fingers)
^Ouch on the brain thing. But if they aren't going to be happy, then it has to be their own fault for expecting too much.
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Exacly, its like the first Mars landing, we found nothing and people automatically assumed MARS has NO LIFE? and look what we found recently, some life in bacteria forms and what not, possibally water evidence and etc etc.. whats next trees?

The point is, what we see today is only small demo and maybe more will be revealed late or TGS with some info!

I saw that program on history channel last night too 👍

But the bacteria worm thing isn't considered conclusive just like the damage and dust build up in the GT5 video shouldn't be taken as evidence that the game is going to be like that.
Did anyone notice how COOL that cockpit looked? and also this GT5 might might come with even better physics, and that beats everything: graphics, damage, AI, etc...
I can understand the hate, but what people have to realize is that no matter how much detail is put into the game, people are still going to be disappointed. Over the five years everyone let there imagination run wild (myself included) resulting in extremely high expectations. So unless PD finds a way to have steering column project out of the screen and your brain, we wont be happy.

Yeah I want that too!!! Im SO disappointed!!!! THIS GAME BLOWS!!!!

Nah, but seriously, I was a bit disappointed with the damage model. But I realise its a game show demo and not a finished build. Im am very happy it has made it in to the game... lets see what other info comes free in the future... 👍 :D
Nah, but seriously, I was a bit disappointed with the damage model. But I realise its a game show demo and not a finished build. Im am very happy it has made it in to the game... lets see what other info comes free in the future... 👍 :D

Smartest words on the forum right now.
Plus, isn't TGS in about four weeks? I want to hear something positive come out of PD then. I'm happy to see damage confirmed for the game, but I'm still confused about the interior views and the Premium/Standard models, can someone clarify this for me?

Edit: Nope, TGS is in a month or so.
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The "specs list" that was published on GT's Japanese website has sparked a LOT of controversy. What is PD or Sony's PR teams doing about this? Surely, they would want to clear up misconceptions.
Off-topic: Did anybody notice the camera behind the Subie in the chase view is no longer locked like in GT4 and GT5P?

Oh no, please no, that is the one thing that annoys me about most other driving games, especially FC challenge, there better be a way to turn it off.
The "specs list" that was published on GT's Japanese website has sparked a LOT of controversy. What is PD or Sony's PR teams doing about this? Surely, they would want to clear up misconceptions.

PD dont have a PR team, in fact i dont think PD have ever made any attempt to converse with its fans.

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