Cut PD some slack.

Thx for this Thread! A few hours ago, I thought that i was the only one who was satisfied...

I already liked GT5P, I just wanted more cars/tracks/better online races/voice chat/tuning

Everything I wanted is in this game. Damage isn`t that important, judging by the Video the collision physics have become alot better.

The last feature im really missing is a dynamic weather!
The forums today have been filled with overtly pessimistic people. So I made this thread to tell them that keeping very high expectations will make you a very sad child come Christmas morning.

The damage does seem disappointing, but remember that PD didn't really mention of the build being a final game, or just a demo (I'd say demo). What I do know is that some are being way too critical of the damage system, and not actually appreciating that some form of damage is included. And this is PD's first real attempt at visual damage, so I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

So let's cut them some slack, and let them work it out some more.

That seems to be the norm. People jump to conclusions on an unfinished product. They find every way to trash FM3 before it's done, and they find every way to trash GT5 before it's done.

People lack patience.
P.S Just done this video which includes latest footage of FM3 & GT5. Also includes some rather upbeat music to todays new videos. Worth watching because for me it shows just how superior GT5 looks.

Nice work on the video. Thanks for posting it. After watching that, FM3 and GT5 look actually spot on par. At some points in both I wasn't sure if it was FM3 or GT5. They both look awesome.
To be honest I would even be happy with a GT4 in HD, I am even more chuffed with what I have seen today.

I have waited so long for this so I am pleased just to finally see the game running. There are probably even more bits and bobs that are going to come out that will hopefully blow our socks off.

We have all grown to love GT from 1 to GT5P and that didn't have any damage. They were still class.

If PD come out and show more in depth tuning and body mods, drag racing, day night and weather I wouldn't give a toss about damage.

I am withholding judgement everything until TGS. Or hopefully later and Gamescom???
yes lets cut PD some slack cos they have had 5 years to develop damage like codemasters had 10 years ago.

A truly sad day this is.
^Considering the amount of detail that GT5 has today then to whatever Codemasters had 10 years ago, then any problem with damage should be given a second chance.
Look, we all love PD cause they started this driving revolution, and we want to support their offering. However they do frustrate their fans by delays, lack of info and contradictions, and the frustrating part is that Forza is right there to capitalise. Have you seen Forzas website, its awesome, great screenshots, livery editor, big bbs rims on an m3, it's designed around the fans. With GT, you get the feeling most features are decided in a boardroom environment by ppl who look at GT as a financial asset rather than an enthusiasts dream. PD talk about recreating the passion of the motoring world but they tend 2 ignore the opportunities to blow the competition away. Forza 2 had better sound, customisation than GT4, and had damage, but fell short in physics, so it couldn't challenge GT. If Forza 3 has great physics, i think they would have caught up. As a car enthusiast, i would buy an Xbox just for Forza 3. If PD adds better customisation, damage, sound - i wouldnt need an xbox..Would they though?
You know what.. let people get themselves all worked up, let them bash away at there keyboards, let them sit disappointed and most of all let them hold other games in higher regards.. it wont make a blind bit of difference GT5 is going to be epic.. im more excited now than i ever have.. if others arnt then thats there problem not mine, it might teach them a lesson.
All i'm saying is that if GT has better damage and borrows Forzas sound and customisation, they'll be unbeatable.

As GT fans, don't we all want that?
Sorry, but if they are going to continue with doing things like they are they will lose sales. Sure we will buy and not really care about damage, however to the average joe that will be buying only one seeing damage is only on some cars may be a turn off when F3 has it on all cars.
I think what most people need to do it go back to GT1. This type of mind set didn't exist when GT1 and GT2 came out. No one is satisfied anymore. These are video games we're talking about here people. Think about the things that have to be done just to attain what's already in GT5: Prologue. Zero appreciation for any of it. I talk about GT on about 3 or 4 other forums. And I see it on plenty of other sites. It's all negative. It's annoying. I blame it on the way society is as well. You can give kids a used car today and they complain about the color it is before they thank you for it.

You want extremely real visuals? Realistic Physics and Damage? Every bell and whistle? And still stay within the computing power of the PS3 as well as a budget? Then find and pay a bunch of people to make it all happen? Lets see you guys try it yourself.
1) When GT1 was out the internet was still new
2) People want more because todays systems can handle more and people expect that they will use all of it.
3) It has nothing to with society but more with what I said above, the console makers have basically made their systems too good.
4) If I am going to pay $460(PS3 & GT5) for a game it better well be the best damn game I've ever played.
I think what most people need to do it go back to GT1. This type of mind set didn't exist when GT1 and GT2 came out. No one is satisfied anymore. These are video games we're talking about here people. Think about the things that have to be done just to attain what's already in GT5: Prologue. Zero appreciation for any of it. I talk about GT on about 3 or 4 other forums. And I see it on plenty of other sites. It's all negative. It's annoying. I blame it on the way society is as well. You can give kids a used car today and they complain about the color it is before they thank you for it.

You want extremely real visuals? Realistic Physics and Damage? Every bell and whistle? And still stay within the computing power of the PS3 as well as a budget? Then find and pay a bunch of people to make it all happen? Lets see you guys try it yourself.

+10 👍
I wouldn't worry, the same thing happened on the FM3 reveal, pages and pages of bitching for weeks..

Then as info trickled in and the lack of certain features was out in the open (No weather/night environments/8 cars), it's largely calmed down and people seem happier..

I'm sure it'll be the same here, we get a titbit, people concentrate on the not confirmed doom and gloom, but as we know more, and accept that it's PD's direction for the game etc, and that it'll still be superb, it'll be a nicer place..
Just in case someone at PD comes here:

Thank you Kazunori Yamauchi and the rest of the staff at Polyphony Digital. I own and I still play every game in the Gran Turismo series, they're all just as great.

I have a feeling Gran Turismo 5 will be something special, and I believe you will once again set the standard for the genre. Keep up the good work!


Greetings from faithful fan, since 1998.
I've been grateful for every game in the GT series to date, and will continue to be when GT5 comes out.
Just in case someone at PD comes here:

Thank you Kazunori Yamauchi and the rest of the staff at Polyphony Digital. I own and I still play every game in the Gran Turismo series, they're all just as great.

I have a feeling Gran Turismo 5 will be something special, and I believe you will once again set the standard for the genre. Keep up the good work!


Greetings from faithful fan, since 1998.

Nice work on the video. Thanks for posting it. After watching that, FM3 and GT5 look actually spot on par. At some points in both I wasn't sure if it was FM3 or GT5. .

Thanks for your comments although I disagree about being on par unless you were joking. Still im not going to get into a GT5VSFM3 debate because they are just different. The difference for me between the two games graphically is GT5 looks realistic but Forza 3 doesn't. The forza 3 car modelling looks ok but the track modelling doesn't look right. Its almost as though the cars are seperate to the track. Its kind of hard to explain but FM3 tracks remind me of those colourful arcade racers I used to play in the 90's at the seaside.

Back to damage and like I said earlier I can't for the life of me think what the fuss is about. Just imagine racing online with strangers with mechanical damage being on! At the first bend you would have two options, one park your car out of everyones way or quit the race!!

I've been saying this for many yrs but I can guarantee that those who harp on about damage will be the first to seek online rooms with damage either being off or set on cosmetic. Its all very well trying to be realistic but racing online differs to the real world because you can never be as aware of those around you as you can in real life.

The focus on GT5 shouldn't be about damage but what online features we shall have. Now Turn 10 have online racing nailed and this is what we should be concentrating on. A great deal of racing teams are coming to GT5 including the team im with (TRC) and the battles between teams is going to be exciting, especially hotlapping, racing online.
Yeah, damage only matters if you crash, and the idea in a driving simulator is not to crash. On the other hand, not having it also makes the game more accessible. So it doesn't really matter that much. I would still like to see damage for all cars, but I can easily live without it. Maybe in GT6...
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yes lets cut PD some slack cos they have had 5 years to develop damage like codemasters had 10 years ago.

A truly sad day this is.

Thx for the honesty, really. 👍 IF the damage is going to be in the final game as it is now, and there is a big IF, than that's pathetic. They promised the best damage-model ever and came up with...a joke, and yes I know that we do not know wether this is final or not. But still I have to say I'm dissapointed, as craste stated, they had 5 freagin years! and they come up with this, maybe on purpose, who knows (saving the best for TGS). Just as a sidenote: TOCA 3 in the year 2000 on the PS1! had a 12-16 car gird with interiour view and damage-to every car, this damage was even, in some parts, superiour to the current one of GT5, the PS1 had 4MB MAINMEMORY! if I remember well. (And i know GT5 has high-resolution,60 frames, shaders, etc.,but still...)

Just in case someone at PD comes here:

Thank you Kazunori Yamauchi and the rest of the staff at Polyphony Digital. I own and I still play every game in the Gran Turismo series, they're all just as great.

I have a feeling Gran Turismo 5 will be something special, and I believe you will once again set the standard for the genre. Keep up the good work!


Greetings from faithful fan, since 1998.

Strittan, I really like your post and I'm with you, GT is by far my favourite series ever and I will love GT5 no matter what but what I noticed here in the forums is,(and you are a "good" example), that those, who whine the most in the first place, are always sooooooooo thankfull afterwards, what makes them a lit bit of a hypocrite. (no offence)
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Well for one, not to jump up and down in anger when something is revealed and is not to be in everyone's tastes.

Or to even assume that you're seeing the final build of the game with a single-car, single-track demo.

Back to damage and like I said earlier I can't for the life of me think what the fuss is about. Just imagine racing online with strangers with mechanical damage being on! At the first bend you would have two options, one park your car out of everyones way or quit the race!!

As I've said elsewhere and before: If you're a track-rat, you're probably sick to death of paying for busted bushings and dampers, scored brakes, dinged alloys, bent panels and the occassional major frame repair when you get the car on its roof. Racing simulators are an easy way for us to get our track jonesing on without worrying about the consequences.

For the kids out there who want damage, there's always Grand Theft Auto. As a bonus, the cars will blow up, too, if you try hard enough.
As I've said elsewhere and before: If you're a track-rat, you're probably sick to death of paying for busted bushings and dampers, scored brakes, dinged alloys, bent panels and the occassional major frame repair when you get the car on its roof. Racing simulators are an easy way for us to get our track jonesing on without worrying about the consequences.

For the kids out there who want damage, there's always Grand Theft Auto. As a bonus, the cars will blow up, too, if you try hard enough.
Thats a really good point it would suck to spend thousands on broken crap after every race
If anyone is an advocate on giving things a fighting chance or cutting some slack, it's me. I've been doing this when GT4 was getting delayed, and I'm the same right now. People swamped me with complaints, but I still offered some bit of positivity. So I've ALWAYS cut PD some slack even when some people just take cheap shots at PD or the GT series. So no need to tell me to cut them some slack because I've always done so.
keeping very high expectations will make you a very sad child come Christmas morning.
Well, most people, yes. In my case, I have very high expectations, but I also expect GT5 in many ways to exceed them. I have no doubt that I'll be in racing heaven.

Kaz & PD needs to clear up whatever mis-information is circulating and set us straight. No BS answers, no tip toeing around questions this time.
Frankly, I think there's going to be a shroud of confusion until TGS.

And I had to quote Strittan's post, but edited for myself a bit... :P

Thank you Kazunori Yamauchi and the rest of the staff at Polyphony Digital. I own and I still play every game in the Gran Turismo series - but GT1, they're all fantastic.

I know that Gran Turismo 5 will be something special, and I know you will once again set the standard for the genre. Keep up the good work!


Greetings from faithful fan, since 1998.
Thanks for your comments although I disagree about being on par unless you were joking. Still im not going to get into a GT5VSFM3 debate because they are just different. The difference for me between the two games graphically is GT5 looks realistic but Forza 3 doesn't. The forza 3 car modelling looks ok but the track modelling doesn't look right. Its almost as though the cars are seperate to the track. Its kind of hard to explain but FM3 tracks remind me of those colourful arcade racers I used to play in the 90's at the seaside.

Back to damage and like I said earlier I can't for the life of me think what the fuss is about. Just imagine racing online with strangers with mechanical damage being on! At the first bend you would have two options, one park your car out of everyones way or quit the race!!

I've been saying this for many yrs but I can guarantee that those who harp on about damage will be the first to seek online rooms with damage either being off or set on cosmetic. Its all very well trying to be realistic but racing online differs to the real world because you can never be as aware of those around you as you can in real life.

The focus on GT5 shouldn't be about damage but what online features we shall have. Now Turn 10 have online racing nailed and this is what we should be concentrating on. A great deal of racing teams are coming to GT5 including the team im with (TRC) and the battles between teams is going to be exciting, especially hotlapping, racing online.

I don't know why but the cars in GT5 don't seem to match the track in terms of lighting and the reflections are way over the top. Of course these are only opinions and this is a demo of the game so it may or may not change when it gets released (any info on that yet)

p.s Kinda off topic but how to I change avatar?

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