CVG Hand on impressions

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The visual damage in the demo wasn't very good, I mean it certainly looked like pre-rendered pre-programmed damage and it was basically just bumpers falling off. That's why most people (and me to some extent) aren't impressed (although I don't think its a joke, its PD's first time, and for a first try its actually a good one)

the problem is they showed that (now proven pretty much) CG trailer at E3 and claimed it was in game.

2 and a bit months down the track and it is proven wrong.

I like how they have modelled all the stuff linked to damage but is just doesn't look right.

Only a little black smudge and bumpers hanging off and doors falling off.

Far from impressive.
the problem is they showed that (now proven pretty much) CG trailer at E3 and claimed it was in game.
I still think that's sort of fine tuned game play graphics, if you know what I mean. Every GT trailer the last 4 years have been game play, so why should they all of a sudden make a CGI trailer?

I think what we've seen at GC is not the final product.
Every GT trailer the last 4 years have been game play,

That may be true but remember all the other trailers like the vision GT trailers and the opening sequence to GT4 where the pit lanes are crowded with people working on the cars and changing the tires and did we see any of that actually in GT4? No.

Also what games have better damage than bumpers hanging off and doors opening? Forza sure as hell doesn't, race pro has badly rendered wheels coming off and ferrari challenge didn't have great damage.

The only games i can think of that have been truly spectacular when it comes to damage is DIRT and GRID both of which were horribly arcade.
I can't blame them about their opinnoin as it also sounds about right from to footage we currently have.
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CVG are known Xbox fanboys...

...They cleary know f all about GT5.

That's a shame.

Back in the day I relied on my CVG subscription to get any GT1 info. It was like they had a 2-3 page spread full of photos and information on the game every month, ages before it was actually out.
CVG - "Of course, the first thing we did was take out shiny motor - the 2008 Subaru Impreza WRC - and slam it into the nearest wall just to see what would happen"

of course, because why would you judge the quality of a driving simulation any other way?
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CVG - "Of course, the first thing we did was take out shiny motor - the 2008 Subaru Impreza WRC - and slam it into the nearest wall just to see what would happen"

of course, because why would judge the quality of a driving simulation any other way?

lol... that made me chuckle.
amar212 is one of us?!? I assumed he was of a god-like status, lol.

So amar212's 7th wind was the wind leaving his arse:)
In fact - I'm surprised that they even have a story about it today - they're usually a week out of date.

That's the main reason I didn't click on this thread sooner - Believing CVG is like trusting a convicted child molester to babysit your child.

Most significant sentence of them all:

"A Sony rep also told us that crashing too much could result in terminal damage ending our race early.."

Mechanical damage pretty much confirmed.

Great spot!

Everyday, we get new reason to be excited about GT5! I really, really, really, really, really can't wait for the TGS! :D
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That may be true but remember all the other trailers like the vision GT trailers and the opening sequence to GT4 where the pit lanes are crowded with people working on the cars and changing the tires and did we see any of that actually in GT4? No.

Also what games have better damage than bumpers hanging off and doors opening? Forza sure as hell doesn't, race pro has badly rendered wheels coming off and ferrari challenge didn't have great damage.

The only games i can think of that have been truly spectacular when it comes to damage is DIRT and GRID both of which were horribly arcade.

Forza and GTs damage (going from FM2 and this GC Demo) are ying and yang.

Forza has substantial deformation, paint scratchs and body parts falling off. but in some cases abit OTT (paint for example)

This GT demo has body coming loose some come falling off and some scratchs but is just far from being reactive enough and being nothing like that CG trailer.

So neither game is better in damage and neither are they class leading in that fashion.

This is all opinion of course.

p.s crash sounds in FM2 are scary real :nervous:
Forza and GTs damage (going from FM2 and this GC Demo) are ying and yang.

Forza has substantial deformation, paint scratchs and body parts falling off. but in some cases abit OTT (paint for example)

Just curious, is there any FM3 videos out that show any substantial damage? (besides that Ford GT E3 CGI trailer), I have viewed lots of FM3 videos and so far have found nothing more than little bumper dents, scratches and lost mirrors. I would like to see what FM3 is offering.
That's the main reason I didn't click on this thread sooner - Believing CVG is like trusting a convicted child molester to babysit your child.

Great spot!

Everyday, we get new reason to be excited about GT5! I really, really, really, really, really can't wait for the TGS! :D
Yeah,💡 I think we're in need of a time machine!
Just curious, is there any FM3 videos out that show any substantial damage? (besides that Ford GT E3 CGI trailer), I have viewed lots of FM3 videos and so far have found nothing more than little bumper dents, scratches and lost mirrors. I would like to see what FM3 is offering.

I can't remember where it was but they have a pretty banged up R8 in one of the vids.

Errr, wasn't the GT E3 trailer in-game. >.>

Proven otherwise with GC demo.

Damage(namely body deforemation) is basically missing, lighting is completely different and the reflection models have changed also. E3 trailer was pre-rendered.
I can't remember where it was but they have a pretty banged up R8 in one of the vids.

Proven otherwise with GC demo.

Damage(namely body deforemation) is basically missing, lighting is completely different and the reflection models have changed also. E3 trailer was pre-rendered.

The E3 Trailer was game play...right from Kazunori's mouth.
Proven otherwise with GC demo.

Damage(namely body deforemation) is basically missing, lighting is completely different and the reflection models have changed also. E3 trailer was pre-rendered.

How so?

One Demo - means that the trailer wasn't ingame?

Sounds like an assumption to me.

I was fine with the article until he started "editorializing" instead of presenting the simple facts as they are. I used to write sports in a local paper and the owner/operator/editor did not like it too much when I editorialized and rammed my opinion rather than fact.

IGN is another site that is pro-M$. A simple way you can tell is by their Tweets. The bulk of stories they link to on Twitter are on their M$ portion of

I don't care what anyone says, just as [real] PC gaming has a leg up on consoles, the 360 is always going to be impaired out of the box. When M$ shuts down 360 support and forces their "fans" to buy the next system, then we will have a proper console war.
IGN is another site that is pro-M$. A simple way you can tell is by their Tweets. The bulk of stories they link to on Twitter are on their M$ portion of

Gamespot does that too, every multiplatform game they link goes to the Xbox360 version.
Proven otherwise...

Didn't Kaz also say GT4 was going to have damage and online modes?....
Proven otherwise, it was proven to be in-game by IGN. Kaz also asid himself it was real. And the GC demo could be an older build than what the E3 trailer was. Also on a different track. There's things in the E3 trailer which makes it obvious it wasn't pre-rendered.
Proven otherwise, it was proven to be in-game by IGN. Kaz also asid himself it was real. And the GC demo could be an older build than what the E3 trailer was. Also on a different track. There's things in the E3 trailer which makes it obvious it wasn't pre-rendered.

You don't show that and then back step to some so much more inferior 2 months later.

If that was ingame then why not have it playable at gamescon and no, I am not talking about the tracks, I am talking about the graphics and damage.
I have hope that the E3 damage will be in the final version, but only when there is 1 car on screen, i.e. a rally stage..

It's hard to assume anything, but from the E3 vid, when the Focus/Citreon rally cars are side by side, the graphics fidelity looks much below the exemplary single Subaru section, which also showed this amazing deformation and damage.. With only 1 car to worry about, I'm sure PD can do the better damage having more resources to play with.
Proven otherwise, it was proven to be in-game by IGN. Kaz also asid himself it was real. And the GC demo could be an older build than what the E3 trailer was. Also on a different track. There's things in the E3 trailer which makes it obvious it wasn't pre-rendered.

The reflections and lighting are far better in the GC demo, but yet the E3 trailer wasn't pre-rendered (there are signs) but the Impreza's damage was waaay better. What's going on?
The reflections and lighting are far better in the GC demo, but yet the E3 trailer wasn't pre-rendered (there are signs) but the Impreza's damage was waaay better. What's going on?

Why do people think that pre-rendering automatically equals shrek levels of visuals?

That E3 trailer was probably using the ingame engine but touched up using CGI and pre-rendered so the frame rate was solid.