CyberPunk 2077

I had a quick play on 1.5 on my Series X last night and the shadows look great, as do the visuals in general. NPCs having umbrellas when it rains is a nice touch too. Car handling feels better - it's much less twitchy at speed. Bike handling has improved slightly although they do still behave oddly if you turn under braking. The menus now run at 60fps regardless of the game framerate which is a huge QoL improvement for me as I like to run the game in the highest quality mode at 30FPS for photo mode.

Overall I'm very impressed so far. I did manage to mess up my skill trees though which was annoying as you have to pay a lot to reset them. It would have been nice to have been given at least 1 free do-over in case you did something wrong.
I just got to act 2, now I have a chance to really explore. The game looks great, it crashed twice so far but it’s not a big deal. I’m playing in performance mode, I can’t go back to 30 fps.

I will very likely buy this game again whenever I get a PC, just for the mods.
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Tried out the demo on PS5 having never played before, and it completely convinced me to buy it.

I think the demo was an excellent idea to convince people like me to buy the game and I hope more companies start doing these types of trials soon.

The 25€ price tag and free next-gen version were too good to pass up, along with the big 1.5 patch.

I'm glad I missed the whole hype train and I get to just enjoy the game for what it is.
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Started another playthrough here too (PC). This game is very fun to play and looks simply amazing.
After dozens of hours with the PS5 version I’m absolutely loving it. This is my third play through but this time I started as a corpo, now I run around with mantis blades and skippy as my sidearm.

Everything is better, there are so many little QOL improvements here and there. They don’t look like a big deal individually but they add up in the end. It still has it’s fair share of bugs and crashes though.

This is easily one of my favorite games of all time because of this update, I can’t wait for some real DLC.
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After dozens of hours with the PS5 version I’m absolutely loving it. This is my third play through but this time I started as a corpo, now I run around with mantis blades and skippy as my sidearm.

Everything is better, there are so many little QOL improvements here and there. They don’t look like a big deal individually but they add up in the end. It still has it’s fair share of bugs and crashes though.

This is easily one of my favorite games of all time because of this update, I can’t wait for some real DLC.
Im on std ps4, im so tempted but i better just wait it out till i get a ps5, and further possible addons and updates.

Saw a 1.5 update stream on slim ps4 and was mostly pretty good but a lil sluggish slow fps turning view point around, plus less crowd reactions, missing newer quests, and while driving, there's low view distance.
Really takes immersion down of being in a futuristic city.
A random selection of my Cyberpunk photos, all taken on Xbox Series X running in Performance mode:









Really interested in a futuristic dark mature cyberpunk interactive, dynamic, flexible city rpg/action game.

Hooe they keep at it with sequels and make it as engaging, interesting, complete experience as many rpg fans imagined.

Looks nice enough, still plasticky look to characters in these screenshots seems.

In same kind of game style, i hope masquerade bloodlines sequel is still in development, looked cool in previews graphically.
I think the character models look pretty good considering the scope and size of the city along with the main/side quests. Generally anyone you come across in a quest looks well modelled with some good texturing. I imagine the PC version running at max settings enables some extra lighting features that help soften the "solid" look that characters sometimes have.

I've also noticed that characters look way better indoors than outdoors, as if going indoors changes the way the lighting is rendered or something. The black and white photo I took of my character in the post above would have looked terrible if it had been taken outside of the apartment.
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I think the character models look pretty good considering the scope and size of the city along with the main/side quests. Generally anyone you come across in a quest looks well modelled with some good texturing. I imagine the PC version running at max settings enables some extra lighting features that help soften the "solid" look that characters sometimes have.

I've also noticed that characters look way better indoors than outdoors, as if going indoors changes the way the lighting is rendered or something. The black and white photo I took of my character in the post above would have looked terrible if it had been taken outside of the apartment.
Yes, i thought characters looked great in most videos, best even vs any open action/rpg game, animations too, natural when speaking etc.

Bit surprised to see them look a little plasticky in these shots, maybe just a fluke.
Im looking forward to this still a lot, once they are done with all updates, dlcs. And when i switch to newgen..
Edit: also im sure main characters are best done.
Edit2: i see, so that's your playable character in black and white.. looks really good that one, didn't figure you could make such decent customized character.
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Edit2: i see, so that's your playable character in black and white.. looks really good that one, didn't figure you could make such decent customized character.

The first and last photos are also my custom V character! I think she came out quite well
I really wish the crafting wasn’t locked behind the perk trees. I wanted to get platinum but now I have to start a new game to do it, so I deleted it off my system instead to save space. Maybe next year.
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I really wish the crafting wasn’t locked behind the perk trees. I wanted to get platinum but now I have to start a new game to do it, so I deleted it off my system instead to save space. Maybe next year.
I just unlocked the "Edgerunner Artisan" perk for the first time and decided to upgrade the Overwatch sniper rifle, it's an absolute beast now! It's a shame they nerfed the ability for it to shoot through walls but I rarely used that anyway.
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According to a Forbes article, Quantic Lab, a QA company that was hired by CD Projekt Red, lied to CDPR which is why the game was buggy at launch

  • Quantic Lab overexaggerated the size of the team working on Cyberpunk 2077 in order to keep the contract.
  • Quantic Lab said the team was made up of senior staff, but it was instead juniors with under six months experience in QA.
  • Quantic Lab had a daily quota of reported bugs, which led to CDPR getting thousands of relatively pointless bug reports from the testers which took up a lot of time, and caused gamebreaking issues to not be found or prioritized.

However, according to another source on Twitter, the claims made in the article are inaccurate

So I’ve been putting quite a few hours in the Cyberpunk after picking the disk version up for a steal and then just downloading the PS5 version.

I’m playing in performance mode as RT just doesn’t add enough to make it worth the FPS hit.

This is my first round and I’m enjoying it. However so far Silverhand is annoying as hell and all this chip business is a pain. So far I’ve had more fun with the side missions and gigs.

I’m now at Street Cred 50 and Level 36. I’m currently building a tech sniper with some stealth skills. I’ve not gone full net runner but I prefer their look in the game as the rest of the clothing options apart from some corpo stuff is rubbish.

So I’ve been putting quite a few hours in the Cyberpunk after picking the disk version up for a steal and then just downloading the PS5 version.

I’m playing in performance mode as RT just doesn’t add enough to make it worth the FPS hit.

This is my first round and I’m enjoying it. However so far Silverhand is annoying as hell and all this chip business is a pain. So far I’ve had more fun with the side missions and gigs.
I found the chip storyline a bit annoying at first but it soon picks up and becomes more interesting IMO. I completed the main storyline in about 60 hours and now I'm on 101 hours of gameplay and I'm clearing up all of the remaining gigs and side missions. Even now the city still amazes me, it's easily my favourite game world.
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I found the chip storyline a bit annoying at first but it soon picks up and becomes more interesting IMO. I completed the main storyline in about 60 hours and now I'm on 101 hours of gameplay and I'm clearing up all of the remaining gigs and side missions. Even now the city still amazes me, it's easily my favourite game world.
Glad to hear it, i heard until now that the main story is short.
Big patch, 1.6 i think, lot fixes.
Plus a big update 1.7 for around end of year maybe, with overhauled police system, vehicle combat, etc.
Plus next year the expansion liberty something..
Phantom Liberty

I'm reading it will be for next gen only. Good call :lol:

There is also an anime coming to Netflix on September 13.
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Since finishing the game in 2020 I’ve thought about doing another play through, but just can’t convince myself to do it yet. I was pretty close with release of 1.5 “next gen” patch, but since we already had 60fps mode for PS5 at launch (and I suffered through constant crashes already), it wasn’t enough of a reason to do it.

Looks like I going to do it when the expansion is released. I don’t remember all the side stuff as well as the main story, so hopefully the new stuff in the expansion, along with my memory being a bit hazy, will make the game fresh enough. Im glad they will improve some “game systems” such as cops and vehicle combat. Im not expecting much honestly, but if they bring it up to a standard of other games that will be good enough. I do hope they will have a few surprises and some gameplay improvements that will also affect the base game, but can’t even guess at what those are. Definitely they took on more than what they could chew with this game. If you look back at the game, it doesn’t seem like there is 10 years of development in here (who remembers the original teaser back in 2013?), but I guess if you have bad management/constant change of direction it makes sense things will take longer.
I have this for PS but I’m waiting for this to go on sale on steam, that will make it my 5th playthrough of this game. The mods for look great.

It’s also very nice to see that they are dropping the last gen consoles.

Edit: I just got it for 50% off on gog after making an account and uploading my ps5 game save to the cloud.
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