CyberPunk 2077

Surprisingly meaty for a small update.
Adds also motorcycle throwing weapons, updated handling with wheelies, leans, etc,
Maybe more in the full patch notes next week.

Edit: also added pursuits, chases in some missions it seems.
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Some very nice updates in there, I'm excited for the big features but these are also excellent quality of life changes:

  • Added a "Weapon Cycling to Arm Cyberware" setting, which allows to enable or disable cycling arm cyberware when cycling through equipped weapons.
  • Added an option to mark weapons as Favorite, so that selling, disassembling or dropping them is locked.
  • Increased the max ammo limit you can carry in your inventory for all ammo types.
  • Reduced the minimum stick tilt angle required to stay in sprint when playing on a controller.

It's a shame there are no improvements to the photo mode, though.
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No specific fixes for the only bugged quest I have come across the whole game, that's a bit annoying, means I will never get to 100% the DLC on this save as it stands.

Edit: some good additions and quality of life improvements here though, might start a new playthrough as a female V once I complete the DLC.
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Been trying more the inside/ onboard pov with vehicles, including combat, feels actually really good, better than in 3rd person.
Might as well since uts one of the few action style games with a lot of work gone into it.

Switching to on/off click for reverse view helps too, better than to hold the click in.
I wonder if there is an upgrade to have slowed time while aiming from the vehicles.

Edit: good update from the notes,,lots small control fixes even.
Seems a big file or install size needed, i guess i can just uninstall and reinstall without risk of losing all my settings?
Its simpler than to make space for it.
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Just finished the DLC. What a story, better than the main game I would say and the new main end gaming is much better than all the others, now to to back to a previous save and check out the other ending.

I have to say I didn't like dogtown as much as I thought I would as a location, limited movement for vehicles and too much clutter.
I much prefer the futuristic clean(ish) look of night city and just driving around taking in the sights.

Great DLC still, the last mission in particular was amazing, very tense and very different to the rest of the game, caught me by surprise.
Just finished the DLC. What a story, better than the main game I would say and the new main end gaming is much better than all the others, now to to back to a previous save and check out the other ending.

I have to say I didn't like dogtown as much as I thought I would as a location, limited movement for vehicles and too much clutter.
I much prefer the futuristic clean(ish) look of night city and just driving around taking in the sights.

Great DLC still, the last mission in particular was amazing, very tense and very different to the rest of the game, caught me by surprise.
There are 4 endings actually - and you need them all if you are going for the plat.
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Standard game is 60% off on xbox.
I guess it's time to see what it's all about :D
Yes, the latest update to me seems to improve a lot of things.
Cops, crowds, textures, fun handling of bikes even more, some controls, etc etc.
I like it overall a lot but some things are too basic, like that mission at beginning where you go to the hotel to get an artifact/implant, just no gameplay for the good part, send the spider robot there, scan, do this, idk.
Edit: Finished that mission and it was really underwhelming, zero challenge on the next to highest difficulty.
Pretty disappointing, hope most main missions are much much more interesting and a challenge.
It was cool for the story but..

Could be stealth, hacking, lockpick challenges etc instead of just story and follow.
Im still at the beginning even with 100 hours🤣🤪,,just messing around and doing gangs clean up.
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There are 4 ending actually - and you need them all if you are going for the plat.
Yeah worked that out now lol
Got 3 endings so far now. Will get on to the 4th tomorrow and then that's all there is to do in the DLC complete and I have finally completed all things Cyberpunk.
Not sure if I will go for the platinum as I usually don't bother and stuff like finding all the fast travel points sounds very annoying to do and not enjoyable.

Gota say the 2 different missions you get at the end of game depending on the choice you make before are excellent.
Started a new character to try out some of the other options, as my main handgun/sandy run is right at the final mission. The throwing knife perks added in 2.0 are so much fun. Maxing out cool feels like being a real ninja now, just creeping round a whole base taking everyone out silently. Just wish they added shuriken. Who needs guns? I may pair it with blades for the ultimate assassin.

The added visits with the romance options is a nice touch. They all ended a bit abruptly before with just the follow-up texts.
Damn, the "Balls to the Wall" mission in Phantom Liberty goes so hard! I had to pause it and crank the volume up. One of the most bad-ass feeling missions I've ever played in a game.
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Just getting back into this after picking it up again (I had previously game shared from a friend) and just forget how much I love the feeling of night city and stuff, it's been a good year plus since I last played and that was on Series S so it's a real treat coming back to a mostly fixed and feature rich game now.
Not sure if I will go for the platinum as I usually don't bother and stuff like finding all the fast travel points sounds very annoying to do and not enjoyable.
Can confirm, spent a good hour or 2 tidying up this one in particular, only to spend another 2 hours the next day cross-referencing the map because OF COURSE I had missed 1... :lol:
Can confirm, spent a good hour or 2 tidying up this one in particular, only to spend another 2 hours the next day cross-referencing the map because OF COURSE I had missed 1... :lol:
🤣 yep that sounds like my idea of hell. No platinum run for me.

Well done for the commitment though
It´s not that bad.

I had most of them discovered anyway.
I used a map that was broken down into segments.
Took me mayyyybe 30 mins total.
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Made a lot of progress over the holidays, now right at the endgame with 2 seperate playthroughs. Vincent Corpo and Valerie Nomad. One of them is going to leave with the Aldecaldos, the other is going to stay and be a Legend (not sure if they'll call Rogue or do the solo fight - I don't know if I can beat that one).

Don't think I'll ever get the platinum, way too many NCPD hustles left on the map - I don't like doing the cops work for them.
Made a lot of progress over the holidays, now right at the endgame with 2 seperate playthroughs. Vincent Corpo and Valerie Nomad. One of them is going to leave with the Aldecaldos, the other is going to stay and be a Legend (not sure if they'll call Rogue or do the solo fight - I don't know if I can beat that one).

Don't think I'll ever get the platinum, way too many NCPD hustles left on the map - I don't like doing the cops work for them.

I loved the game so actually considered getting the platinum but once I saw it included all the NCPD events and finding all the fast travel points I dropped the idea very quickly.

Make sure you play the DLC if you haven't already, it's great.
I loved the game so actually considered getting the platinum but once I saw it included all the NCPD events and finding all the fast travel points I dropped the idea very quickly.

Make sure you play the DLC if you haven't already, it's great.
There is an interactive map that you can use to mark them off as you complete them (if you sign in to the site), I'm currently doing this for the fast travel points. It doesn't contain Dog Town though.
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Yeah. It's special.

Consider playing as a female should you do another playthrough - makes it feel fresh again.
I might do that next time I plan on visiting Night City again!

Nomad ending feels like the best one IMO but Reaper playthrough made me feel like a badass.