Daggers in schools? Why not?

  • Thread starter Carl.
Top court quashes school ban on Sikh daggers, citing religious freedom

This particular case was sparked by a 12 year old student wearing an 8" Kirpan - which is a long backward curving dagger with a shape specialized at cutting the throat - at a public school.

But hey, since we have to be nice and tolerant with all religions, there's absolutely no problem here, right? :banghead:


That one is 7.1" long.
Poverty, your ignorance is absolutely amazing.

Anyway, let me get this straight. It's NOT ok to pray out load or thank Jesus at your graduation(in most public schools) but it's fine to carry a dagger? I don't care what the dagger is used for in the ceremonies. It's a deadly weapon. It simply shouldn't be in school.
But its true. Most conflicts all stem back from religion.

We arent even sure that a god exists or that its just a story that people chose to belive and where inductronated by it.
But its true. Most conflicts all stem back from religion.

We arent even sure that a god exists or that its just a story that people chose to belive and where inductronated by it.

Actually, no. ALL the major religions of the world teach peace and understanding. It's the radical people that take it to an extreme and start conflict. From the crusades(supposed christians) to 9/11(supposed muslims)

The love of money is the root of all evil.

1Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Ignorance is a great weapon as well. Infact, ignorance and a little misinformation and you have people killing themselves and their children for no reason.(cults)
But why did money come about? Was it not founded by religious leaders.

If there was just one religion or none at all we might finally see each other as 1 people and therefore wouldnt need money.
If I had to define the "root of all evil" it would simply be humans...

Back on topic, this infuriates me to no end...

One other wonder of our tolerance toward freedom of religion... it's great to hear from teachers at elementary school about kids forced to eat nothing between sunrise and sunset during a month, for the Ramadan. :dunce:
But why did money come about? Was it not founded by religious leaders.

If there was just one religion or none at all we might finally see each other as 1 people and therefore wouldnt need money.

I would love to hear how you plan on getting rid of money just because there is no religion in the world. Notice how it says the LOVE of money, not money itself is the root of all evil.

Carl. You mae a good point. People have freedom of religious expression until it messes with the rights of others. One student having a dagger is a definite danger to other students. Maybe not even from that particular student, but another student taking it and using it on someone else.
Well from another forum Ive just read that most of the kirpans that sikhs wear are just mainly decorative non functional items. Ie they cannot be pulle out from the sheath.
Well from another forum Ive just read that most of the kirpans that sikhs wear are just mainly decorative non functional items. Ie they cannot be pulle out from the sheath.

They shouldn't or can't? Big difference there.
Well - This certainly makes a sense. A peace loving religion fighting for their right to carry deadly weapons in school.. Yep yep.. All is good and well sorted in this fine world !...
Well from another forum Ive just read that most of the kirpans that sikhs wear are just mainly decorative non functional items. Ie they cannot be pulle out from the sheath.

The incident arose when the student dropped the dagger in question, so yeah, it can be pulled out. That particular dagger was a real one, 8 inches long, and could have been used to kill someone. How the heck do you keep track of every Kirpan and ensure they're not functional if you have, let's say, 50 Sikh students going in and out of the school everyday?

That's a friggin lethal weapon, and that has no business in a school, much less in a public one. They're still forbidden in courts or airplanes here, and yet it's fine to carry one in a school? Give me a break.
Hey, I am going to found a religion in which rocket-launchers are considered cerimonial items and therefore can be legally carried to school.

Anyone wants in? :D

Seriously, though... What has the world come to? :rolleyes:

The Wizard.
Hey, I am going to found a religion in which rocket-launchers are considered cerimonial items and therefore can be legally carried to school.

Anyone wants in? :D

I was thinking more along the lines of Small Thermonuclear bombs, but RLs will do - Sign me up !..

Seriously, though... What has the world come to? :rolleyes:

The Wizard.

Exactly... Religion is about to give Mother Earth the big **** over !...
Wow, a weapon is a weapon, doesn't matter if it's a ceremonial item.
We were told in our Religious education lesson that while it is traditional to carry a kirpan, it is generally replaced by a small blade (Still sharp, I think) on a necklace or bracelet.

And yeah, it is rediculous for ANYONE to be carrying any sort of blade into school (except scissors).
I’d definitely transfer out of any school that allowed that kind of BS to go on.
I’d definitely transfer out of any school that allowed that kind of BS to go on.

In Canada, you'd have to pick a school where there's no Sikh, since the supreme court has ruled that schools can't deny that "right" to their students...

I thought I couldn't be more pissed off about that story... I was wrong, apparently:

On another case about Orthodox Jews wanting to build a Sukkah (a small booth / tabernacle see pic below) on the balcony of their new Condominium - something explicitely forbidden by the co-propriety contract they signed before the purchase. Evidently, they brought this in court, it ended up at the supreme court and... you guessed it, they won. They were granted their religious "right", in a rather close decision (5 vs 4 judges). Unhappy co-owners? Who cares...

Examples of Sukkah:

Now I bet you're wondering what was the score for the verdict we're discussing in that thread? Well I did, too. It was an unanimous decision, 8 vs 0. :boggled: I mean, compared to carrying daggers in school, allowing wooden structures on a condo's balcony is a tough call, really.

They must have ****ing great crack dealers in Ottawa...
A sikh from a subaru forum
It may suprise you to know that baptised Sikhs in this country carry ceremonial kirpans. As Jai said though these are nonfunctional. A little education for the reactionary bigots:

1) Sikhism was created about 500 years ago. It was a warrior 'tribe' put together to defend 'India' from invading MUSLIM armies that wanted all Indians to convert to Islam

2) Sikhs have a military reputation and hence formed a large part of the army that helped defeat the Nazis. They fought on all fronts, Africa, Burma, Europe etc. Indeed at least one Victoria Cross has been awarded to a Sikh.

3) Despite this background we are a peaceful people. Unlike Christians/Muslims we have NEVER tried to force people to accept our beliefs. Unlike Christianity/Islam we do not think non believers will burn in hell etc

Wearing a kirpan is an essential part of being a baptised Sikh, even though now it is just symbolic. It is not the same as carrying semtex, bowie knives and whatever other nonsense was mentioned. Sikhs have carried them in western countries for the last 50 years without any bother.

Should this kid be allowed to carry a real functioning knive to school? Of course not. A symbolic, sealed or blunted one yes.Thing is you will not see 100000 sikhs across the world marching or rioting to support his right, because that is not the way we behave

Sikhs have integrated and embraced their host nations. We do not hate western values( especially not the drinking bit!)

Just because there are some sections of the community out there taking the piss don't label all of us. Sikhism is a peaceful, embracing, modern and non judgemental way of life.

Just something to think about. I like the way how the person that wrote this highlited the word muslim to stand out.
Just something to think about. I like the way how the person that wrote this highlited the word muslim to stand out.
I like the way he wasn't afraid to point out that Christians have murdered and slaughtered many people in the last 1000 years.
Just something to think about. I like the way how the person that wrote this highlited the word muslim to stand out.

Good find - and a good read...

And as Exige said, good to see someone pointing out that Christianity isn't all that pure itself (I'm Christian btw.. Not very good at it though...)
Well in those really bad schools you sometimes need the protection, but then again there are those that use them for offensive purposes. My sister's boyfriend has a razor knife on his belt (hidden) everyday, for like quick fixes around the house or if for some reason he needs it for self-defense.
"And last month Shanni Naylor, 12, needed 30 stitches to her face after she was slashed with a pencil sharpener blade during a lesson at her Sheffield school.

"Natashia Jackman, 15, was reportedly stabbed five times on Thursday with what was thought to be a pair of scissors at Collingwood college, in Camberley, Surrey."

"Girl, 14, charged over school dinner queue scissors attack"

To call for a scissor ban would be silly wouldn't it, because we don't see them as weapons, we see them for what they are, even though a lot of them are used in attacks. So as in this case why don't we see the wearing of a Kirpan for what it is, a religious symbol.