Daggers in schools? Why not?

  • Thread starter Carl.
Just something to think about. I like the way how the person that wrote this highlited the word muslim to stand out.

I have absolutely nothing against Sikhs. Besides issues about carrying Kirpans, I've never heard of any trouble related to their religion.

Again, it happens that the dagger the boy was carrying was neither symbolic, sealed or blunted, it was a real, unsealed, 8 inch dagger. The same dagger that is forbidden in a court, on an airplane, and that obviously doesn't belong in a school.

On both cases, the decision really surprises me, since the supreme court was not so "tolerant" (read: bent over) with Jeovah's witnesses. It ruled that JW parents can't refuse a required blood transfusion for their kids because it's against their beliefs.
"And last month Shanni Naylor, 12, needed 30 stitches to her face after she was slashed with a pencil sharpener blade during a lesson at her Sheffield school.

"Natashia Jackman, 15, was reportedly stabbed five times on Thursday with what was thought to be a pair of scissors at Collingwood college, in Camberley, Surrey."

"Girl, 14, charged over school dinner queue scissors attack"

To call for a scissor ban would be silly wouldn't it, because we don't see them as weapons, we see them for what they are, even though a lot of them are used in attacks. So as in this case why don't we see the wearing of a Kirpan for what it is, a religious symbol.
The first one happened near-ish to where I live. While the scarring will be horrific no doubt, she's nowhere near as bad as what a knife could have done.

The 2 two are about teh same incident. The thing is, she got stabbed in the eye, and didn't lose her eye. If that was a knife there would have been no question about whether she would have lost her eye.

Scissors can do damage, but unless there is some real force behind them, nowhere near the same level as a knife or dagger.
"And last month Shanni Naylor, 12, needed 30 stitches to her face after she was slashed with a pencil sharpener blade during a lesson at her Sheffield school.

"Natashia Jackman, 15, was reportedly stabbed five times on Thursday with what was thought to be a pair of scissors at Collingwood college, in Camberley, Surrey."

"Girl, 14, charged over school dinner queue scissors attack"

To call for a scissor ban would be silly wouldn't it, because we don't see them as weapons, we see them for what they are, even though a lot of them are used in attacks. So as in this case why don't we see the wearing of a Kirpan for what it is, a religious symbol.

It's not only a religious symbol, it's also a dagger specifically shaped to cut a man's throat. That some of them are sealed doesn't change the fact that it's an unnessecary risk to allow them at school, escpecially after reading stories about students assaulting each other with a pair of scissors.

What's up for next week, allowing raelians to send their kids to school naked?
Of course this shouldn't be allowed. I believe kids shouldn't wear or carry religious objects in school anyway, since that will only encourage them to differentiate themselves from each other, but allowing a dagger in school is not even a debatable subject.
Of course this shouldn't be allowed. I believe kids shouldn't wear or carry religious objects in school anyway, since that will only encourage them to differentiate themselves from each other, but allowing a dagger in school is not even a debatable subject.
Haved the dutch adopted the French style of school dress code yet?
If I'm wearing full Scottish national dress, I am allowed to carry a sgian dubh in my sock.


Most other people caught with a knife that size would be arrested. Although it does entail me wearing a kilt....
Why was a ban even considered if there was never a violence problem regarding Sikhs and their Kirpans in a school? Has anyone even had this question pass through their head yet? Good thing the Supreme Court didn't let the ban stand; the Canadian Justice System has made some incredibly idiotic decisions in the past.
Why was a ban even considered if there was never a violence problem regarding Sikhs and their Kirpans in a school? Has anyone even had this question pass through their head yet? Good thing the Supreme Court didn't let the ban stand; the Canadian Justice System has made some incredibly idiotic decisions in the past.
In this case I think it was right to take preventative measures.

This only proves that 95% of all stabbings will happen outside of school premises meaning a kid could easily just stash a knife off site till he needs it.

However back when I was in school me and two of my friends beat up some kids who thought they were gangstas and then the next day they brought in a knife to school to stab one of our defencless friends whilst we were excluded. They got caught with the knife because for some reason they were telling everyone about their plan. In the end me and my friends stayed excluded even though they had no evidence of us starting the fight but these kids were allowed to stay in school. I believe it was because they were part of a minority and they ended up playing the race card. The whole school hated them so they had a good leg to stand on and actually brought insome kind of person froma equality board. Rumour was if me and my friends didnt get excluded they would sue...

The thing is my friends were black asian and turkish...but it shows that our small indifferences can cause so much trouble even when there was no racial motive.

The dagger shouldnt be allowed if its functional and the court shouldnt have allowed it. We should be considerate of other minorites but at the end of the day they will have to step into line with our culture.
Anybody can be killed with anything. If a paper wad was going fast enough it would go through you, if it didn't burn up from the air friction first. There is absolutely nothing stopping me from carrying a gun into my school; there is no magic gun forcefield that lets no gun past or anything like that. If there were police standing at the door, I could shoot them and then enter my school to continue my rampage. Metal detectors don't stop it, they just detect it. I could shoot up the machine to stop it from detecting my metal gun. I could do all sorts of crap. There was a kid at my school who made a list of weapons from drafting class and woodshop. He had a stainless drafting pecil and some screwdrivers, a saw blade...
I could throw some HCl in somebody's face in Chemistry. I could literally make a bomb in that class. I could rape that hot chick, or all of them.
The only thing stopping anybody from doing anything is common sense. Some people lack this, and that's why bad **** happens
This only proves that 95% of all stabbings will happen outside of school premises meaning a kid could easily just stash a knife off site till he needs it.
I really, really doubt thats someone would stash a knife off site, and still have it close to the gates. It just breaks any sort of practicality. It's so much easier to just put it in their bag.

The reason they happen outside is that they are less likely to be seen approaching. Inside school grounds people will gather in groupes, generally in circular shapes, giving good coverage of anyone approaching.

If you attack someone as they walk along the pavement then they're less likely to hear you coming. And if it's a noisy road, less likely to hear you aswell.
Haved the dutch adopted the French style of school dress code yet?

No, they didn't. I don't see why this should not be done though. The entire aim is to get different types of people to integrate in society, so why stimulate the creation of different 'groups' of people in school? Wear your religious clothes and signs in your spare time, I don't mind any of that. Even in Turkey the hijab (headscarf) is banned from schools and other public buildings, while it is an islamic country. This is obviously done with a reason.

By the way daan, do you scotts carry that dagger to threaten anyone who says that you're wearing a skirt? :D:crazy:

Why was a ban even considered if there was never a violence problem regarding Sikhs and their Kirpans in a school? Has anyone even had this question pass through their head yet? Good thing the Supreme Court didn't let the ban stand; the Canadian Justice System has made some incredibly idiotic decisions in the past.

Whether there is a violent history with Sikhs isn't the point. The point is that weapons, whether religious or not, don't belong in a school. Allowing a certain group to carry knives in school will make others feel like it's 'somewhat' ok, and they will do it too. Hell, they might even steal this guy's Kirpan when having bad intentions. Especially in a school environment clear guidelines are required. The absense of weapons won't make it impossible to commit violence in a school, but definitely makes it less easy.
I really, really doubt thats someone would stash a knife off site, and still have it close to the gates. It just breaks any sort of practicality. It's so much easier to just put it in their bag.

The reason they happen outside is that they are less likely to be seen approaching. Inside school grounds people will gather in groupes, generally in circular shapes, giving good coverage of anyone approaching.

If you attack someone as they walk along the pavement then they're less likely to hear you coming. And if it's a noisy road, less likely to hear you aswell.

Your absolutely right. I was at a free concert last summer some man was dancing and his flick knife fell out his sock. He just calmly picked it up.

And then there was two gangmembers from the same crew trying to stab each other the other day and their friends just stood and watched em get on with it.

And then once I was on a bus and some kid came on robbing everyone and he had a flick knife on him. Didnt say anything to me thogh cause he must have known I was someone not to mess with :sly: :dopey:

Basically what Im getting at that if someone wants to stab someone else they will do it regardless of wheter they have a knife on them or not. You get 5yrs for being caught in possesion and yet people still do it. Although I can see where people are coming from if the person doesnt think it througha nd is a hot head he might use the knidfe tehre and then without thinking about the consequences.

So basically I just wasted my time writing all this as Im just kinda contradicting myself. :ouch:
If I'm wearing full Scottish national dress, I am allowed to carry a sgian dubh in my sock.


Most other people caught with a knife that size would be arrested. Although it does entail me wearing a kilt....

You guys went from this


to knives smaller than Crocodile Dundee's?



My religion dictates that I take copious quantites of mescalin and carry a suitcase nuke on my person at all times.

Respect my religion!
My religion dictates that I take copious quantites of mescalin and carry a suitcase nuke on my person at all times.

Respect my religion!

That sounds ok with me, since you do not have a violent reputation here. Have a nice day.
Violent rep? Famine? :lol:

It's a silly thing really... they should've at least required the kid to bring a ceremonial one instead of that big d*ckcarver he's got.

One of my best buds in college was a Sikh, and he never carried an actual knife to school.


Oh, he did get caught once for bringing one of those butterfly knives to a restaurant... but it was a rusty old one that some friend or another had given him... good way to give anyone hassling you tetanus... if you could ever get it open. :lol:

Oh, by the way... this was a really old issue... does this mean it took them this long to decide it's okay for kids to carry deadly weapons? :dopey:
I think all religious items should be banned. A while ago in France the parliament voted to ban all religious items, no matter the religion, from public school. Guess who protested? Muslims. They quite often infuriate me by acting very childish. Look at them. Getting mad over a few cartoons when they killed thousands by means of terrorism. Remember road side bombs? Remember 9/11? (Bush should've said "Remember 9/11!" in sequel to the "Remember Pearl Harbour" :sly: ) And getting mad because their scarfs are going to be banned, and causing riots everywhere. The French riots last fall was caused by electrocution of the two young men running from the police!!! I mean, why would they destroy the whole country over two criminals running from justice? Christians didnt get mad over banning the crosses, why should Muslims be mad? I tell you, my views may be sort of extreme, but I think the muslims are too ignorant of Western values and if they live in a western country, they should be grateful that the country gave them a chance and accepted them, instead of protesting and destroying things just because several cartoons were published or because their religious leader called upon them to destroy everything and hate western nations. Its rediculous. Christians all oer the world don't go all mad because muslims massacred journalists...they find a way to peacefully solve the problem. They don't go around kidnapping all muslims they see or flipping cars.

Sikhism is probably the most neutral religion in the world after Buddhism but Buddhism isn't popular anymore so yes, I think Sikhs behave the best in all the major religions. Chrisians are calm as well, but...oh god...muslims...I can't tolerate their behavior in the world stage...:grumpy:
Why was a ban even considered if there was never a violence problem regarding Sikhs and their Kirpans in a school? Has anyone even had this question pass through their head yet? Good thing the Supreme Court didn't let the ban stand; the Canadian Justice System has made some incredibly idiotic decisions in the past.
Ev0, are you insane?

You'd rather wait til' an injury, then place a ban?

But I find this whole religon thing in school as BS.
In Texas, and I'm sure all over the US, many Christians were told that God shouldn't be said in school by Muslims.
But afterwards, they were granted the right to say their god.


Call me racist or whatever, but this is America. If you don't like the way we do things, go somewhere else and expect the same.

I don't expect to go to Europe or Asia and have them change the ways thousands of people live just so I'm happy.

It's bull.
Ev0, are you insane?

You'd rather wait til' an injury, then place a ban?

But I find this whole religon thing in school as BS.
In Texas, and I'm sure all over the US, many Christians were told that God shouldn't be said in school by Muslims.
But afterwards, they were granted the right to say their god.


Call me racist or whatever, but this is America. If you don't like the way we do things, go somewhere else and expect the same.

I don't expect to go to Europe or Asia and have them change the ways thousands of people live just so I'm happy.

It's bull.


Couldn't have said it better.

You got my point too.
Call me racist or whatever, but this is America. If you don't like the way we do things, go somewhere else and expect the same.


I don't expect to go to Europe or Asia and have them change the ways thousands of people live just so I'm happy.

You, sir, would make a very poor Muslim.
Sikhism is probably the most neutral religion in the world after Buddhism


I'd say - Jammu & Kashmir aside - it was Hinduism, if 120 million Shinto/Buddhists in Japan don't count as a major religion that is.
of course kids shouldnt be allowed to carry weapons. If thats allowed, why dont we make up some type of christian branch that requires youto carry around a deagle at all times.
Christians all oer the world don't go all mad because muslims massacred journalists

Heres the difference. With most asian people if you ask them what religion they are they will most likely reply with sikhism or muslim even when they dont practice their religion.

Ask a white person what religion they are an most will say they dont belive. Or thats the case in England anyway.

So christians dont get mad when a white person is killed because they dont know if that person is christian. But a whole bunch of white people will be made instead but there are no riots because all the mad white people wont all come together the next day at church all worked up.

Hope you guys can understand what im saying.
Heres the difference. With most asian people if you ask them what religion they are they will most likely reply with sikhism or muslim even when they dont practice their religion.

Ask a white person what religion they are an most will say they dont belive. Or thats the case in England anyway.

So christians dont get mad when a white person is killed because they dont know if that person is christian. But a whole bunch of white people will be made instead but there are no riots because all the mad white people wont all come together the next day at church all worked up.

Hope you guys can understand what im saying.

No, I don't understand what you're saying. I don't like people dying PERIOD. No matter what their religion or heritage might be.

Also, you just made a point that christianity is a more peaceful "religion". Since all they'll do is go to church and get worked up instead of go to the nearest mosk and blow it up.
...Most of the people in asia are Buddhist. Poverty, you're SO ill-informed.

Ignorance is not an insult regarding stupidity, it's just a description of unawareness.
...Most of the people in asia are Buddhist. Poverty, you're SO ill-informed.

Ignorance is not an insult regarding stupidity, it's just a description of unawareness.

Isnt Islam the biggest religion in thw world. And Im not talking about chinese people Im talkiang about Indians Pakistanis and bangladeshi's.

Those are asians and what im talking about. If you knew indians etc were asians you would know I was talking about them therefore you are the ill informed ones. Arabs arent the only muslims and there are tons of muslim countries in africa too. Muslims are all around us but only a few countries are extreme muslims.

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