Daggers in schools? Why not?

  • Thread starter Carl.
Isnt Islam the biggest religion in thw world.


1. Christianity 2.1 billion
2. Islam 1.3 billion
3. Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion
4. Hinduism 900 million
5. Chinese folk religion 394 million
6. Buddhism 376 million (see also Buddhism by country )
7. Primal indigenous 300 million
8. African traditional and diasporic 100 million
9. Sikhism 23 million
10. Juche 19 million
11. Spiritism 15 million
12. Judaism 14 million
13. Falun Gong 10-100 million
14. Bahá'í Faith 7 million
15. Jainism 4.2 million
16. Shinto 4 million
17. Cao Dai 4 million
18. Humanism (belief system) >3 million
19. Zoroastrianism 2.6 million
20. Tenrikyo 2 million
21. Neopaganism 1 million
22. Unitarian Universalism 800,000
23. Rasta 600,000
24. Scientology 500,000

And Im not talking about chinese people Im talkiang about Indians Pakistanis and bangladeshi's.

One of the primary causes of the ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan, including the disputed Jammu & Kashmir region, is "religious differences"

80% of Indians are Hindu, 13% Muslim (and 3% Christian). 98% of Pakistanis are Muslim (80:20 split Sunni to Shi'a) with about 1% each being Hindu and Christian.

Those are asians and what im talking about. If you knew indians etc were asians you would know I was talking about them therefore you are the ill informed ones.

If you're talking about Asians but actually referring to Indians as Muslims then you are well wide of the mark. Less than a fifth of the country is Muslim.

Arabs arent the only muslims

This is true. However...

There's 1.3 billion Muslims around the world, according to my earlier quote. Let's look at where they are from:
0.2 billion - Indonesia (largest population by country of Muslims)
0.16 billion - Pakistan
0.15 billion - India (Hindu country)
0.13 billion - Bangladesh
0.07 billion - Turkey
0.07 billion - Egypt
0.06 billion - Iran
0.04 billion - China
0.03 billion - Ethiopia
0.03 billion - Algeria
0.03 billion - Morocco
0.03 billion - Iraq
0.03 billion - Afghanistan
0.02 billion - Saudi Arabia
0.02 billion - Sudan
0.02 billion - Uzbekistan
0.02 billion - Yemen
0.02 billion - Russia

Countries with less than 20 million Muslims excluded. The UK and the US have about 2 million each...

You can see that Islam is concentrated, with the exclusion of Indonesia, around a 2,000 mile large radius ellipse, planted neatly in al-Riyadh - and in fact ALL countries where >10% of the population are Shi'a Muslims are in the Middle East:


Now look at Russia, China, India, Mongolia, the whole of South-East Asia, Korea and Japan. This is the majority of Asia's population - between them that's 3 BILLION people. With the exception of India, who we earlier pointed out as 80% Hindu, not one of those countries has more than 10% of the population as Muslims. So you're looking at not more than 1 in 10 of 3 billion Asians being Muslim, until you get to the Middle East.

and there are tons of muslim countries in africa too.

Yes, predominantly North African ones. But again, only 0.35 billion of the 0.85 billion Africans are Muslim - they are outnumbered by the 0.4 billion Christians (primarily as a result of English, French and Dutch colonialism), and there's as many countries where Christianity or "Indigenous Religion" is the primary religion as there are where Islam is the primary religion:


The Middle East is pretty much the only place in the World, other than Indonesia, where if you pluck 10 guys off the street, they'll all be Muslims.

Though two will be Shi'ites and try to kill the 8 Sunnis.
Isnt Islam the biggest religion in thw world. And Im not talking about chinese people Im talkiang about Indians Pakistanis and bangladeshi's.

Those are asians and what im talking about. If you knew indians etc were asians you would know I was talking about them therefore you are the ill informed ones. Arabs arent the only muslims and there are tons of muslim countries in africa too. Muslims are all around us but only a few countries are extreme muslims.

Mind you, I'm Chinese. Don't ignore them, they 1/6 of the world's population.


I'd say - Jammu & Kashmir aside - it was Hinduism, if 120 million Shinto/Buddhists in Japan don't count as a major religion that is.

Yo, it is. Hindu guys massacred Sikhs because they saw them as enemies believing fake religion. And I said it is the most neutral religion "AFTER" Buddhism. And no, I lived in Japan, not all of their population is Buddhism. At least a few million of them are Christian, and the rest being athiest. Buddhism doesn't play a major role it did before the war. Maybe half of the 120 million people believe Buddhism; thats not called 120 million is it?
But Shi'tes are better than Sun'nis I heard. They are less violent than Sunny people. At least that's what I heard. But I guess the gap isnt all that big anymore...
Yo, it is. Hindu guys massacred Sikhs because they saw them as enemies believing fake religion. And I said it is the most neutral religion "AFTER" Buddhism.

As I posted, there are no terrorist organisations associated with Hindus (I'd say that the Tamil Tigers probably class as a terrorist group, but their aim is not religious, rather territorial. As it is, Tamils are predominantly Hindu, but with Islamic, Sikh AND Christian people), but there are with Sikhs - responsible for at least one plane bombing (described as "the largest single terrorist action before 9/11"). Also, considering that Hindus outnumber Sikhs by 30 to 1, and Sikhism barely hits the top 10 of religions worldwide by followers I'd class Hinduism as a much more "major" religion than Sikhism.

Look hard enough and you'll see most of the biggest religions have committed gross acts against others in the name of their religion. Communalism in India exists between Hindus and Sikhs, as you mention, but also Muslims and Christians. But it's interesting to note that the proponents of a single Hindu nation - the Sangh Parivar - "believe in a Hindu nation or community that includes Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists". Apparently Muslims are "not to be trusted"... Make of that what you will.

And no, I lived in Japan, not all of their population is Buddhism. At least a few million of them are Christian, and the rest being athiest. Buddhism doesn't play a major role it did before the war. Maybe half of the 120 million people believe Buddhism; thats not called 120 million is it?

The Japanese people's concern towards religion is mostly related to mythology, traditions, and neighborhood activities rather than the source of morality or the guideline for one's life, for which sometimes Confucianism, or even Taoism, tends to serve as the basis for the moral code. When asked to identify their religion, most would profess to believe in either Shintoism (54%) or Buddhism (40%), for simple reasons like their family has belonged to some sect of Buddhism or to avoid contention with religious foreigners. Nonetheless, most of the people are not atheists, and the tendency is often identified with syncretism, secularism, and even irreligion. This results in a variety of practices such as parents and children celebrating Shinto rituals, students praying before exams, couples holding a wedding at a Christian church and funerals being held at Buddhist temples. A minority profess to Christianity (0.7%) and other religions (4.7%) like shamanism, Islam, and Hinduism. Also, since the mid-19th century, many religious sects called Shinkosyukyo, and later shinshukyo, emerged.
You cannot import anything exceeding 6" as a knife w/out a licence as its classified as a weapon.
But i think a kitchen/steakknife at 6" is a utensil & looks more like this;


^ dis head-clipper could'nt bust a fig, getting banned for that sissy decoration at school is only decent sense.
I know...I had that Flight 182 in my mind when I wrote that...but its an act of only one group. I think Hindus commited more humanaritan crimes in names of the religion than Sikhs. It may not be true, but as far as I know, that's the case.

The Air India trial happened right in my neighborhood. Or more like, in my region. I kept with every update of it. I think that Malik dude was responsible; the Canadian law system needs an overhaul, big time. 20 years, not guilty. Jeez...I mean, if they're gonna find him not guilty then dont even order an trial!