"Daily" Race Discussion

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Finally got my qualy down to a 27.1, unfortunately it came after I was done racing tonight and only had a few mins to try a lapor two. That time puts me slap bang on the average for A drivers so will be interesting to see where I land tomorrow. I have felt faster than my qualy peers at a 27.6 once racing, just a bit but its there.

As usual with seaside it is all about avoiding big errors, COD got me once tonight and finished 18th, just brutal. Another race I was going really well, up to 8th from 12th on the mediums, had a guy up my clacker and he tries to pass me through the flat right after the snorkel. I could have choked the idiot, of all the dumb places. Finished 11th but should have finished 7th.

Tried softs first and yeah, doesn't work for me. I just lose too much time on peoples rear bumper, car is heavy etc, I prefer to hold station kn mediums, pass guys who mess up, the come out for 6 qualy laps on good rubber and a lighter car.

GOTMAXPOWER thats a real sore point with me. Defending man MUST pick a line or we cannot race. His fault.
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Who is at fault for this little incident, my thoughts were that it's an harsh penalty, his was that I'm a [BLEEPING][BLEEPER].

Is that an acceptable move to go for?

As long as you keep the blade of your stick below the shoulders...... sorry wrong sport.:ouch:

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Who is at fault for this little incident, my thoughts were that it's an harsh penalty, his was that I'm a [BLEEPING][BLEEPER].

Is that an acceptable move to go for?

He showed defense to the line approaching braking you showed taking the racing line, he began to move back towards the racing line which he’s entitled to do as long as he leaves a cars width.
You made a very late swerve to track limits on inside, he got angry and tried to take you out.
That late swerve over the feint as if you respect the defensive posture then late swerve to inside move is quite popular in GTS.
Thing is often it’s done by dirty players who won’t hold that inside and just bang the other car away and it causes people to become very sensitive to guys making that move.
I’ve raced you. I know damn well you hold a line when making moves like that one, like Cyrus pulled on me last turn while you were busy showboating lol.
Imo it’s the way gts is, people do that feint then super late move back across. Imo it’s not outside your rights but it’s disrespectful to your opponent.
It ruins racing too when no one respects defense, the other move that goes with the move you did is to stay behind super late even if the car ahead is on the white line inside, then swerve out late to the racing line after forcing them to stay inside way too tight.
Again it’s within the defending cars right to return back towards the racing line but they need to leave a cars width.
So obviously the other car deserved a black flag in your incident. He tried to take you out.
Nice seeing you on track today! I enjoyed racing with you. I know I can trust you if I defend a little you’ll find the way through without killing me or slowing me, and that’s cool :).
I won’t hard defend in many cases. But I will if I think I can back
It up lol. Against you it’s a case of knowing you’ll be by soon enough.
Good sharing the track with you. You are a sportsman with honor.
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Gotta be a woman issue. $100.
Lol, nah, such is not my style. I've been hardened since my much younger days. It's the mediums, too. I feel like a pro-star on softs but have the most difficult time on the esses with mediums. It often ruins my race. I'll just do a long practice session with the mediums before next time I have a session.
Yeah he tried to take him out.

In racing online you kinda gotta know your place and be mindful of what’s happening.
Sometimes defending isn’t worth it if it’s just postponing the inevitable.
In other cases in an equal match it’s different.
I see why he was pissed tho. He showed defense early in a respectful maneuver. He just didn’t quite hold his defense enough, and I’m sure he’s been smashed off by dirty players diving as we all have.
I see why he got mad.
That doesn’t make what he did right shut the door or don’t but if someone’s already walked through it you’ve been had :cheers:
Who is at fault for this little incident, my thoughts were that it's an harsh penalty, his was that I'm a [BLEEPING][BLEEPER].

Is that an acceptable move to go for?

A perfectly acceptable move. A well executed dummy and he moved too late and illegally (in the rules of racing.) In real life he would have been excluded from the race meeting and received penalty points for what he did. You'd just have a repair bill.

This Gr. 2/DTS combo has to be unique. I feel like I've tuned into the car & track in race situations. I run the same strategy every time, no matter my starting position.
I've used both and they were quite similar. I've started 8th and 16th. Both races I hit the COD first lap going to DFL. Managed to race my way back into the top 10. I seem to have good race pace but am unsure about qualy pace (GTBlade seems to be broken this week.) I think both strategies are equally valid and can create good racing. It is a good combo or at least one I am enjoying.

Imo it’s not outside your rights but it’s disrespectful to your opponent.
Well it's not disrespectful at all. It's a legit overtaking move used across the world. I can understand a lot of people play GTS don't follow racing and thus it may seem disrespectful, but it isn't at all.
What is disrespectful is moving on someone in the braking zone, causing a crash and proceeding to blame them in the chat afterwards.
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Who is at fault for this little incident, my thoughts were that it's an harsh penalty, his was that I'm a [BLEEPING][BLEEPER].

Is that an acceptable move to go for?

Yeah I don't know what he was trying to achieve - he clearly wasn't aiming for the apex, more looking to cut you off so you would have to brake super early, but he pulled that off really poorly because he wasn't even a car length ahead. IMO, a poor move executed poorly and you were an unfortunate passenger who received an unfair penalty. As we all know though, the penalty system isn't smart enough to evaluate the intentions of the driver and work out who's actually at fault - you hit his corner and he spun out and hit the wall, so it sees you as the culprit, much like brake checking to give the innocent chaser a penalty.
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Going to start this post with something from last week, since I didn't get the chance to.

--Last Week--

Having the Nurburgring GP course as the daily last week really made it so that I was not going to be anywhere near the pace during the first half of the week. I was planning to stick with VW group cars and had an absolute horrible time with the Audi R8, not because it's a particularly awful car, but because I struggle a great deal with rear grip at the end of stints. With any MR car, I could expect the issue to snowball with a constant state of sliding and over- correcting into a full spin - or outright creating so much wheelspin that it became impossible to save. The Huracan was equally on edge and overall not a good fit either. The Porsche was most consistent for me and I was running it in ACC, so I chose that.

It took some time, but I eventually figured out some things with the track. Turns 1-3 are all dive-bomb opportunities and also require you to look into places that don't seem to exist yet until you get there. The Schumacher-S's kerbs aren't as useful as they seem to be and the chicane is probably the worst thing to ever exist on a race track. Not even pointless like some Enna Pergusa chicanes, just awkward for everything except hitting the bollard or cutting it. Had one too many impacts with the wall on the final corner as well. Even if I can turn out good race there, I still hate it to some degree. It doesn't help that it often feels like a traffic jam rather than an actual race sometimes...

--This Week--

The DTS daily has some of those problems. T1 and the downhill-right-hander is a bit too inspiring, while the Chicane of Death ruins races, turning some poor sap's effort into effectively nothing. Its not awful, but I imagine the racing could be slightly improved without the CoD. Besides, even after bleeding a ton of DR, I don't want to regain it too quickly. I seem to have some cleaning up to do with peripheral "vision".

Since I don't plan to play C much this time, practicing it seems way more attractive. For this daily, I ran this race's settings with a road car (MP4-12C), Gr.3 (Schluze GT-R) & Gr.2 (Autech GT-R) for 5 laps on each available tire. Matched the power output between them to 612/613 HP, and stripped as much weight out of the slower cars as possible. Hopefully it'll help clean up some of the issues with my driving, or it at least give me more experience beyond what the daily is providing.

As a lesson from this & last week, it seems to be beneficial to look at the second corner's apex rather than the first when it is combined. Use whatever peripheral vision you have for hitting the first corner apex while keeping your eyes focused on the second. Do it around T1, the chicane, or wherever.
Who is at fault for this little incident, my thoughts were that it's an harsh penalty, his was that I'm a [BLEEPING][BLEEPER].

Is that an acceptable move to go for?

In short; yes. I have no idea what he thought he was doing when he jerked right again. Even without contacting you I think he was going to wipeout. Filthy behavior on his part.

But, if you did that to me I would be 100% guaranteed to accidentally turn into you at the snorkel because I would be so confused by where you had disappeared to.
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Risky, but within the rules. You only changed line once and before braking. He changed line in the braking area after his brake lights came on. Looks like he thought he had the inside covered and changed line in a panic when you showed him otherwise :lol:

Shame about the penalty :boggled:
I always thought the one move rule only applied to defending, if not I did go to the left before cutting back to the right. He used the penalty to catch up and punt me into the wall which was nice...

Even before I watched the video, I knew the answer was "yes", it was an acceptable move. He obviously had to see you as that car shifted quickly toward you & made first contact. Just like the NSX driver who blocked me & pushed me into the wall in the middle of the CoD yesterday.
The chicane is a bit sketchy for passing in these, some cars like the Gr4's you can get away with it but with the Super GT cars you need to put a lot of trust in people who are probably having their own crash anyway.

He showed defense to the line approaching braking you showed taking the racing line, he began to move back towards the racing line which he’s entitled to do as long as he leaves a cars width.
You made a very late swerve to track limits on inside, he got angry and tried to take you out.
That late swerve over the feint as if you respect the defensive posture then late swerve to inside move is quite popular in GTS.
Thing is often it’s done by dirty players who won’t hold that inside and just bang the other car away and it causes people to become very sensitive to guys making that move.
I’ve raced you. I know damn well you hold a line when making moves like that one, like Cyrus pulled on me last turn while you were busy showboating lol.
Imo it’s the way gts is, people do that feint then super late move back across. Imo it’s not outside your rights but it’s disrespectful to your opponent.
It ruins racing too when no one respects defense, the other move that goes with the move you did is to stay behind super late even if the car ahead is on the white line inside, then swerve out late to the racing line after forcing them to stay inside way too tight.
Again it’s within the defending cars right to return back towards the racing line but they need to leave a cars width.
So obviously the other car deserved a black flag in your incident. He tried to take you out.
Nice seeing you on track today! I enjoyed racing with you. I know I can trust you if I defend a little you’ll find the way through without killing me or slowing me, and that’s cool :).
I won’t hard defend in many cases. But I will if I think I can back
It up lol. Against you it’s a case of knowing you’ll be by soon enough.
Good sharing the track with you. You are a sportsman with honor.
Those were fun races last night, cool to see a Lexus mixing it with the Nissan's and adding a bit of variety to the grid, Cyrus is good for a clean race too but will do the dirty work whenever it's needed.

It's a risky move and I've already messed it up once this week by moving over too late and hitting a car which had already braked for the corner (luckily the new collision phsyics saved that one). The only reason to make a move like that is to try to draw them away from the very inside of the track to make a cars width for yourself. I don't want to risk the outside at that corner for a while. I'm still traumatised from the last attempt! :lol:

Starting from the back is asking for trouble sometimes.
Yeah I don't know what he was trying to achieve - he clearly wasn't aiming for the apex, more looking to cut you off so you would have to brake super early, but he pulled that off really poorly because he wasn't even a car length ahead. IMO, a poor move executed poorly and you were an unfortunate passenger who received an unfair penalty. As we all know though, the penalty system isn't smart enough to evaluate the intentions of the driver and work out who's actually at fault - you hit his corner and he spun out and hit the wall, so it sees you as the culprit, much like brake checking to give the innocent chaser a penalty.
The worst part of the penalty is that he seemed to use that as confirmation that he was 100% innocent and I was 100% guilty. :banghead:
You can't change line defending, you just can't. PICK A DAMN LINE. Gee that bothers me, I think all racing depends on the man in front picking a line, as soon as that is out the window it is chaos.

Even coming out of the last corner, if you are in my tow I hang left, if you're good enough to pass me on the outside through the corkscrew then so be it. I retain the right to defend the inside line and make my apex but i'll make you go the long way round. Same as into the right hander after the esses, I hang hard right, defend the inside, if you can make the outside pass work then so be it. Guys always try to brake early and undercut me there but I hug the apex like a xemomorph on a side character.

The fast right after the corkscrew and anywhere near the COD are no-go passing areas imho, i mean maybe the very top guys can get away with it but most cannot and i ask why bother? So many good passing places on this track.

"Knowing your place" as someone stated above, is vital imho. Know who you are racing, if a guy pits before me and is right up my rear, i mean I defend but not hard, make him earn it but i don't fight for my life, what's the point? We are not really racing are we. Body language is also important, sometimes I start on mediums, guy behind me looks really fast, agitated and wearing a ....shall we say ..... colourful flag, likely on softs so i won't fight too hard. Sure enough he gets by and the guy in front of me fights too hard, they both fire off into the weeds and I sail off into the distance before I hit the COD 3 laps later.
Well it's not disrespectful at all. It's a legit overtaking move used across the world. I can understand a lot of people play GTS don't follow racing and thus it may seem disrespectful, but it isn't at all.

I understand the move isn’t illegal. I think it was Ricciardo at Catalunya who did same?
However it’s undeniable that online often people do that fully with intention of sideswiping the opponent off the line by contact and taking the spot by vehicular warfare.
For every Max there’s a hundred dirty punters.
God 10 laps of Spain with tyre wear, anyone want to move my teeth with a chainsaw instead? Interlagos it is.

I’m licking my chops.

Edit also re the move there’s no need to do like that guy and go dirty. From that far inside, the attacker is so compromised that the move won’t stick if the defender maintains. So to me when that move rears it’s head it’s like really? That’s where I say not illegal doesn’t mean respectful.
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Weird you mention that, I have a bit of a thing about the EXTREME tight line there. If we both take that line, side by side, we will grind to a halt and lose a second each. When defending i try to leave 4/5th of a car width to my right to encourage us both to race but not lose a shed ton of time. The odd guy will still try and shove it up there, one wheel on the grass, usually doesn't go well because to do this you need to pull up WAY early to make the apex.

It's a legit great corner, you can pass on the outside there, there is a decent wide line with a faster exit if you're good enough or on a better tyre.
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I've used both and they were quite similar. I've started 8th and 16th. Both races I hit the COD first lap going to DFL. Managed to race my way back into the top 10. I seem to have good race pace but am unsure about qualy pace (GTBlade seems to be broken this week.) I think both strategies are equally valid and can create good racing. It is a good combo or at least one I am enjoying.

Maybe it's just my view from the land of B DR, but the harder compound to start with softer at the end has been much more effective in rooms that I've raced. Both in the video I posted 2 days ago or the one I'm reposting below, I started on the harder compound & ran over half the distance on them & switched to the softer compound & flat ran with all of my might. It works better for me. Maybe it's just the amount of practice I've done to learn car behavior in this combo. But, it backs up what I've said for quite some time: practice. Learn the car, the track, & mostly what you, the driver, respond to the best.

As a lesson from this & last week, it seems to be beneficial to look at the second corner's apex rather than the first when it is combined. Use whatever peripheral vision you have for hitting the first corner apex while keeping your eyes focused on the second. Do it around T1, the chicane, or wherever.

I'm sure that your post had bearing on what causes drivers to attempt banzai passing attempts. But, if you are referring to how to get around the track faster, the "look more at the second apex" advice is not the one I would offer to others. Let's go back to my win earlier this year & pick it up on lap 11. I set the fastest lap of the race & didn't get any slipstream help until after the last corner. There is a way to make both apexes at the Turn 1/2 chicane. It takes practice to learn & discipline to use in the race. I admit that the races earlier this week, I might have left my discipline in the pits. And my races have shown it. As for the esses at DTS, hitting the first apex is critical. Afterward, the others will fall in line easily. The CoD has the benefit that really, only one of those transitions is a killer. Funny, it's supremely easier (IMO) to negotiate the killer going in the reverse direction rather than the "normal" direction. As for comparing skills from the NGP & DTS, yeah, I got nothing. I haven't figured NGP out yet. :lol:

One word: Radar. His position would be pretty obvious.

I've never liked the radar. It is a super focused look around your car. It only shows cars within about a car length behind you & a paint chip's distance in front of you. Not very useful to me. Plus, if someone can make a real solid move to outbrake another car, the arrow shows up like a NASA rocket headed for space. This distorts many people's perception of how you got to their side so quickly & will instantly make you a dive-bomber in their opinions.

The chicane is a bit sketchy for passing in these, some cars like the Gr4's you can get away with it but with the Super GT cars you need to put a lot of trust in people who are probably having their own crash anyway.

The chicane is sketchy, period. Passing in my experience through there is certainly a no fly zone. Sadly, I knew the guy I was racing as he had shown his hand earlier in the race. But, I got a fabulous exit out of the snorkel & I wasn't going to let it go to waste. I'm just lucky that it didn't cost me more time than it did.

Next week’s dailies:

Race A: N200 @ BB Raceway | 10 laps | SM
Race B: Gr.4 @ Interlagos | 4 laps | RM
Race C: Gr.3 @ Catalunya | 10 laps | RS/RM | Tyres x8 | Fuel x2

What?!?! BB Raceway? Oh, that will be worth running just for the memes. :lol: Interlagos. Not a chance. Catalunya. Again? Geez. Is PD too afraid to go to the desert? :P

Driving a Gr.2 car at Race.C is more enjoyable than driving a Gr.3 car at the same track. I had a few crashes at the COD at the last races, but managed to recover (barely). From the video above, I knew that I was losing time to the car behind me and made a decision to attack from the inside at the final bend. Predictably, I lost due to the GTR having the softer tyres. But what I didn't realise until reviewing the video that, the same person that crashed at the COD early in the race made a comeback to P1!
Weird you mention that, I have a bit of a thing about the EXTREME tight line there. If we both take that line, side by side, we will grind to a halt and lose a second each. When defending i try to leave 4/5th of a car width to my right to encourage us both to race but not lose a shed ton of time. The odd guy will still try and shove it up there, one wheel on the grass, usually doesn't go well because to do this you need to pull up WAY early to make the apex.

It's a legit great corner, you can pass on the outside there, there is a decent wide line with a faster exit if you're good enough or on a better tyre.

This. These corners are genius design for online racing. Last night late I decided to go no tcs and knocked my time down about 2 tenths. 26.5. I don’t have more. Can’t get good enough lines to carry that bit more speed needed. I’m pretty well maxed out skill wise anymore-I have good peripherals etc I just fail at the level of precision needed to get that last .7 or so out of a full lap.
It’s why I said knowing my place is important. I won’t defend hard UNLESS the guy I’m racing is driving like a knot head.
I coulda blocked Cyrus yesterday or forced Max to lift but why lol? We race for the sport of it. It’s not a death match.
It’s why I get so pissed when some people treat it like it is. Those people can take a flying leap. They bring it on themselves when I race them hard.
Like I was having a lot of fun racing a little bit with @GOTMAXPOWER because of the trust. You gotta know your place though, even that bit last lap of me covering inside most probably caused me to get under attack from Cyrus.
In many lobbies with other players who are crap I probably would have been struck.
Some of the players on NA in sport mode are so incompetent racecraft wise they deserve what they get.
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But what I didn't realise until reviewing the video that, the same person that crashed at the COD early in the race made a comeback to P1!

It happens. I didn't believe it was possible until I did it myself. Check the video right before your post & watch the whole thing. 👍
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I understand the move isn’t illegal. I think it was Ricciardo at Catalunya who did same?
However it’s undeniable that online often people do that fully with intention of sideswiping the opponent off the line by contact and taking the spot by vehicular warfare.
For every Max there’s a hundred dirty punters.
Oh for sure. But I find divebombers and rammers don't have the technique for a dummy, they make the 1 move into you and past. It's all they need.

Next week’s dailies:

Race A: N200 @ BB Raceway | 10 laps | SM
Race B: Gr.4 @ Interlagos | 4 laps | RM
Race C: Gr.3 @ Catalunya | 10 laps | RS/RM | Tyres x8 | Fuel x2
Sweet BB raceway. I only hope they are creative with the N200.
i like winning races when the opponents in front kill each other while trying to go through the COD side by side :D

Driving a Gr.2 car at Race.C is more enjoyable than driving a Gr.3 car at the same track. I had a few crashes at the COD at the last races, but managed to recover (barely). From the video above, I knew that I was losing time to the car behind me and made a decision to attack from the inside at the final bend. Predictably, I lost due to the GTR having the softer tyres. But what I didn't realise until reviewing the video that, the same person that crashed at the COD early in the race made a comeback to P1!

dude you should have covered the inside , you basically gave him the win
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