"Daily" Race Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
Thanks, I’m playing GT sport
Have you played any of the daily races? Sadly I've only gotten 3 wins out of about 140 in the past 3-4 months. That's averaging 30-35 races per month. If some of the drivers weren't mean/dirty on the track i'd participate in more of them. And the penalty system can be harsh/strict at times if you know what I mean.
Yeh I’ve just started playing them, place around 6th on the utility truck race. Track is quite thin so can be hard to overtake without getting hit. Lots of fun 🤩 n this one though

Done a quali lap for the group 3 race but haven’t done a race yet.

Just need to get the consistency down especially considering the group 3 race is 10 laps and it’s easy to spin the car
@mellofello9 nice to finally see one of GTP active GTS Daily Race thread on track! You have a good qualy time.

First race we did together was the best for me. I was 6th by the end of second lap and finish 4th. Unfortunately, I catch you up mid race only to see you get into a collision.

The other race was the worst of the day. 15h30 is the beginning of dirty hour. Got push into a hidden edge and spun, later a dirty driver slams me into a barrier. I still manage to catch up to you but only by the end of the race, finish 2sec behind you.

Hope to see you again and have a proper fight!
@mellofello9 nice to finally see one of GTP active GTS Daily Race thread on track! You have a good qualy time.

First race we did together was the best for me. I was 6th by the end of second lap and finish 4th. Unfortunately, I catch you up mid race only to see you get into a collision.

The other race was the worst of the day. 15h30 is the beginning of dirty hour. Got push into a hidden edge and spun, later a dirty driver slams me into a barrier. I still manage to catch up to you but only by the end of the race, finish 2sec behind you.

Hope to see you again and have a proper fight!
Good to see you out there, too!

Yesterday was a bit disastrous for me. :D First race was first laps of the day which was a horrible call on my part, but even then, you can't counter-steer your way out of getting punted to the beach. I had my challenges, they had their challenges, it just wasn't pretty. Oh well, I still caught myself smiling here and there so all is good.

I can put down good times in qualifying but struggle HORRIBLY during races. I still need to figure-out the Gr.3's on Sardegna but the F-Type and I are starting to get along. The car seems capable enough to do low 39's, my skills just need to catch up.

Also, and while I'm here....how do you nullify your qualifying time? I noticed you and others enter races unqualified to run from the back. Something I always mean to look for but never do so figured I'd ask while I'm ramblin' on...:cheers:
I made the mistake of joining the 7:30 PM EST race :banghead:

I got pinballed around, punted into another car, finished last of the non quitters, and lost 25 SR while not hitting anyone on my own. The risk of starting in the back with higher DR. The dirt bags had blue SR, just two with a red S. But since I'm DR.A I'm the worst in the room sigh. I'm so over GT, PD, Sony.

And stupidly I'll try the 8pm race to see if I can restore my SR before abandoning this game :crazy:

Can't race early morning, better not to race at all :banghead:

And a month is far too long, the dirt bags all have unicorn lap times now to start higher up. Still come crashing down though.

SR.A mixed with SR.B, just as dirty as the SR.S race but more clumsy. It's pointless, I'm A/C now. Oh well, there's another way to restore SR DR, or to end the game, at D/E. Got to get rid of DR.A first before SR can go back up again, and I have no more other cheeks to turn.

Third race in SR.C, the back was the expected nonsense (make a clean pass, get punted next corner) yet the front was clean. I had a great contact free race with the top 3, finished 2nd in the end. But for getting hit while coming from the back, I dropped further down into SR.C which reset my DR to 15K, no more A. A fun race and no more DR.A, not so bad after all. The rest of the room all had blue B, doesn't make sense for what was going on, yet the DR.A in the room got the negative SR lol.
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lost 25 SR while not hitting anyone on my own. The risk of starting in the back with higher DR. The dirt bags had blue SR, just two with a red S
Similar experience for me yesterday with a known dirty driver. He got a blue S and got a red. SR 88, next race I'm match out of the SR.S with only me SR.S and the other are SR.A - B - even C. I don't know how PD manage this, but I don't understand how I can get out of SR.S, I'm still SR.S at 88. Took me two races to get out of there, two races that I won against DR.C and DR.D.

Did many races in last two days and overall it's positive. And since we are in there for a month, I decided to run different cars.

Monday car of the day.




Easy to drive, 6th gear is useless and avoid 1st gear there is a big chance of oversteer.

Tuesday car of the day




Such an easy car to drive, stable, good top speed it just never stop accelerating even at the end of straights.

McLaren F1 is fast but it lack downforce and the car move more on cornering. It's always a bit tricky coming out of the brakes and turn in. But I manage a FANTASTIC lap of 1.40.0 with it this morning. Yes there was drafting but all my other best lap drafting or not had never been better than 1.40.7. I probably won't match that for the rest of the month.

Bonus. Great racing this was.

About that matchmaking. I had a spare moment this morning for the 10:30 AM race. I got in the top split as B/C :lol:. The back was chaos of course but I managed to escape it like in the races yesterday, and now I'm back to DR.B I gained SR, blue B at the end, +21 SR. Pretty much the exact same sequence of events as last night, but now I'm DR B I don't get blamed every time someone tries to swipe me off the track.

The top had A/S and one A+/S driver. Good race, finished with the A/S crowd, 4th I think. +881 DR despite the back being DR D. I guess population is heading down again (no wonder with month long races) to get A+/S to D/C rooms.
McLaren F1 is fast but it lack downforce and the car move more on cornering. It's always a bit tricky coming out of the brakes and turn in. But I manage a FANTASTIC lap of 1.40.0 with it this morning. Yes there was drafting but all my other best lap drafting or not had never been better than 1.40.7. I probably won't match that for the rest of the month.

Bonus. Great racing this was.

That is an amazing race lap and that pic of y'all goin' three-wide through there is awesome!

My "race craft" is lacking the craft bit, I think. Can run low 40.xxx's consistently in qualifying but feel the need to celebrate when I hit sub-42's during the race. Getting better and had a good race today. Got very unlucky in the first attempt and was served the magic "YOU STOP NOW" treatment when I went wide on the chicane exit heading into the last hairpin. Startling and messes with your brain when you go from triple-digits to none instantly. :D 2nd race went WAY better, started P4, ended P3.

So, I do apologize to anyone that has had to deal with my learning curve. If I've done something stupid, I'll own it. Just know that it is driven by ineptitude rather than malice!:cheers:
I did two more races in the afternoon in SR.B. The longer the race stay the more crafty dirty drivers get. The 'new' thing is to grind people into the walls where there's a little bit sticking out, insta ghost and spin. I saw it happen half a dozen times in 2 races and fell victim to it once myself.

Ghosting works much better in SR.B though, most side swipe events are detected and ghosted as well as dive bombs. Front is mostly clean and fast, yet the back still hasn't figured out the pit stop requirement. Half the room had 1 minute penalties in the end (half of what was left, lot of quitters as well)

SR is hard to come by with people crashing into you all the time, still two blue B for a small gain to 53 SR. Yet apart from this new wall trick to look out for, still much easier to evade these try hard dirty drivers than those you find in SR.S, probably because ghosting saved me a dozen times or so lol.
Look who had to pay the price for racing from the back this morning.


SR down to 74 and it was my last possible race for today.
#8 is on a brand new account of today. He was the dirtiest one.
#14 is on a 10 days old account.

The 'new' thing is to grind people into the walls where there's a little bit sticking out, insta ghost and spin
I know one of them is at the exit of the left corner when you going toward the church. It's on the left side of the exit, I discovered it all by myself in a past Daily Race. Are there any other?
Look who had to pay the price for racing from the back this morning.


SR down to 74 and it was my last possible race for today.
#8 is on a brand new account of today. He was the dirtiest one.
#14 is on a 10 days old account.

I know one of them is at the exit of the left corner when you going toward the church. It's on the left side of the exit, I discovered it all by myself in a past Daily Race. Are there any other?
Yes, after the church on the way to the corner with the stop sign, about halfway, left side. And a third one after the stop sign, also on the left I think. They're not really visible, but if you scrape the wall in those spots your car insta stops / spins.

That's some horrible matchmaking, it does seem the population is going down further. I'm sure all the quitters were well behaved... People are still making new accounts left and right. In the race I did as A/C I got matched with a bunch of E/B accounts. Fast 'n dirty.
I did 2 races just now, right after dirty hour. It were two very polarizing races.

First one had some amazing drivers, side by side through the entire second half of the track without any contact. That was about mid field, back had chaos as expected, thank you ghosting working in SR.B! I finished 2nd with fastest lap and moved up to SR.A

Second race was much dirtier, but still had some good drivers. One Brazilian even gave me the position back after he inadvertently rammed me off at the stop sign in a fight with another Brazilian. The dirtiest was the single DR A driver in the room. He left with a blue B, made sure to only T-Bone people or side push them into the wall. I followed him for 2 laps watching his patterns, then went for a pass on the outside in T1. He slowed at first, then let go of the brakes and directed his car into my door to punt me into the sand... I still finished second since he got the 1 minute cheater penalty, but lost any chance at catching the leader.

It's really up to PD to finally deliver on their promise to match us with people of similar skill and maturity levels. Too late for GT Sport, yet no changes at all in GT7, it's actually worse there. It's like PD is determined to let online racing die.

Oh well, guess I'll stick to SR.B for now, same dirty as in SR.S yet ghosting works better.

Next day: More racing in SR.B, I think I'll just stay here. The dirty moves are easier to counter, winning without qualifying is entirely possible (got 3 victories in dirty hour) and 'tit for tat' suits me fine. I'll race clean as always, but if you intentionally hit me, I'll pay it back. And it's very easy to see intent in SR.B, openly dirty instead of the sneaky crap in SR.S. But there are also contact free drivers, much more than in SR.S :crazy:

First victory I had to fend off 3 dirt bags. Pass them clean first, then they take me out, then I take them out. Repeat. Second victory most took each other or themselves out. Third one I was chasing the leader who I followed for a bit first then went on his outside for T1. He responded by first trying to push me off in the braking zone, then when I held on he steered further into me to firmly get me in the sand trap. I caught back up 2 laps later and punted him off. After the race I told him, "we could have had a good race". He left.

It's far from great, but better than getting punted off and not being able to catch back up. It's just what the game has turned into unfortunately. Down to 45 SR and up to 21.6K DR (since the reset to 15K).

Did some more races at Friday night, well not races, more battle royale with cars :lol: In one race I got in between 3 or 4 dirty drivers all out to push me and eachother off the track in every corner. I could have run off but wasn't going to let any of these bozos win so stuck with the brawl making sure none escaped lol. The (slower) leader never got touched and another lucky (clean) driver managed to get through to take 2nd place. This was in SR.C mixed lobby, after which I dropped to E, reset to 7K.

SR.E to SR.B all go to the same rooms anyway, no escape from the same people. But after midnight the kids went to bed and I had three amazingly clean races. A victory by 0.065 sec, from 16th. Lots of side by side action, contact free, clean race bonus after the race. That shot me from SR.E straight back to SR.B. The cleanest race all week, Friday 1AM in SR.E :lol:

Next two races I got second place. I was matched with A/S again already starting on pole. I managed to get a FL of 1:40.757 in the last race but lost the CRB from a wall.

Some of my results from yesterday
DR is down to 8.2K though, SR back up to 67
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New week, back in SR.S. The weekend races were rough as predictable then Monday morning was mostly clean again and I was back to SR.S in no time. 26K DR so still safely in DR B. Best to race in the morning only, so easy to get pinballed out of SR S in the evening.

Today, just had time for the 9 AM race. Population is dwindling.
Gran Turismo®SPORT_20220621090320.jpg
What is it going to look like in another 2 weeks of the same races.

Mostly clean races, only 1 or 2 trouble makers. I finished 4th behind MKRange.
The best about the race, 3-wide through T1 without problems :D
Gran Turismo®SPORT_20220621093301.jpg

Gran Turismo®SPORT_20220621092841.jpg

GT Sport lives on!
...And a third one after the stop sign, also on the left I think. They're not really visible, but if you scrape the wall in those spots your car insta stops / spins.
Can verify this one...left side a hundred or so feet past the exit where the guardrail meets the concrete. Someone recently helped me find that invisible neck-breaker.

Was in an early morning race the other day and there were three of us. I think P1/2 had three seconds on P3 for a qualifier. P3 quipped "Third it is then, lol", to which I replied, not necessarily and, even if so, you still score a podium! Race was still a blast, somehow. Ran a couple yesterday and had full grids. Definitely a full representation of the good, the bad and the ugly on offer, too. I think participation ebbs and flows with peoples (reported) tolerance of GT7 + the fresh horde of new drivers making racing, ummm, challenging? Not in there so won't pretend to know.

Three wide through T1 w/out incident is amazing...well done!!! Once I make it through T1/L1 it's like the rest of the race is cake (it's not). SO much available space and as many lines as personalities fighting through. Some folks still seem to think the race is hinged-upon that very. First. Turn...I'm out there just tryin' to survive it. :D

And, yeah, the times are insane after being posted for this long...'A' average is 1:40:058 and I'm assuming 'A+' is in the 39's. Guess there's not much you can do about that when they're open this long. Also kinda confident that asking for ANYTHING to change in GTS will just initiate 'Project Shutdown' sooner than later...gonna keep my mouth shut over here. Still tons of fun to have in GTS, not lookin' to accelerate the inevitable. :cheers:
Overall good racing this week. Did not race in dirty hours so that might help. No win to add to the count but always around top 5. Some races I had a hard time clearing the first half of the field. Not that they race dirty but there is always something happening. No one can get into a rhythm and as soon as someone have a pace advantage they go for an overtake. When the group is 5-6 cars all trying pass at every opportunity it makes it almost impossible the get out of there without a scratch and I pay the price a couple of times.

Another example of poor racecraft: trying to brake later to go faster. I'm approaching fast in a pack of cars ready to overtake at T1 and the guy in front choose the defensive line. No problem, I stick to the right and pick my normal braking point. The other guy choose to brake later than me in an attempt to "go faster" and he wipes the car in front of us at the apex and I gain two places in the process. He is so focused on not being overtake that he choose to brake later when not on the racing line not realizing that he is going to hit another car in the process. Also T1 has a weird camber where it is difficult to have a good exit from a more inside line. I tried many time to overtake only to be cut back in by the guy on the racing line.

DISCLAIMER: I have my fare share of misjudgement and "should have not try this" moment.

Also tried different cars. I saw someone racing good lap with the Ford GT and decided to give it a go. It's just average at best, did not use it more than 4 races.

AM Vantage GT3 is a good choice. Really good on the brake, I can brake later than the Corvette. My weapon of choice is still the Mc Laren F1 even if it tricky to trailbrake into the corner.
It was good seeing you out there, @Mc_Yavel!

Sorry it wasn't more door-to-door but I did want to say "Thank you!!" While you may not have realized it, you took care of the same clown that blocked and then walled me (username JDM_"blahblahblah" or whatever). You were P4 and I picked-up in P5 coming out of the pits. Saw them working you over the same way they did me, only you prevailed...I did not fare as well. :D Great drive, btw...you picked up fast lap on that one, I believe. I certainly wasn't catching you. :)

Been a good week of racing, so long as I wrap-up by 6 or so EDT...after that it's "Wreck-Fest '22" out there. If anyone's ever looking for a GREAT place to learn defensive driving techniques, I think I've got some ideas. :D

Have a great weekend, all, and I hope to see you out on the tarmac!! :cheers:

PS - So TOTALLY with you on this...hate when it happens, too. Like the previous race we were in, somehow missed the marker and didn't hit the brakes until the 50m board into T1. Didn't end well for me but was able to thread the needle to avoid fellow racers...still made a mess of the joint. I did all you can do...apologize. Oh, and learn...learning is fun, too.

DISCLAIMER: I have my fare share of misjudgement and "should have not try this" moment.
Saw them working you over the same way they did me, only you prevailed
Glad to hear that. I don't really pick on dirty driver. I'm far from "an eye for an eye" mentality. Most of the time I let them go and crash other in front an open a trail for me. Or I try to pass them clean to "teach them" a lesson. BUT most of the time they put themselves in dangerous situation and then it's easy to get rid of them. Countless of time this month did a dirty driver decide to block or squeeze me under braking. But I'm already halfway on their side so they literally pit maneuver themselves on my car and off they go. This render me speechless every time, how cannot they realize this is not paying off.

On the bright side, this is the race that stood out this week. A good group of cars fighting together for the most part of the race.




Been a good several weeks at Sardegna. Suzuka was fun for a minute but, kinda like the truck race, it got back-burnered for the 'big' race all month. Took a while to settle into a good pace but the last week or so has offered some amazing races. Managed some podiums and a couple wins but the battles have been epic no matter where I ended-up on the grid. Have met some really, really good racers on the track.

Was also good to see a couple fellow forum members out there...always nice seeing a name you know. Makes you drive right, too. :D

Guess it's time to break-out the Shaman gear, light the candles and start the chants while HOPING for another round of races to be posted. :cheers:
I did two more races in the afternoon in SR.B. The longer the race stay the more crafty dirty drivers get. The 'new' thing is to grind people into the walls where there's a little bit sticking out, insta ghost and spin. I saw it happen half a dozen times in 2 races and fell victim to it once myself.

Ghosting works much better in SR.B though, most side swipe events are detected and ghosted as well as dive bombs. Front is mostly clean and fast, yet the back still hasn't figured out the pit stop requirement. Half the room had 1 minute penalties in the end (half of what was left, lot of quitters as well)

SR is hard to come by with people crashing into you all the time, still two blue B for a small gain to 53 SR. Yet apart from this new wall trick to look out for, still much easier to evade these try hard dirty drivers than those you find in SR.S, probably because ghosting saved me a dozen times or so lol.
Does the game ghost you too? If so then swerve towards them when they are trying to grind you, ghost and they go into the wall.
Does the game ghost you too? If so then swerve towards them when they are trying to grind you, ghost and they go into the wall. View attachment 1166491
Maybe I look ghosted to them as well, I can't tell since I'm in bumper cam view. I already automatically swerve in to them. It has become a reflex after so many races with this .... :ouch:

But maybe that triggers the ghosting sooner when both are pushing, me to stay on the road. I come out better since I have all the road on the other side of his car to 'recover', while mr 'gonna grind you into the wall' will be in that wall :lol:
I manage a win from the back last week! Ok, it was not a full grid but after pit stop I was still 2nd and i had to fight for it.
It's not GotMaxPower clean but it is as clean as I can be. Miss the braking a bit on the last part but still, there was room for the other car.


Then on monday , I qualify to see if I can bring a couple of trophy home. One race from pole and leading by 2 sec on the second half of the race, I put two wheels off in the fast left in last sector. Almost crash but it was enough to lose that one. :banghead: From that point the McLaren stayed in the garage, hard to be consistent with this car.

So from monday QT:
12 races
4 poles
4 wins
5 podiums
DR +3 600

Looking at QT stats and there is only 524 peoples in America region who qualify for this event. :( Game is dying.

I hope it's a mistake but it seems race C in GT Sport is the same in July again :confused:

Wth are you doing PD. The races in GT7 don't look good either next week.
💩 I hope too, even Race B at Redbull Ring, we had Redbull Ring for a month not too long ago. :grumpy: I was hoping for St-Croix next week.

3 Races this morning.
8:00 had 7 cars and only 4 at the end.
8:30 had 11 cars
9:00 had 15 cars, starting 2nd with two DR.A+ drivers

2 poles
3 wins
28/30 lap lead.

I don't mind the easy wins this week since it's been 3 weeks from the back of the grid.
I hope it's a mistake but it seems race C in GT Sport is the same in July again :confused:

Wth are you doing PD. The races in GT7 don't look good either next week.
Might be the beginning of the end...💩...while I'd really like this to NOT be the final track we're left with, I suppose it could be worse.

I wondered if they were trying to coral their user base into GT7 versus allowing them the option of escaping to GTS. Sounds like the last thing GT7 needs right now is competition, especially from within it's own house.:D

I’m more impressed you guys race without getting disconnected most of the time. In the other thread a bunch of us are suffering constantly. That alone makes trying to do any of these races a chore.

Being said, I’ve throughly enjoyed Daily Race B this month. Shame I’ve been disconnected at least 50 times this month before even loading in…
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I manage a win from the back last week! Ok, it was not a full grid but after pit stop I was still 2nd and i had to fight for it.
It's not GotMaxPower clean but it is as clean as I can be. Miss the braking a bit on the last part but still, there was room for the other car.


Then on monday , I qualify to see if I can bring a couple of trophy home. One race from pole and leading by 2 sec on the second half of the race, I put two wheels off in the fast left in last sector. Almost crash but it was enough to lose that one. :banghead: From that point the McLaren stayed in the garage, hard to be consistent with this car.

So from monday QT:
12 races
4 poles
4 wins
5 podiums
DR +3 600

Looking at QT stats and there is only 524 peoples in America region who qualify for this event. :( Game is dying.


Congrats on the wins...nice to be able to put 4 more in the 'W' column! Great qualifier, too.

Had a quick question on that total number that Blade displays. From watching it change as much as it does, I thought those numbers represented who was playing right now -vs- representing ALL qualifiers. I assumed that because, If I go look at the qualifier boards in Kudos there's around 7000 times listed for North America. I b confuuzd. :D
7 000 seems more like it. A good bunch of people that still love GTS then!
The GT7 crew must be upset...we're up to 8309 qualifiers. :D

That said, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, either. When I had looked pre-GT7 release, it was 12 - 15K+. I'm stoked the numbers are still that high since I'm a "stay-on-the-bus-until-it-explodes" GTS appreciator, but it's gotta be pi$$in' some PD/Sony folks off that they weren't able to cobble together a release that incited an immediate exodus from their prior offering.

I'll guess that the daily numbers in GT7 are eclipsing GTS handily, but that's still a whole lot of people playing the WRONG game, at least through PD's lens. :cheers: