I did 2 races just now, right after dirty hour. It were two very polarizing races.
First one had some amazing drivers, side by side through the entire second half of the track without any contact. That was about mid field, back had chaos as expected, thank you ghosting working in SR.B! I finished 2nd with fastest lap and moved up to SR.A
Second race was much dirtier, but still had some good drivers. One Brazilian even gave me the position back after he inadvertently rammed me off at the stop sign in a fight with another Brazilian. The dirtiest was the single DR A driver in the room. He left with a blue B, made sure to only T-Bone people or side push them into the wall. I followed him for 2 laps watching his patterns, then went for a pass on the outside in T1. He slowed at first, then let go of the brakes and directed his car into my door to punt me into the sand... I still finished second since he got the 1 minute cheater penalty, but lost any chance at catching the leader.
It's really up to PD to finally deliver on their promise to match us with people of similar skill and maturity levels. Too late for GT Sport, yet no changes at all in GT7, it's actually worse there. It's like PD is determined to let online racing die.
Oh well, guess I'll stick to SR.B for now, same dirty as in SR.S yet ghosting works better.
Next day: More racing in SR.B, I think I'll just stay here. The dirty moves are easier to counter, winning without qualifying is entirely possible (got 3 victories in dirty hour) and 'tit for tat' suits me fine. I'll race clean as always, but if you intentionally hit me, I'll pay it back. And it's very easy to see intent in SR.B, openly dirty instead of the sneaky crap in SR.S. But there are also contact free drivers, much more than in SR.S
First victory I had to fend off 3 dirt bags. Pass them clean first, then they take me out, then I take them out. Repeat. Second victory most took each other or themselves out. Third one I was chasing the leader who I followed for a bit first then went on his outside for T1. He responded by first trying to push me off in the braking zone, then when I held on he steered further into me to firmly get me in the sand trap. I caught back up 2 laps later and punted him off. After the race I told him, "we could have had a good race". He left.
It's far from great, but better than getting punted off and not being able to catch back up. It's just what the game has turned into unfortunately. Down to 45 SR and up to 21.6K DR (since the reset to 15K).
Did some more races at Friday night, well not races, more battle royale with cars

In one race I got in between 3 or 4 dirty drivers all out to push me and eachother off the track in every corner. I could have run off but wasn't going to let any of these bozos win so stuck with the brawl making sure none escaped lol. The (slower) leader never got touched and another lucky (clean) driver managed to get through to take 2nd place. This was in SR.C mixed lobby, after which I dropped to E, reset to 7K.
SR.E to SR.B all go to the same rooms anyway, no escape from the same people. But after midnight the kids went to bed and I had three amazingly clean races. A victory by 0.065 sec, from 16th. Lots of side by side action, contact free, clean race bonus after the race. That shot me from SR.E straight back to SR.B. The cleanest race all week, Friday 1AM in SR.E
Next two races I got second place. I was matched with A/S again already starting on pole. I managed to get a FL of 1:40.757 in the last race but lost the CRB from a wall.
Some of my results from yesterday
DR is down to 8.2K though, SR back up to 67