Simple: want to get to A+ someday, can't have Dailies knuckleheads taking cheap shots and causing you to step back every time you make a gain
This morning for example. Fwiw I don’t care about DR anymore. I really won’t ever again unless they employ a better penalty system.
Anyhow this morning with the crew of “racers” currently on B their dives and little rams work because once you get knocked back a few spots they all drive that way, today.
The other night the players were great, not so, today.
For me, I can only do a race or two at a time like this because I need time to cool off and realize these are just what you get when you race a certain portion of the A crowd on NA.
They are turrible.
It’s so funny how in some afternoon evening lobbies you can be midpack back of pack etc and the racing’s grest but weekends get rough sometimes.
I don’t care about DR but it still frustrates me to no end when these players dive turn on repeatedly to the point of shooting past my inside, striking the car ahead of me, then clogging the track so I can’t get an exit thus leading to more dives from more players behind.
It pisses me off but I’m trying not to retaliate anymore unless a guy does it repeatedly. This means I cannot enter again and again. I need to let a few race slots pass then try again.
You can’t trust dailies at all under this current setup that allows anything so long as no one goes off track.
I’ve never seen clean race bonuses so easy to get as currently.
SR is near impossible to lose right now.
The bottom line is it’s racing. Most players will do anything allowed to try to get ahead in dailies.
Most players won’t even try to be clean in the slightest unless forced by the pen system.
It never ceases to amaze me how peopl behave under strict penalties and heavy tire wear.
Then it becomes so much more a game of skill, and is great fun.
I enjoy online but NOWAY would I use my main under the current rules.
Polyphony Digital and FIA and Sony have missed the boat as far as providing a system in which, at higher levels, cheating is not allowed.
Fine, allow anything at D S C S but as the rank rises there needs to be more consequences for ruining others races otherwise the fast clean players will avoid participating as much OR they will hide under an alias and maybe end up with an overactive temper and revenge strike.
That adds more fuel to the fire of dirty driving in dailies too…
Honestly there’s times I will just lose it despite my best efforts at self control…
However, if I was only allowed on account, and revenge resulted in worse consequences to me than racing right I probably wouldn’t do it.
Right now there are no consequences for anything really.
Edit-retract that. Went to A then B after one quit then entangled in idiocy on c race.
Back to 88 now…
They need to just bring damage. No one ever backs out and it’s so predictable as they bounce each other off…