First let me apologise for what will probably be a long post. Having now achieved A+ (however briefly, and however luckily) I wanted to make a point of thanking the great people on this forum.
A bit under a year ago I first posted here after having lurked for several months looking for any tips or hints. I had been aware of this forum many years ago but rediscovered it shortly after getting into Sport Mode. It took me some time to post because as a low C rated player I felt I had very little to offer to the experts here. By the time I reached low A I felt that I could at least engage with the conversations in a meaningful way, even though I wasn't (and am not) remotely an expert.
Since I started posting I have found the community here to be incredibly generous, very knowledgeable and highly entertaining. The contribution you have all made to the quality of my driving and the enjoyment I get from it has been immeasurable. In particular I have found the guides put together by
@Tidgney @Mistah_MCA and
@pantherjag to be extraordinarily helpful because they go beyond just a "brake here, turn-in there" guide.
Most of all, I want to thank the drivers I regularly drive with who have been great role models from a skill and etiquette perspective. People like
@Redneckchef @05XR8 @pennanton @manion @RX8 Racer @ShiftingGears @SmellMyCheese @Raptor013 (sorry to those I can't find a username for or have forgotten). All of whom are much better drivers than me, but have always been gracious in assisting and encouraging the dunce at the back of the field.
This is a great place filled with kind, helpful, wildly skilled racers. I look forward to relating my inevitable rapid tumble back down through the ratings over the coming days and weeks.