Daily Roulette Ticket/Prize Log (1.48 Update)

  • Thread starter Panoz
Another lackluster batch of tickets to open tonight. Didn't bother including the "value" of the invites since I already have all the invite cars now. Might take me a bit longer to gather up another "17".

DW 5* -> 100k with the lamest wheel of all times for a 5* : only credits with all but only one prize possible between all the prizes shown on the wheel 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
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Since things settle down a bit , i return to my usual tactic to open once in a week the bloody tickets.

After a period of full 3* tickets things are return to a more common situation.

3* 10k

4*. 2X10k. One Audi 19 and a blue bottle.

5* ( surprised i get two !!! ) a VGT Porsche Spyder that sold below 500k and 100k.

Not bad from previous disastrous weeks with a 3* war .
No roulette tix for me since last Thursday. Back home today and I got a DW 4 star which gave me the Volkswagon VGT car. Already had it and it's not a car I have any interest in having multiples of so it was sold for a relatively satisying 317k
I'm taking inspiration from @smoothbore12 and will open my tickets on Sunday...:)

DW 4* 30k
DW 3* 10k
DW 4* Sport Shocks 6k
DW 3* 5k
DW 4* THE Shaft 9k
DW 6* Engine for LFA '10 850k
DW 6* Engine for RX7 '02 225K

This week was :yuck:

I use this system long time ago to avoid being pissed off every day ,also i keep the pic in my phone to have an idea how things are going.
Except last month that serious trouble occurs to my life ,i do this always.
The game gave me two 500k credit prizes, presumably out of mercy after I used the first one to buy a 300k car which completed an extra menu for a 5-star ticket. I spent most of it modding a late model Dodge Viper lmao

And I sold another Mini Cooper!
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I had a great run last night.

My 4* DW ticket gave me a Ferrari invitation which I used to buy a LaFerrari.
This completed my Ferrari 12 Cylinder menu, awarding me a 6* ticket.
The 6* ticket gave me an Aston Martin Valkyrie.
The Valkyrie completed my Aston Martin menu, awarding me a 6* engine ticket.
That 6* engine ticket gave me a GT-R GT500 engine.

So I now have a 370Z that will do 250+mph :lol:
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DW 3 star --> Genesis 3.3T something something. It's a car I didn't have yet so fine. It's been quite some time since a DW ticket rewarded me with any sort of substantive chunk of straight cash. Theres been a couple of cars won that I flipped for some decent money but other than that its been parts/engines or chump change. Can't remember the last 500k prize.
DW 3 star --> 5K

I had a wheel that had 2 cars, a 100K bar, and a 500K stack of bars along with the little 5K pile of loose change so I knew before the thing started spinning what I was in for lol...I fully expect someday to be presented with a wheel that's just 4 Citroen invites and a 5K pile! :lol:
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